Rating:  Summary: Chronicle of a Charlatan's Tenure in the White House Review: This book, I must say, was perhaps one of the most brilliant I have ever read. Upon the completion of it, my thoughts and feelings towards the Bush Administration were merely confirmed, if not somewhat augmented further to the negative. The spurious nature of this administration's inner circle is exposed in this brilliant novel.
Rating:  Summary: Slow start, good finish Review: Mr. Dean takes a while to warm to his subject, but once rolling he manages to illustrate how GWB and Cheney have brought back a government hidden from the people. He identifies potential scandals that may be brewing, but I would have liked a bit more substance as to his reasoning for each. All in all the book does provide documentation of the danger of the Bush/Cheney "team". I do wish the neocon propaganda machine would stop posting phony reviews of these books - they obviously haven't read them, and their obsession with this temporary resident of the White House is getting tiresome.
Rating:  Summary: Where Are The Plumbers When You Need Them Review: I don't know which President would be more offended in being compared to the other, Nixon or GW Bush. The author, from Watergate fame, discuses the obsessively secret ways the Bush 2 administration operates and tries to draw some parallels with the Nixon administration. It became clear on about page 5 to me that either GW ran over the authors dog or did something rather mean to one of his kids because there is a very apparent dislike the author has for GW. Basically the author goes through the, what is becoming familiar, list of both partisan and crony favoritism criticisms of team Bush. The author details out different areas about the current Bush administration that are issues for him and he relates how these issues are either similar or worse then the actions of tricky Dick. He also tries to related to how these issues are downright harmful to you and me. We get a review of the different ways Bush has gone out to his corporate buddies to either help him make policy or just how many over the top favors Team Bush has done for big campaign contributors. Sure this goes on with all administrations, but the author wants you to believe that Bush is getting an A + for effort in this arena. The book really gets moving once it gets into both the different ways the President is trying to grab more power for the office of the President and the full set of lies that took us to war in Iraq. He throws in some interesting, if not a bit dramatic, ways that the actions of Bush Jr. are actually harming the US in regards to terrorism instead of helping. I don't know if I agreed with all of them, but they are different take on the current situation. Overall I found the book interesting, but the level of dislike the author has for Bush Jr. comes through on almost every page. This book was not hard to read and I would assume many people would like the pointed barbs, but if you want the book to have a little bit of credence as a fair and balanced work then I think you have to make it sound a little less nasty. I also thought the author stopped short on some of his criticisms, a few areas needed a bit more research. Lastly, the author did give Bush a hard time about either arrogant comments or answers that are nothing more then speaking points when the author did the same thing a number of times in the book. Not to sound too negative, the book is easy to read and interesting. If you have a negative opinion of the current President then you will really enjoy this book. If you are looking for a fair book then this might not be the first on your list.
Rating:  Summary: Another book full of far left lies and spin.... Review: The CIA and our other inteligence services were gutted during the Clinton administration, leading directly to 9/11, yet John Dean and the other anti-Bush far left authors seem to forget the fact that our nation was attacked. This book is filled with the same tired, anti-Bush spin as the 100 other Bush bashing books out there right now. Not worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: this is the book of the decades Review: this wonderful book details all those shortcomings of Bush as a US president. He started off of his term with a rightist agenda and continued to do that which causes the collapse of the US economy. Read this book, you will know a lot more on the War, economy etc...
Rating:  Summary: Another Crazy Ultra-Libral Conspiracy Book Review: If you had planned to vote for Howard Dean, than this book is for you, and you belong in an insane asylum. This is just another mentally unstable left wing conspiracy theory. This book makes Bush, who liberated two nations from evil, out to be worse than Hitler and Stalin. The book accuses Bush of things that he could not have done. Bush did not "steal" the election he won it. Bush did "lie" to the public or secretly plan 9/11. He did not go to war for oil. If you believe this book, than he did all those things. To compare him to Clinton is disgusting. We paid for those eight years "peace" with three thousand lives on September 11th. If you wish the Taliban and Saddam were still and power, and you support Al Queda than this book is for you. If you want to read about "secret goverment conspiracies" that are as believable as space aliens and CIA mind control than this book is for you. If you like fiction than this book is for you. If you hate poorly written books by no-talent authors, than skip this book.
Rating:  Summary: Nixon didn't listen to John Dean. We should. Review: For those of us old enough to remember Watergate, Mr. Dean stands out as the only man in the Nixon White House with the legal smarts, the moral clarity, and the personal courage to tell Richard Nixon to his face that there was a "cancer on the presidency," and it was Watergate. Mr. Nixon didn' t listen to Mr. Dean. He should have, and we should read this book if we have any energy to spare to restore the republic to the country we thought it was. Mr. Dean's book is well organized as a polemic, exceptionally well informed as to subject matter, and the case he makes is truly scary. Dean confirms all of our worst fears about this presidency--he documents who is actually in charge (Dick Cheney), traces the history of Cheney's theories of an Imperial America from their inception in 1992 to their fruition in March 2003, reveals the utter arrogance of the Bush White House's dealings with Congress, federal agencies, the press, and last and least, the American people. Dean also understands the Constitution and its fear of an Imperial Presidency. Did you all wonder, as I did, why the Bush administration had anything to do with the release of Clinton administration papers to the 9/11 Commission? I did. I thought that if Mr. Clinton had released them, that should be it. It isn't--Mr. Bush's administration has declared that presidential papers belong to them. Mr. Dean uses the Bush administration's obsession with secrecy as a unifying theme to explicate an array of abuses, several of which are clearly impeachable, and all of which are frightening. Dean reveals that there is someone besides me who thinks the outing of undercover CIA agents is treasonous. George H.W. Bush thought so. The outing of Valerie Plame in the middle of a war will be especially noted by future historians, and perhaps they will contrast it with the impeachment of Bill Clinton for sinning with Monica Lewinsky. This book is a model polemic: well organized, serious, thorough. It can be read as a fine example of its form and as an illustration of what the Starr Report should have been, and wasn't.
Rating:  Summary: Eye Opening Review: John Dean lays bare the faults of the Bush administration. He is particularly critical of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. The worst trait of the Bush administration is it's obsession with secrecy. Not since the Nixon administration have we had a President who is so secretive. Dean worries that this secrecy endangers our democracy. For example--why won't Dick Cheney release the names of the members of his secret energy commission? Is he afraid that it will be discovered that the White House did favors for criminals such as Enron's Ken Lay? If there is nothing to hide, why is Cheney going to so much trouble to keep this information secret? When you think of Nixon, you think of enemies lists. Bush certainly likes to keep track of his enemies and he likes to see them punished. The biggest example of this is when the cover of Ambassador Joe Wilson's wife was blown. To blow the cover of an undercover agent is an impeachable offense and it is considered to be treason. However a senior staff member of the Bush White House though nothing of this, and released the information after Ambassador Wilson made statements critical of the Bush administration. Also Dean goes into the deception behind the Iraq War. The lies that went into starting this war are so numerous, it's hard to count them all. How can American citizens exercise their democratic duties when the average American doesn't even know if his government is telling him the truth or not? Our freedoms are in danger and it's time that we wake up and seriously look at what's happening in the White House. This was a great read and you should read this before the election, if you have a chance.
Rating:  Summary: Should be read by everyone in America. Review: The excellent work, 'Worse Than Watergate ' should be read by everyone in America. What we independents hate is that Bush lied over and over and over about the Iraqi threat and The War. He also lied about his military record and even here in Austin it is well known his 'friends' cleaned up his military records while he was governor of Texas. This book should be titled 'The Price of Whores'!!!! By reading this book, you can gain an inside view of what is happening inside the White House. You can see how this dysfunctional administration is controlled by the political arm headed by Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, and how they viciously pursue their radical right agenda without much concern for the real world or hard facts. If you care about the future of America, you should pick this up before the election, so that you can make an informed choice. God save us from the power broker politicians and their hidden agendas. What exactly IS the "case against Clinton"? Let's see: 1) Trillions of dollars in surplus. 2) Eight years of peace. 3) Over 23 million new jobs created. 4) A strengthening of bonds with the international community. 5) LEGITIMATE ELECTIONS. So the guy got a little action from a fat girl in a beret. He lied under oath about an affair and the conservatives tried to impeach him. Compare that with: 1) Stealing elections. 2) Lying to the public. 3) Slaughtering our soldiers for oil. 4) The complete destruction of our international reputation. 5) Blatant class warfare. 6) The largest deficit in US history. 7) Treasonous exposure of CIA agents for political revenge. That's the case against Bush. Crimes don't get any higher than that. And consider that "Watergate" and "Iraqgate" are REPUBLICAN scandals. Nixon was forced to resign. Don't you think Bush should resign or be impeached by the same Republican logic? Nero fiddled when Rome burned; Bush is taking care of his ranch while the farm (our country) is being given away in DC. On a lighter note, if you are open minded and looking for those books begging for its pages to be turned...look no further. I just read a copy of Edgar Fouche's 'Alien Rapture,' which also blew me away. Fouche was a Top Secret Black Program 'insider', whose credibility has been verified over and over. Another fun book is Brad Steiger's 'Werewolf.' I also really liked Dan Brown's 'Deception Point,; and 'Angels and Demons.' Want to be shocked, check out Dr. Paul Hill's 'Unconventional Flying Objects' which N-NASA tried to ban, and always read the Amazon reviews.
Rating:  Summary: An important contribution Review: This book is not a meticulous analysis of any one aspect of Bush Adminstration policy--such as Iraq or 9/11--like some other books available now, but it is an important contribution to our understanding of what is going on in the White House and where it could lead us. John Dean's encyclopedic grasp of details large and small is on display throughout this small book. What emerges is a litany of facts grouped into 5-6 main themes. These facts build on each other until they achieve moutainous proportions. As an avid follower of politics, I was amazed at how much had escaped me, but that is also one of Dean's points. Much of what is going on in the White House has been under-reported due to the administration's unchallenged and unprecedented secrecy, intimidation of those who would challenge it, and skillful deflection of questions. Dean's central theme is the title -- that this administration is worse than Nixon's -- more corrupt, more undemocratic, and more dangerous. He makes his case well, and only the most partisan will fail to find something in it.