Rating:  Summary: First I Hated It But Ended Up Liking It. Review: At first I thought the author was playing up certain theme for pure sensationalism and I notice quite a few errors of his critique of Christianity and Judaism and I was certain if I set the book down before one of my Muslim friend he or she would also point out many errors. But this book is obviously a good start for people who don`t know much detail about the 3 religions and have know true idea of the reason for the conflict and strife in the Middle East. Individuals who know a great deal about the modern theology of one two or all of the 3 faiths will probably have a problem with the book. Also it reads like a detective novel sort of. I was impressed though how he brought it all home in the final chapters and seemed to be kinda sincere. I felt the same things as all the other reviewer though was prepare to be very forgiven so I was able to enjoy the book inspite of my own alliances. I some of the allegations that he made were`nt true of me or you best believe they were very true for some other people somewhere. No what I mean? So Want an introduction to the 3 faiths and the hostility between them this is an excellent book for you but just be warned that it is very generalized.
Rating:  Summary: Basically worthless Review: This book is, unfortunately, basically worthless. While it's thesis is promising, the author does a poor job of developing it. Rather most of his time is spent in polemics about how much he wishes the three faiths could 'just get along'. While the author might be forgiven for this obviously well intentioned desire, there are worse problems with the book than that. Many, many of his assertions about Christian dogma are blatantly untrue - something he should have known with a minimum of study on the subject. One that comes to my mind is the assertion that Jesus never claims his divinity. As most Christians know, that is blatantly untrue. Pick up the gospel of John sometime. While I cannot claim to know much about Judaism or Islam, I must assume that the author made similar mistakes with his assertions about those religions, given his many mistakes with VERY basic Christian dogma. The reader has to assume that one of two things is wrong with this author:1.he was too lazy to do even the most basic of homework before setting out on his trip or 2.he was trying to portray one of the three religions in a better light than the other two. I don't know enough about Islam or Judaism to guess which of those two problems this book suffers from. The larger point is that if this book suffers from major errors on basics than I feel no choice but to dismiss it's assertions as a whole. If there is anything of value in this book, it is not the Abrahamic historys, but the author's personal struggle to come to some kind of understanding of them. As a personal journal/travel logue this book does have a bit to offer. You get a true feeling of the tension in Jersualem and it's surrounding areas as you read about the author interviewing a 'firebrand' Islamic minister, being escorted by four armed guards into a sacred tomb, and suddenly finding himself alone and without transportation in the middle of a war zone. If this sort of travel adventure interests you, you may like this book. If you are looking for a book about Abrahamic history, then leave this one be. There are plenty of good books, both from varying religous and secular sources, on the subject not to have to spend time sifting through the truth and untruth in this little volume.
Rating:  Summary: A Common and Contentious Denominator Review: Author Bruce Feiler has written an excellent, concise and accessible book about a religious figure that is unique. "Abraham", is both the title and the subject of the author's exploration of the significance that three major religions place so much emphasis on. Abraham is central to the beliefs of the Muslims, Christians and the Jews. They share custodianship over critical religious sites, agree on much and unfortunately disagree on enough that the modern world uses Abraham and the various interpretations of his life and actions to justify conduct that is at times atrocious. Mr. Feiler meets with very senior members of the three faiths that are mentioned, whether here in The United States, or in one of the more active shooting galleries of the world, Hebron. As the book begins and progresses I was left wondering at how much commonality existed and the centuries it has been in place. How could these three faiths that are daily portrayed as expressing hatred for one another have a common denominator in Abraham? Unfortunately as the book continued and the author spoke with persons closer and closer to the physical locations associated with Abraham, the thoughts of those he met very often, though not always, became familiar and accepting of violence. The majority of the people the writer meet with share no hatred toward other faiths; they are as unlikely to become a human bomb as any other person. He does speak with a few who either live where they are routinely shit at and share beliefs that are not hard to understand, or he meets with others who clearly accept random violence as something God approves of. Individuals tend to quote passages from the Bible, Koran and Torah that condemn violence, the problem is when Faiths are represented as opposed to individuals, and much of what their own writings tell them are either reinterpreted or rationalized. Reviewers that know a great deal more about this topic that I have commented eloquently and more completely on this book. I chose to add my thoughts because the book is well presented and easily read by anyone with a modicum of interest in the topic. The author cannot be commended highly enough for the balance he brings to the sometimes deadly interpretations of various people he meets. He does not hide his shock, anger, or even his fears, but he is a member of one of these groups, not all three, and the book he has written is remarkably balanced. I have not read his previous book however based upon this work I most certainly will. A second reading of what will become a reference book for me is on the horizon as well.
Rating:  Summary: AbrahamA Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths Review: I found the author of this book unreliable as to both facts and scriptures. Linking the three faiths to Abraham is a very promising idea. However, failure to modify sweeping statements, unhistorical interpretations of some incidents recorded in scripture, treating matters of faith as matters of established fact, all contribute to a book that is less than it might have been, less than it should be.
Rating:  Summary: Not for beginners Review: I have a limited religious background and I was looking for this book to give a high-level explanation of the 3 religions and to try to understand why they are so violently different (especially since they originate from the same place). But it was difficult to follow, mainly because I think that the author assumed you have a fairly solid religious background; he used a lot of terms which he didn't define. I may have had different expectations than what the author was trying to convey.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, thought-provoking but hardly accurate Review: I enjoyed the book thoroughly but was disturbed by Feiler's tendency to make sweeping statements without giving any authority for them. Certainly many of his statements about Christianity are incorrect. For example, he mentions in passing that Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah. This is not true. Among many other things, Jesus purported to forgive sin (which only God can do), claimed that He has always existed and will come to judge the world at the end of time. His teachings pointed to Himself ("I am the bread of life", "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father", "I am the Light of the World," etc.) rather than away from Himself and toward God. Feiler also discribes Paul as "not formally educated." The common understanding among Christians is that Paul was highly educated, born into a family of Pharisees (the most rigorous observers of ancient Jewish law), was sent to Jerusalem at a young age to study under the great rabbi Gamaliel where he surpassed his contemporaries in religious knowledge and practice. If there is authority for the statement that Paul wasn't formally educated, Fieler doesn't give it to us.
Rating:  Summary: a disapointment; everything BUT well refined Review: The author's effort into writing this book may have been extensive; however, i found it to be completely lacking in fact on all levels. The book seems to be a compilation of his inner "ramblings". Of which, he did not put on paper very clearly. Furthermore, he disrespects his own religion and misrepresents the accuracy and authenticity of Holy Scripture. More importantly He blasphamies the Almighty God be insinuating several things such as "God needed Abraham". note to the author - The Almighty needs nothing. He is all.
Rating:  Summary: Not scholarly, but a good read Review: Do NOT expect this book to answer your questions about Abraham and his relationship to Christianity, Judaism or Islam. This is a chatty, pleasant, first person account of the author's views on Abraham and the middle east. This is most emphatically NOT a scholarly book and should not be purchased or read with that expectation. It is, however, a good primer on Abraham and the three faiths of the middle east. You can move on to more informative and informed books from this one or not, as you choose.
Rating:  Summary: A Thought Provoking Read Review: Bruce Feiler's Learning to Bow is one of my favorite books of all time. I enjoyed the mix of social commentary and travel essay. Therefore it was with great pleasure that I sat down to read his biography of Abraham. Do not be fooled by the small size of this book. Just because it is a short book do not think this is a light book. I was surprized at how deep this book is. Perhaps after 9-11 or perhaps after his previous trips to the Middle East as in Walking the Bible, whatever the inspiration is, Feiler has written a deep, thought-provoking look at Abraham and what unites and divides all three monotheistic religions. It is a short book and will not take too much time to read, but the consequences of what the book brings up will keep you talking and your mind working. This would be an excellent book for a readers group or discussion. If you read this book, be prepared to think!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, Enjoyable And Informative -Read it! Review: In this intelligent and engaging book, Feiler a gifted story-teller, digs into the books, explores the land, and meets the clerics, then spins different stories of Abraham, his children (Ishmael and Isaac) and his people (Jews, Christians and Muslims) that are sure to enrich the reader's mind and spirit. It was very interesting to notice that the details of the stories differed not only between the 3 religions, but also in the same religion during different historical periods. Interpreters looked at the same text and made different conclusions that helped them deal with the circumstances of their lives at a given time. It shows that we (Jews, Christians and Muslims) are only human after all. As a Muslim, I've only come to know our father Abraham as described in the Qur'an and it was enlightening to see him from the perspective of the other two religions. If we look beyond the details, the essence and morals of the stories are the same: surrendering to one God. Unfortunately throughout history all the people of Abraham never tried to emphasize their similarities but concentrated on their differences, demonizing and killing one another while trying to attain God's blessings as the sole heirs of Abraham. Ignorance breeds intolerance, and this book is an honest and unbiased attempt at teaching us about one another and is hopefully a step towards bringing the people of the 3 faiths to common grounds. This is not impossible since the essence is one: surrendering to one God, believing in the Day of Judgment and doing good deeds. God tells us in the Qur'an," Those who have attained to faith [in this divine writ], as well as those who follow the Jewish faith, and the Christians, and the Sabians (probably means the followers of John the Baptist)-all who believe in God and the Last Day and do righteous deeds- shall have their reward with their Sustainer; and no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve."(2:62)(Translation from: the Message of the Qur'an by Mohammad Asad) Reading the chapter on Islam, I thought it was good however, the author seemed to imply that Islam is a religion invented by Mohammad, and some of the statements were without any foundation, for example:" The Koran says...During Noha's Flood the Ka'ba had been taken up to heaven, where angels fluttered around it,.." Actually, nowhere in the Qur'an is this statement made or even implied! Another important point that the author failed to clarify (although he mentioned it in passing) is that Islam has 2 meanings. The original meaning is: surrendering to one God, later it came to mean the religion revealed to Prophet Mohammad. So when the Qur'an says" The only true faith in God's sight is Islam." It means that the only true faith is surrendering to one God. If you read the Qur'an its all about that. Mohammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, all the prophets are only men who delivered the message of "worship one God" to mankind, they are all secondary to God. And since they all delivered this message of one God they are all "Muslims" or in other words believers in one God. To be honest not all Muslims understand this concept in this way and the majority interprets the verse differently. Finally, one thing I personally found shocking is the way the author talked about God at times, as if God was human: with needs and whims! Overall, an interesting, enjoyable and informative book that everyone should read.