Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT! Review: This was my first exposure to David Horowitz, but DEFINITELY not the last. Mr. Horowitz does not only express his ideas in a very readable style, but he draws upon his experience in the left-wing politics of America in the '60's to further reinforce his thoughts and ideas. Mr. Horowitz rips away the "chic" facade of all of the radical left to expose them for what they really are. My only question is why can't the Liberals truthfully explain to the American people what their goals are? I highly recommend this book to everyone of all political stripes.
Rating:  Summary: A bit too caustic, but respectable Review: Mr. Horowitz, I myself am a moderate liberal(or perhaps a leftist as you are so fond of repeating). I agree with you whole-heartedly that there should not be racial preferences in America or any society. As Dr. King stated,CHARACTER is what should matter. Although I am a Democrat, I enjoyed reading your work. It was without a doubt a stimulating and even funny in the initial chapters about Race. Being that I am only 24 years old I appreciate your views on the Vietnam War and the Black Panther area. My main problem with your views is that you seem all to eager to group ALL liberals as together in some plot to supposedly corrupt the academia and media; hence, you propagate the myth of a "liberal bias" in the media. This is old, unimaginative, and after a while this old canard grows wearysome. I respect your views although I disagree in certain areas, but you lack moderation. Meaning that it seems as if you and others on the right(Rush Limbaugh) have some type of chip on your shoulder fear of people who don't share your political aims. This is no different than the "paranoia" and other rhetorical slogans you repeat in throughtout your book. I appreciate this book because it has allowed me to evaluate some of my own views and,yes, political biases. In summary, I would recommend this book to all Fair-minded liberals AND conservatives alike. The chapters on Foreign Affairs are startling enough, although I am still don't know what to believe about the alleged Clinton/China affair. Thanks again Mr. Horowitz.
Rating:  Summary: VIOLENCE AND SUBTERFUGE NAME OF THE GAME Review: Academia, communist sympathizers, Clinton advocates and blacks should read this book to see what the other side thinks and why. If you think it is a lotta bull, then you should investigate the author's sources and prove where his error lies. You wonder how long the U.S.A. will exist after reading this. It is depressing to know that the powers that be work 24 hrs. a day undermining our principles. What president Clinton has done to us is spelled out in detail at the end of the book. This is a hair-raiser and a good read.
Rating:  Summary: Racist Right Chic? Or Mao Maoing Slackers? Review: David Horowitz, who's recieved millions of foundation dollars from various right wing organizations, proves once more that race baiting is still alive. This communist turned reactionary agitprop, poison pen raises the art of racial insults to a new level. If you're a closet racist, this book will be a must for your library.
Rating:  Summary: FANTASTIC! Review: This was one of the most eye opening books I have ever read. It is well worth it! Go get yourself a copy...you will be glad you did
Rating:  Summary: Five stars for the truth... Review: 2 for the name-calling. A wonderful read, if you can take the good with the bad (and you should). While it's no secret that political correctness has left the arena of common sense, Mr. Horowitz brings in all the trash and dumps it right in your lap. People from the left will cry foul as always, (evidenced by the proffessional reviews) and die-hard conservatives will take it hook, line and sinker. From an independant standpoint, you can see the facts that Mr. Horowitz presents are irrefutable. You will also see the venom he spews at everyone who's ever looked crossly at him. This book is a must-read, if only for his personal testimony and the stuff liberals prefer not to see the light of day. You might wish it was a little shorter though. At least some of the pages could have been devoted to some solutions to the problems of race in this country, rather than beating the dead horse of the failures of liberal politics.
Rating:  Summary: The reasons Whites Fail Review: Mr. Horowitz Falls way short of giving the reader an insight into the ills and roots of the problems of race. His comments on the Million Man March and the various black leaders that are in communities around the country are short sighted and disrespectful. He showed why many blacks will continue to distrust whites. He also plays a dangerous game of cat and mouse with respect to who blacks can and can't choose as a leader for their causes. I don't trust Horowitz and I hated the book.....oh by the way, The title of the book is a joke as well.
Rating:  Summary: A historical and political eye opener Review: My husband and I have both read this book. Mr. Horowitz has not only done his research, he's lived it. I recommend this book to every open minded person in search of political truth.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Dangerous Man in America Delivers Review: America changed overnight with the publication of Wittaker Chambers' "Witness", the harrowing account of one man's journey from the dark recesses of Communism to Liberty. It was said of Chambers that he didn't return from Hell empty-handed. David Horowitz has made the same journey, and returned to us heavily burdened. Hating Whitey is a polemic first and foremost. Horowitz does not pretend to be a neutral observer in the Culture War. Like Chambers, Horowitz is plainly ashamed of his youthful association with the Left, and like Coleridge's Ancient Mariner feels condemned to confess his sins to all who come near. That there is a sizeable proportion of the Left (black and white) which is vehemently racist should surprise no one (especially if you've been to one of our nation's universities). That the Black Panther movement was nothing more than a cover for a gang of robbers, rapists, and murderers likewise should come as no surprise. What is shocking about this book is the degree to which those who know better seek to deceive the rest of America. Horowitz prints a damning letter from a former Black Panther colleague basically accusing him of murder for allowing a white woman he knew to audit the Panthers' books, knowing full well that such scrutiny would not be tolerated. That a grown man would actually excuse the rape and murder of a woman to cover up the pillage of organizational coffers is stunning. Horowitz' response to this incident, as to a number of others covered in his essays, is one of unbridled outrage. Some readers will take umbrage at the author's tone. This is no Firing Line debate, moderated by the congenial William F. Buckley. Horowitz came back from Hell not a sadder and wiser man, as with Chambers, but as a hellfire-and-brimstone pulpit thumper eager to save souls from the fiery pit whence he came. It is a marvelous collection, if not for the faint of heart.
Rating:  Summary: generally well done Review: Horowitz writes a fairly severe critique of the left (currently, they call themselves progressives) in the US. He details vividly what I noticed as a student in the late 80s--the inherent impossibility of an honest discussion about race and the double-standard of race relations in the US. Specifically, I found the discussions about the political atmosphere on campus and the ideological straitjacket of the left (the Hitchens chapter) "right on" target. Finally, I found the chapters about the Black Panthers (before my time) fascinating. I'd imagine most progressives will find a lot to dislike in this book. Personally, I only disliked the length. Mr. Horowitz could have written about 1/3 less and would have been (presumably) more effective presenting his point.