Rating:  Summary: This is the TRUE DEFENSE of America! Review: Dinesh has properly and methodically analyzed the accusations by liberal "traitors" to the principles and benefits of the American society, and refuted every claim against it. By the time you finish reading this, not only will you have a better sense of pride in America, you will know exactly why claims of reparations & cultural bias are aimed at merely a "deep pocket" instead of those that should be called out. Slavery? It was the United States that was the first to abolish slavery! (Yes, even the African states enslaved the lower tribes!) Racism? Those that accuse others of it are the biggest bigots around! Racial Equiality? OK, lets put quotas on EVERYTHING! This would include the NBA, the NFL, and Major League Baseball! (Based on the racial quota argument, 75% of all players on these teams would be required to be white!) Great book for those seeking the answers to those rhetorical questions that the greedy liberals throw at the moral half of us!
Rating:  Summary: One of the most pleasant experiences I've had: Review: BUY THIS BOOK. This book is like a cool breeze on a hot, humid day. D'Souza makes his case in a very entertaining and easily understood way. You will laugh out loud in some places. What an amazing fellow. Like everyone else, I struggle to understand 9/11, and this was the single most helpful piece I have read. I am thinking of buying copies as gifts. Besides laying out his case brilliantly, he also provides historical background in a way that lets those of us who are not scholars understand his point of view. This is not a rah-rah jingoistic harangue. It is a thoughtful, kind, heartfelt, honest, accessible, compelling assessment from someone who has startling objectivity.
Rating:  Summary: America Rewards Yakkety-Yakkers Review: One of the greatest things about America that is not available anywhere else in the world - you can make a great living spouting your opinions. Look at all the commentators and columnists just babbling away on cnbc and mcnbc and cnn and on the radio - George Will, D'Souza, William Bennet, Bill Buckley, Rush Limabaugh, Bill O'Rielly, Ann Coulter, Robert Novak, John Laughlin, Cokie Roberts, Chris Matthews and the countless others whose names I can't recall. Thousands and thousands of them all over the media. The babble industry was pretty big, but it just seemed to explode during the O.J. Simpson trial, and then exploded even bigger during the Clinton-Lewinsky saga, and now, of course we have a few thousand more of these yakkaty-yakkety-yakkers to tell us what they think after 9/11.Where else in the world can someone achieve such greatness for doing nothing, absolutely nothing, but bibble-di-babble-di-bibble? Surely, this is all the proof you need to see that this is the greatest country in the world.
Rating:  Summary: An enlightening and enjoyable read Review: There are so many important ideas in this text. It's an iconoclastic book that looks moral relativism in the eye and watches it wither. For all this, it's readable and unintimidating. My recommendation would be for every college freshman to read it prior to their exposure to the morass of conflicting and cynical information they'll receive subsequently. Recommended for any adult who wants a better understanding of our culture and it's place in the world.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book Review: If you love America, you will love this book. Reading it was an emotional experience for me. Buy it for yourself, then buy copies for your your son, daughter, niece, nephew, aunt and uncle. Caution: Liberals won't like it. D'Souza employs intellectual, philosophical, and historical arguments to illustrate the greatness of America, western civilization, and democratic ideals. This is not a one-sided gushing patriotic editorial. NO! It is a carefully reasoned, balanced analysis. On each point, he examines both sides of the argument, then forms a conclusion. Left-wingers may criticize this book ... but they should beware ... their criticism may only reveal the weakness of their own beliefs, philosophy, and world-view.
Rating:  Summary: How can Folks Not Find This Riveting? Review: I read this book shortly after it was published and it has circulated to many friends of varying educational and political sophistication, gathering consistantly rave reviews from them. So I thought that this is a book that needn't be reviewed here, but on reading the reviews, I was somewhat surprised by what was said. I am a retired lawyer who has been a passionate amateur historian for my entire adult life. I understand America's history pretty well, and that of Western Civilization, and as a result of pre- September 11 tensions in the Middle east, had become fairly well informed about its history, too, which interest intensified as a result of 9/11. As my sons and their friends made their way through school, I was both surprised and troubled by how little history was taught, and how distorted it was, when it was taught. I was equally troubled by the strangely negative attitude of academicians, especially at the college level, to the values America ostensibly represents, and found the concept of multiculturalism to be highly amusing, until I realized that the academic community, in large part, believes in it! Dinesh D'Souza is the kind of person with whom I could enjoy engaging in conversation over dinner about this stuff(and, yes, it's an invitation), because he is informed and articulate. While I don't agree in toto with his position, it is, in the main, supported by history . His analysis of why Western Civilization is superior to others (secularization of government, capitalism and pursuit of science) is correct. Some, because of a political or academic point of view, may disagree, but the fact is that no other civilizations have produced "value" like the West. And by value, I don't refer only to industrially manufactured goods or scientific invention (but ask anyone to identify a major advance in science that originated in the Middle East, or a major medical school in Africa). "Value" icludes cultural genius like Mozart, Goethe, or Da Vinci; it includes great thinkers, writers, statesmen and military leaders. This fascinating book examines all of these points and more. D'Souza is an excellent writer, as well as a very insightful person. Do not be deceived by the naysayers on this book. Get it, read it, and spend some quiet time reflecting on what you have read. It will make you feel good about this great land of ours.And whoever said that patriotism was a bad word? Not around here, anyway.
Rating:  Summary: Bird's Eye View Of America... Review: The book is certainly miles away from the other books on the same subjects. The first few chapters of the book starts with powerful punch on the reasoning behind Islamic Cowardice and America's greatness, slowly meanders meaninglessly into boring Historic examples ( some of them wrong - like the author's attempt to portray India's occupation by Britsh was actually good) and comes back again with examples of China and India's embrace of western theories for economic growth , America's lesser embrace of lesser evil ( read opportunistic) , "if" scenarios of what would have happened if Russia had won the cold war, Vietnams "misfortune" of winning the war, Japan/Germany's "Fortune" of losing the war.....author convinces me so much about America's greatness to score a landslide victory. This book is also more about Material success of America and less of spiritual failures, and aptly titled " what is so great about America??" and not " Why Americans go to hell after Death??" Being an Immigrant, from an ordinary Indian Background, Dinesh's words dispatch passionate Patriotism all along the book about America. If this book could get one message across to Americans, It should be this ... Cultures are different, please start appreciating the facts. His message on "freedom of speech" in islamic world by itself has to within the realms of "quran". An answer to the Radio broadcaster who screams of "let us agree to disagree" The America need not have to be perplexed with so many unique aspects of the world.. Why would American's wonder how does "Arranged Marriage" works in India - Yet ignorant of the fact that divorce rates in India are probably the lowest in the world...America's screaming about "dog eating" in Korea, ignorant of the fact that the cows and poultry industry torture the animals more ( read "Fast Food Nation" or "Diet for new America"). How can the elderly live with you after retirement in China, what about the privacy.......Yet millions of Chinese parents happily live with their kids.... u can show countless examples of America's Ignorance ,confusion and lack of respect to the other part of the world. The planet Earth for 90 percent of America is between "coast to Coast". I am also an Immigrant from India, have also lived in the Middle East in quite a few countries for few years, I fully agree with Dinesh's view on the islamic thoughts that run contrary to the concept of modern civilized world. While America acts as a biased middleman in Palestine conflict, Dinesh portrays indirectly that Palestinians are acting barbarians ( and violent also) - ignoring the fact that Actually Palestinians are the victims ( atleast the common civilans) - Being an Immigrant, I expected Dinesh to be more balanced towards that doomed piece of land. Dinesh, You have to agree to the fact that lots of Islamic problems and anger and threat would go away if america gets his embracing cuddle away from Israel. Atul Gonwande's "Complications", Dinesh's "What's so great about America" and GurcharanDas's "India Unbound" - Each by an Indian - Each a masterpiece in their particular Field Chandra Sekhar, The reviewer is the author of the book "Internet Marketing And Search Engine Positioning - A "Do It Yourself" Guide
Rating:  Summary: A must read for a clear view of pre and post 9/11 USA Review: What a contrast to STUPID WHITE MEN (Mr. Moore's autobiography perhaps?)Mr. D'Souza is a Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth who employs articulate thought and historical perspective to educate the sheltered American on the view from the Muslim perspective. He also posseses a keen objectivity when contrasting opposing sides of each argument he presents on American culture while making the case for why we can be proud of our country. Contrast this to the college drop out rantings of Mr. Moore...an expert at.....well.....anyone want to take a swing at that one???
Rating:  Summary: A must-read for the long-time American Review: This is a quick but essential read for many Americans who are struggling to make sense of the post 911 world. For those of us far removed from our imigrant past, this book serves up a refresher course in what we take for granted every day of our lives. D'Souza's observations are scholarly but very much to the point. His discussion of how Islamic fundamentalists view America and Americans is sobering to say the least.
Rating:  Summary: A good book to read and discuss with friends Review: Being a recent immigrant working for the US government myself, I find myself agreeing with what Mr. D'Souza has to say almost one hundred percent. I particularly agree with him about America is a society where virtue is self-directed, whereas in societies like the one ruled by Taliban, virtue is externally imposed, which doesn't really count as virtue. There are many other interesting points in the book, you should read it!