Rating:  Summary: A Must-Read For Anyone Who Seeks To Understand Review: The attack on the USS Liberty during the Six-Day War is one of the most unusual events in the history of modern warfare. Traditionally, when US Navy ships are attacked, the results are predictable and swift: the Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, The Luisitania, The Maine. But not in this case. James Ennes, a USS Liberty officer who lived through the attack, was the first to write the history of this disturbing event in "ASSAULT ON THE LIBERTY". This volume, drawn from the eyewitness accounts of the survivors, tells the chilling story of how the ship was sent into Harm's Way, and then abandoned. And afterwards, the survivors were sworn to secrecy. This book is a must-read for anyone who seeks to understand the history the involvement of the United States in the Middle East.
Rating:  Summary: Just a continuation of tall tales Review: The latest edition by Mr. Ennes could easily be titled "Assault on the Facts." The errors in the book range from minor to major, and that doesn't even take into account that by June 14, 1967 the author's mind was made up and he "was convinced that the attack was deliberate, premeditated murder." (pg. 137.) He claims the Israelis attacked his ship, knowing her to be the American ship, USS LIBERTY. The author allows no room for doubt because he had already concluded the Israelis could not have made a mistake. Yet acknowledgment is made of the multiple U.S. military command, control and communication failures which contributed to the tragic incident. While the U.S. can make mistakes, the Israelis (engaged in a major war) for some reason can not. All one need do is read the book (plus two addendums-1986, now 2002) as well as Mr. Ennes' other published works to understand that the story-telling of events has not only not been consistent, but given the available documentation, not accurate either. Some representative examples of problems are: The author ignored hand-written logs, sworn testimony and messages which directly refute the claim in the book of an Israeli "extended" attack (which he did not witness.) Mentioned in the addendum (pg. 7) is that the 23-page Summary of Events attachment to the JAG endorsement report supports the author's claim. It does not. The summary is taken straight from the 160-page testimony record, which has no mention of any "extended" attack. In the book (pgs. 145-146) there is mentioned a reportedly under oath, but unrecorded, exchange involving Cdr. McGonagle and the court. That only could have been told to the author directly because there would not have been any other individual present (such as another, unnamed, LIBERTY officer as stated.) Credibility also suffers when only part of McGonagle's original 1967 released condensed testimony is used, and not the complete transcript of proceedings, which was available (pg. 146 endnote 1, and pg. 219.) The author initially wrote a non-specific story that LIBERTY overheard IAF aircraft reporting to Hdqs that the ship was American (pg. 220). Then later it became the author personally was told this when it was "whispered" to him by a supervisor, CT Chief Smith (killed in the attack.) It then changed to having personally heard these reports from the intercept operators. Additionally, the author wrote in 1984 that LIBERTY was recording Israeli communications on June 5 relating to the planned attack on the Syrian Golan Heights. This while the ship was still in the central Mediterranean; does the author assume the IDF did not have secure telephone lines between Tel Aviv and Northern Command? Then later the story switched to LIBERTY had orders to not even listen to (or record) Israeli signals; as well as stating there were no Hebrew linguists aboard. Now in the addendum (pg. 17, Errata) the author claims, without any supporting material, that one linguist, NSA civilian Allen Blue (also killed in the attack) knew Hebrew because somehow, somewhere, it has been discovered that Blue supposedly learned it in his spare time. As the LIBERTY'S electronic material officer the author claims the ship had no jamming (ECM) equipment (pg. 218.) Yet NSA has released photos of LIBERTY'S foremast/antenna arrangement, with multiple ECM antennas specifically noted. The author writes Israel issued a "news release" stating Israel asked the US Gov't "for the location of any American ships near the Israeli coast, and had not received a reply." (pg. 127) Yet no "news release" has ever been produced, or quoted. In the book the author states that the piston-driven A-1 Skyraiders would be the only Sixth Fleet aircraft which would "require ninety minutes" to reach LIBERTY (pg. 240.) Yet it is documented by the Sixth Fleet that the jets would require ninety minutes, and the Skyraiders, a full three hours to do so. Why the difference? The author assumed all aircraft can fly any distance at maximum published speed, regardless of any ordnance load. In pg 116 it is written LIBERTY encountered a Russian destroyer (marked "626/4") in the early hours of June 9 while ignoring LIBERTY'S log entry of encountering a Russian merchant ship at 4:40 AM, with no mention of this ship "standing by." The Russian 626 had in fact been trailing/harassing the carrier AMERICA on June 8 near Crete and tagged along when the task group steamed towards LIBERTY during the night. The Russian 626 didn't arrive until late AM on June 9. Revealing an unfamiliarly with naval communication procedures, the author forgot to drop the "/4" (numerical check digit in naval messages) when he copied this later reference of a nearby Russian destroyer from a LIBERTY escort June 9 PM message. To summarize: the author has simply not demonstrated the true story of Israel's attack on an American intelligence ship.
Rating:  Summary: Just a continuation of tall tales Review: The latest edition by Mr. Ennes could easily be titled "Assault on the Facts." The errors in the book range from minor to major, and that doesn't even take into account that by June 14, 1967 the author's mind was made up and he "was convinced that the attack was deliberate, premeditated murder." (pg. 137.) He claims the Israelis attacked his ship, knowing her to be the American ship, USS LIBERTY. The author allows no room for doubt because he had already concluded the Israelis could not have made a mistake. Yet acknowledgment is made of the multiple U.S. military command, control and communication failures which contributed to the tragic incident. While the U.S. can make mistakes, the Israelis (engaged in a major war) for some reason can not. All one need do is read the book (plus two addendums-1986, now 2002) as well as Mr. Ennes' other published works to understand that the story-telling of events has not only not been consistent, but given the available documentation, not accurate either. Some representative examples of problems are: The author ignored hand-written logs, sworn testimony and messages which directly refute the claim in the book of an Israeli "extended" attack (which he did not witness.) Mentioned in the addendum (pg. 7) is that the 23-page Summary of Events attachment to the JAG endorsement report supports the author's claim. It does not. The summary is taken straight from the 160-page testimony record, which has no mention of any "extended" attack. In the book (pgs. 145-146) there is mentioned a reportedly under oath, but unrecorded, exchange involving Cdr. McGonagle and the court. That only could have been told to the author directly because there would not have been any other individual present (such as another, unnamed, LIBERTY officer as stated.) Credibility also suffers when only part of McGonagle's original 1967 released condensed testimony is used, and not the complete transcript of proceedings, which was available (pg. 146 endnote 1, and pg. 219.) The author initially wrote a non-specific story that LIBERTY overheard IAF aircraft reporting to Hdqs that the ship was American (pg. 220). Then later it became the author personally was told this when it was "whispered" to him by a supervisor, CT Chief Smith (killed in the attack.) It then changed to having personally heard these reports from the intercept operators. Additionally, the author wrote in 1984 that LIBERTY was recording Israeli communications on June 5 relating to the planned attack on the Syrian Golan Heights. This while the ship was still in the central Mediterranean; does the author assume the IDF did not have secure telephone lines between Tel Aviv and Northern Command? Then later the story switched to LIBERTY had orders to not even listen to (or record) Israeli signals; as well as stating there were no Hebrew linguists aboard. Now in the addendum (pg. 17, Errata) the author claims, without any supporting material, that one linguist, NSA civilian Allen Blue (also killed in the attack) knew Hebrew because somehow, somewhere, it has been discovered that Blue supposedly learned it in his spare time. As the LIBERTY'S electronic material officer the author claims the ship had no jamming (ECM) equipment (pg. 218.) Yet NSA has released photos of LIBERTY'S foremast/antenna arrangement, with multiple ECM antennas specifically noted. The author writes Israel issued a "news release" stating Israel asked the US Gov't "for the location of any American ships near the Israeli coast, and had not received a reply." (pg. 127) Yet no "news release" has ever been produced, or quoted. In the book the author states that the piston-driven A-1 Skyraiders would be the only Sixth Fleet aircraft which would "require ninety minutes" to reach LIBERTY (pg. 240.) Yet it is documented by the Sixth Fleet that the jets would require ninety minutes, and the Skyraiders, a full three hours to do so. Why the difference? The author assumed all aircraft can fly any distance at maximum published speed, regardless of any ordnance load. In pg 116 it is written LIBERTY encountered a Russian destroyer (marked "626/4") in the early hours of June 9 while ignoring LIBERTY'S log entry of encountering a Russian merchant ship at 4:40 AM, with no mention of this ship "standing by." The Russian 626 had in fact been trailing/harassing the carrier AMERICA on June 8 near Crete and tagged along when the task group steamed towards LIBERTY during the night. The Russian 626 didn't arrive until late AM on June 9. Revealing an unfamiliarly with naval communication procedures, the author forgot to drop the "/4" (numerical check digit in naval messages) when he copied this later reference of a nearby Russian destroyer from a LIBERTY escort June 9 PM message. To summarize: the author has simply not demonstrated the true story of Israel's attack on an American intelligence ship.
Rating:  Summary: This book is Horrible anti-Israeli propaganda Review: There have been 10 official investigations since this friendly fire incident to prove that it was an accident. Israel's accusers still can not come up with a reasonable explanation for this incident. The author of this book as well as several reviewers are obviously Jew haters and this is evident by what they write which has nothing to do with the book. None of Israel's accusers can explain why Israel would deliberately attack an American ship at a time when the United States was Israel's only friend and supporter in the world. Confusion in a long line of communications, which occurred in a tense atmosphere on both the American and Israeli sides (five messages from the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the ship to remain at least 25 miles - the last four said 100 miles - off the Egyptian coast arrived after the attack was over) is a more probable explanation. Accidents caused by "friendly fire" are common in wartime. In 1988, the U.S. Navy mistakenly downed an Iranian passenger plane, killing 290 civilians. During the Gulf War, 35 of the 148 Americans who died in battle were killed by "friendly fire." In April 1994, two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters with large U.S. flags painted on each side were shot down by U.S. Air Force F-15s on a clear day in the "no fly" zone of Iraq, killing 26 people. In April 2002, an American F-16 dropped a bomb that killed four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. In fact, the day before the Liberty was attacked, Israeli pilots accidentally bombed one of their own armored columns Israel apologized for the tragedy and paid nearly $13 million in humanitarian reparations to the United States and to the families of the victims in amounts established by the U.S. State Department. The matter was officially closed between the two governments by an exchange of diplomatic notes on December 17, 1987.
Rating:  Summary: Heroism in the face of treachery Review: This first-hand account by Jim Ennes of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty is not simply a retelling of this mostly unheard-of event, but an emotional and personal glimpse into the lives, and horrific deaths, of the gallant crew of this ship. Expertly written and entirely readable, it is also an unflinching portrayal of the ineptitude (and cowardice) of our politicians and military as well as an eye-opening revelation as to our so-called ally, Israel, and the heights of deception and brutality it will employ to accomplish its ends. Though many apologists from both Israel and the US have tried to explain this incredibly vicious and murderous attack on a noncombatant away as an "accident" or a typical "friendly fire" episode, reading this eye-witness account will explode those fantasies and put the lie to their best excuses. It is a sad commentary on the state of our country that heroes like the late Captain McGonagle (Congressional Medal of Honor) and the other highly decorated men who went through this hell, should be disbelieved. They were there. They watched their friends and shipmates die. They know what happened. America should, too.
Rating:  Summary: A Compelling Account of the Murderous Israeli Attack Review: This is a compelling, documented and authoritative account, told by an eyewitness of the murderous Israeli attack, on June 8, 1967, on the USS Liberty. Every American should read this book and demand that the Israelis responsible for this deliberate assault, which took the lives of 34 brave Americans and wounded 172 others, be brought to the bar of justice. The truth is the Israelis were looking to sink the Liberty and to blame it on the Egyptians. There has been a cover-up. Thanks to Lt. James M. Ennes, and the other Liberty survivors, and their faithful supporters, however, the fight for justice goes on. To begin your education about the Liberty, buy and read this book, and get active. Remember the Liberty!
Rating:  Summary: Treachery and Cover-Up Review: This riveting book reads like a thriller, but it is, unfortunatley non-fiction. The author offers eyewitness testimony and supporting documentation to the unbelievable-- a serious attempt to murder American servicemen, by an "ally." In 1967, the USS LIberty, while in international waters, was bombed, torpedoed, and napalmed by Israel, and her life rafts machine gunned. This though she was clearly flying American colors, and was signalling "US Navy ship." The survivors, repeated requests for a Senate investigation, have been stalled, refused, obfuscated, and labelled "anti-Jewish" for over 30 years. The "anti-Jewish" claims hang false, as some of the killed and injured Americans were Jewish. Israel has repeatedly asserted that the attack was a mistake. Let's have that investigation, and settle the matter, once and for all. Where's the harm to knowing the truth?
Rating:  Summary: Assault on the Liberty Review: This was extremely well written. I read this cover to cover without putting it down. I couldn't believe my eyes. Tears of patriotism rolled down my cheeks. I knew instantly that it was true! Often when the Indians attack and we look for Tonto, he is heard saying, "What do you mean we 'White Man'?" Our leaders left the crew with no support or explaination. The iorny for me was that we were attacked by our own weaponry. We need to know that in these days of world banks and all. The foot soldier is the same cannon fodder he was in the past. Politics?
Rating:  Summary: The Deadliest Ally Review: What would your reaction be if our oldest ally, Great Britain, attacked a lightly armed US military vessel with overwhelming force: a stunning array of jet fighters, bombs, missiles, machine gun fire and torpedoes? And further, once the ship was nearly sinking, attacked lifeboats in the water, spraying them with a hail of deadly fire from attack boats and strafing runs by jets? What would your reaction be to a final butchers bill of 34 US sailors dead and 171 grievously wounded? Would Americans of an earlier era have filled the coffers of Great Britain with treasure as a reward for such a perfidious act? What would your reaction be if you were told that such an attack was not carried out by Great Britain, but by our staunchest ally Israel, supposedly the only democracy in the Middle East? Sadly, this is not fiction. Rather than being the plot line of a Tom Clancy technothriller it's a very real piece of horrific military history from the 1967 Middle East war. Kudos to attack survivor, James Ennes Jr. for this compelling and brutally honest book.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing but lies, hatred and hearsay = F- Review: Where are the facts? James Ennes bases the entire book on his alleged encounter at a coffee machine with another Liberty officer in 1974. This man claimed to have been at a Pentagon meeting with Admiral David L. McDonald. In this meeting he claims that William Fulbright stated that Pres. Lyndon Johnson told him that he believed the attack was deliberate. When interviewed by A. JAy Cristol, Senator Fulbright confirmed that he and Johnson weren't on good terms at the time and weren't even talking. McDonald, chief of Naval Operations in 1967 was also interviewed and he "had no recollection of any such conversation with Fulbright. In short Ennes makes claims that are NOT verifiable and this proves the sloppy journalism that this book, Assault on the Liberty, is guilty of. There are many books on this subject that are backed up by facts and evidence, read one of those instead of the book above that is based simply on hearsay and revenge fantasies.