Rating:  Summary: A stirring bit of fiction Review: Ennes one-man crusade against the Jewish faith has been going on for decades and has culminated in this piece of fiction. Innuendo and speculation replaces verifiable facts and sworn testimony.
Rating:  Summary: Unfounded Conspiracy Theories Review: Ennes's book should be considered more a work of fiction than of fact. He decides in advance that Israel attacked the Liberty in full knowledge that it was an American ship. Ennes maintains that there never has been an investigation of the incident, in spite of the fact that at least five thorough U.S. Governmental investigations (Navy, Congressional Committees, etc.) have been conducted; they all conclude that the attack was due to errors made by both the U.S. and Israel. Ennes, like other conspiracy theorists, want to believe otherwise, and he twists facts, and manufactures others, while ignoring all evidence to the contrary, to prove his point. Ennes, disregarding all available evidence, as well as logic, implicates President Johnson, and high American officials, as well as the captain of the Liberty, in the "cover-up". There is no plausible motive given for Israel, in the midst of a war of survival, to knowingly attack the vessel of the only country in the world which was friendly to it. To obtain a dependable account of the investigations and their conclusions, read Jay Cristol's "The Liberty Incident: The 1967 Attack on the U.S. Navy Spy Ship. Cristol is a former officer in the U.S. Air Corp, and is a judge. From both the legal and the military point of view, he knows what he's talking about.
Rating:  Summary: Eyewitness testimony Review: I have never thought that a review should be long and carried out with inundant statements that mean nothing. The book "Assault on the Liberty", is straight forward, written by someone who was actually there, with very little frills. I have read "Assault on the Liberty" more then once, and compare it to another book I read recently of eyewitness testimony about Pearl Harbor. I see no difference between the two, both are factual, and related to what one actually observed. How can anyone think it is anything more then that?
Rating:  Summary: Liars & Politics! Review: I was in the US Navy and stationed on board the USS Arcturus during the late sixties. A member of the crew from the decommissioned USS Liberty was transferred to this ship. One night, after a few too many drinks, he told me a wild and, at that time, unbelievable story about what had really happened when the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty while it was steaming in international waters during broad daylight while flying a very large US Flag. I had read the official account in TIME Magazine and thought that he was a liar. Reading this book made me realize that TIME Magazine and the US Government were the liars! If I knew the where abouts of my old shipmate, I would call him on the telephone and ask his forgiveness for thinking that he was the liar. Maybe TIME Magazine was duped into lying to the public, but they printed lies and I believed them at the time. After more than thirty years of following political intrigues, and the lies that shroud the machinations of politicians, it is my opinion that the Isrealis planned the attack on the USS Liberty with the intention of sinking it, with all hands on board being lost. Since it was off the coast of Eygpt, and we were not on friendly terms with that country at that time, the sinking could be blamed on the Egyptians. With there being no survivors to dispute the story, the American public would be outraged against the Arabs. Then, Israel, being our good ally, would help the United States seek revenge against Egypt and it's Arabic allies. That way, they would not have to be the only aggressors in the Six Day War, which they were after the sinking of the Liberty did not actually take place as planned. Since reading the book, I have aquired the video tape of the twenty year reunion of the USS Liberty survivors. The many interviews, especially the one by the ex Chief of Naval Operations, only confirm the legitimacy of this well documented book. As an added concern, the only country to benefit from the 9/11 World Trade Center attack was Israel. After the Muslims crashed the airplanes into the towers, Americans no longer cared about the slaughter of Palestinian people by Israel. The Israeli Mossad has been implicated in the planning of the WTC attack. Reading this book only adds to my concern.
Rating:  Summary: A great book Review: I'm glad to see the new enhanced version of this book is out. When it was first published it sold out very quickly. Amazingly it was never published again for several decades. I had to pay 112 dollars on ebay to get a copy a few years ago it was in such demand. I highly recommend this tale of betrayal and bravery.
Rating:  Summary: A gripping eyewitness account of a little known event Review: It is disconcerting to read reviews by individuals with such narrow political agendas, that they feel compelled to denounce the author as a "jew-hater" and "racist" because he criticizes Israel's actions regarding the USS Liberty. Ennes provides a harrowing eyewitness account of the Israeli air and naval attack on the American intelligence ship Liberty, in 1967. The Liberty was in the eastern Mediterranean when Israel Air Force aircraft attacked the ship with rockets and napalm, and Israeli boats torpedoed the Liberty and machine-gunned the empty lifeboats in the water. Ennes claims the attack was deliberate, and was done to keep secret, Israeli operations during the 1967 War. Israel claims the attack was an accident, and that the Liberty was mistaken for an Egyptian ship. Ennes was an officer on the Liberty, and provides a qualified account of the attack, and subsequent efforts to keep the ship afloat. His writing style is fluid, and easy to follow. He also includes many photographs taken during and after the attack. The controversial part of his book is his claim that the attack was deliberate, and that both the United States and Israeli governments subsequently whitewashed the incident. Since the book was written by somebody who was there, I anticipated that Ennes' account would not be entirely impartial. I felt that Ennes made some compelling arguments about the attack including: 1) Israeli reconnaissance planes shadowed the Liberty for some time before the attack. 2) The Liberty was flying a large American flag and the weather was good. 3) Egypt had no ship that was of comparable size and configuration as the Liberty. Ennes bases his claim on circumstantial evidence, since he did not have access to U.S. Navy and Israeli records. Without sufficient counterarguments, it is difficult to ascertain the truth, although it is evident that, at the very least, Israel's actions were extremely negligent. Whether the attack was an accident or deliberate, I feel that the vitriolic accusations thrown at the author are unfair, and that these critics are trying to downplay the incident. Ennes saw 34 of his shipmates killed, and nearly 200 wounded. Whether I agree with his conclusions or not, I can certainly understand his anger. Those who denounce him as a Jew-hater because of his criticism of the Israeli government are insulting American military personnel, and doing a disservice to the Israeli people, who deserve a government and military that are accountable for their actions.
Rating:  Summary: Assualt on the Liberty Review: James Ennes Jr has written a book whose subject is, or should be, of concern to all Americans; especially after 9-11. His first hand account of the chilling and murderous attack on an unarmed (for all intent and purposes)American Intelligence Ship in International Waters by our "ally" makes one's skin crawl.The attack took the lives of 34 American Sailors. Yet, the attack was never investigated by the US Congress? Why did the USA accept the flimsy Israeli excuse of "mistaken identity"? Ennes points out that the ship was a plainly marked US Naval Vessel; listed in James Fighting Ships. A great book about a horrible tragedy of murderous deceit.
Rating:  Summary: This shoyuld be in the Fiction section Review: Once again fiction is called fact! the only thing this book does is to try and inflame a hatred for Israel and Jews worldwide. The Facts are there but Ennes refuses to look at them. I'm appaled that what he calls fact is nothing more then refuted lies. Change the title to :"Lies and how they made me rich" Most of the people praising this book are the USENET whackjobs who post this thing daily in Jewish/Israeli Newsgroups and NEVER ever do they read the facts. Ennes has once again given the Tin Foil gang something to roll in while to the rest of the world it is a waste of good trees
Rating:  Summary: This shoyuld be in the Fiction section Review: Once again fiction is called fact! the only thing this book does is to try and inflame a hatred for Israel and Jews worldwide. The Facts are there but Ennes refuses to look at them. I'm appaled that what he calls fact is nothing more then refuted lies. Change the title to :"Lies and how they made me rich" Most of the people praising this book are the USENET whackjobs who post this thing daily in Jewish/Israeli Newsgroups and NEVER ever do they read the facts. Ennes has once again given the Tin Foil gang something to roll in while to the rest of the world it is a waste of good trees
Rating:  Summary: Assalt on the Liberty Review: The Assault on the Liberty is a refreshing honest look at what can happen when two governments, Israel and the United States, make great errors in a cover up try of the higest magnitude. Jim Ennes , Survivor , writes as it happend. Eye wittness experience is the best way to discribe the cover up of the century. Recommend reading for all.