Rating: Summary: Who's looking out for Bill Review: The great irony at issue in this book is that it's really all about Bill. If O'Reilly could fashion himself as the messiah (and Roger Ailes might be willing to produce that show), he would undoubtedly do so. While this book apparently showcases his best work, its arguments and insights are ultimately as poor as the rest of O'Reilly's verbosity. As always, Bill is a talented rhetorician and a below average thinker. Complememnt this fact with his willingness to forsake any notion of cogent analysis and lower the standard of public debate in order to champion his own celebrity, and you have one really lousy book. For God's sake, change the channel.
Rating: Summary: The worst Christmas Present Review: Could I have received a worse Christmas present. Not really. This "gift" from my brother was supposed to bring me over to the far right. In fact the poorly structured totally unware writing has created more of a rift than before. The inability of O'Reilly to see the irony in the fact that he, on one hand, tells us the everybody in the media and entertainment industry (of which we aren't sure where O'Reilly belongs) are only looking out for themselves while, on the other hand, contesting that HE is different and looking out for me. The most unfourtunate thing of all was that my brother signed it on the inside cover, thus not allowing me to return it. Next Christmas he may be getting a visit from Al Franken and Michael Moore. Don't give this book to someone who isn't preinclined to buy it... they will not be happy.
Rating: Summary: O'Reilly thinks he's looking out for all of us Review: No matter what your political bent is, you must agree, Bill O'Reilly is full of opinions. Just ask him, and he'll have a strong opinion on just about any subject. Much of the advice in this book, such as surrounding yourself with people of strong character and invest in relationships, is solid. But this isn't a self-help book. It pretends to be one for a while, but it digresses into a "what is wrong with the world" book. I am a conservative, and I agree with many of Bill O'Reilly's opinions, but he comes across as overly arrogant in his "I know what's best for you" attitude. He's not the kind of person I would be comfortable getting to know in a real life friendship.
Rating: Summary: Ah...the joys of Freedom of Speech. :) Review: After reading the 'opinions' on this page about Bill O' Reilly and this book, I (along with my left-wing liberal views and opinions) decided to pick up this book to see what all the fuss was about...and I must say the book was decent. Don't get me wrong...it wasn't Pulitzer Prize worthy, but I also wouldn't use the pages of his book as toilet paper in the forest. Bill O'Reilly used his life experiences and his position to write a book that shows how things really go down in the world of politics, government, society and relationships. I found that while most of his book is based on (shameless self-promotion and) his hard-edged opinion.....and a lot of the 'self-help' chapters are filled with common-sense scripture, he also speaks the truth, and lots of times has evidence to back it up. Also, after reading this book, I like the fact that he isn't afraid to speak his mind and stand up for causes that he believes in...gotta respect the guy for that. So, while I won't be joining his fan club or stalking him for an autograph after nightly "O'Reilly Factor" tapings, I won't be so quick to change the channel when I come across his show or pass up another book he writes.
Rating: Summary: The book doesn't have many redeeming qualities Review: There is a part of me that likes Bill O'Reilly. I respect his irreverence--his go against the grain nature. His penchant for calling out the truth in a fact-based way, combined with his self-deprecating nature, are refreshing as well. Despite the angry claims of a lot of O'Reilly critics, he does at times admit mistakes, as well as state opinions that go against Republicans and the Republican party. Sure, some of his emotional points of view, like denigrating ALL rap artists, are a bit over the top, but one can't expect to agree with everything someone says. In addition, his woe is me--they all hate me and they're all biased hooplah, which feeds into his own endless tirade of self-promotion, is tiring. All of that said, there is little to recommend in this book. Yes, his views on people and institutions from various walks of life who aren't looking out for you are at times illuminating. But after awhile, one can't help but feel increasingly anxious reading this book. Are things really this bleak? Is there really such a stark "good versus evil" component in all walks of life? I'd like to think there is a bit more color and hope in the world. Bill's suggestions on how to operate in a world where so many folks aren't looking out for you, are pitifully inadequate. He freely admits his own mistakes in his career, but one should be careful before drawing any analogies between the world of broadcasting and almost any other field. As is the case in the world of acting, there are very few broadcasting slots at the top, the barriers to entry are actually pitifully low, and sexism and bad behavior are rampant. Lacking in Bill's suggestions are recommendations toward cultivating any form of "emotional intelligence," and chief among qualities of emotional intelligence is empathy. While developmentally, Bill has come a long way according to his own claims, it appears he could still benefit from some basic emotional intelligence. The book is essentially 212 pages of very large type, with very little content. I was disappointed.
Rating: Summary: Propaganda From a Registered Republican Review: After reading this book you will not know who's looking out for you, but you will know that Mr. William O' Reilly is out for your $25.00. His intention is not to inform, but to make millions of you! If you want to know his real agenda read Al Franken's book - "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, and check out what O'Reilly looks like under that makeup - blotchy skin and all! It's hard to respect an author who uses the words "Me, and, I" over 1,000 times. Lets face it there is nothing fair and balanced about this book!
Rating: Summary: O'Reilly has opinions.... Review: ...and nothing else. As the majority of the reviews go either one or five stars, I searched my soul for a reason to give this maybe two...maybe three. But, no, even my soul couldn't go that far. I try with this guy. I don't hate him. I don't even hate those so desperate for an "authority" to define reality for them that they take this stuff seriously. (Indeed, I find more hatred coming from a few select five-star reviewers who must appreciate Ann Coulter's self-aggrandizement!) But I frankly don't believe he has any "politics." Rather, he sees the writing on the wall and sells to a buying audience. Moralisms; a critique of Hillary Clinton that dared to go where David Brock refused to; no one can be trusted. No one, of course, but ME, your guru, Bill O'Rielly. That's the book in a nutshell. "Oh, but I make mistakes!" Thanks, Bill. We've noticed. And for those suspicious, I have no intention of buying Hillary's book to rival the alleged "best seller" status of this overgrown oped column. Neither Franken nor Moore are "objective." But they are entertaining. That's more than I can say about Bill. I doubt that we Americans are unique in giving "media personalities" more of a soapbox than they deserve. But we do have access to more media than many. May those media, print and broadcast, reconsider when giving Bill O'Rielly so much attention. Just let him settle with all he's made off us the readers/watchers and give us something more substantial, maybe "Leave It To Beaver" reruns.
Rating: Summary: very, very good book Review: I enjoyed reading this book alot and Mr. O'Reilly really explains who's really looking out for you.
Rating: Summary: O'Reillys best yet Review: Bill O'Reilly is a politcial genius touching on both the conservative and liberal point-of-views. He speaks only the truth and is concerned about the average American and the general comfort of the middle class. Since he only speaks truth, most of his views are conservative since the liberal aspect is to make up certain "facts" and dilate the truth. Most are known as "spinners" and in O'Reilly's No-Spin Zone there is nothing to do but attack these spinners and let the people know what's really right. With portions of dialogue from many episodes of "The No-Spin Zone" this book hits a grand slam. Many will enjoy finding out the facts in "Who's Looking Out for You."
Rating: Summary: Guide to Life Review: Bill's book is anything but a "one-sided-rant." It contains quality information that everyone (Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, and most importantly parents) should read and follow to lead a happy, productive life. I can not say enough positive things about this book. The section about "Ten Rules for Successful Parenting" is by far my favorite. Buy it. Read it. Pass it on.