Rating: Summary: Him on your side Review: This thoughts and opinions in this book is as good as it gets for any average American or for that matter any common citizen in any part of this world. As one of the reviewers pointed out - this is not for the closed mind. No it isn't. You may disagree on some the things he says but there'll be a lot where he's speaking YOUR mind out. One of the few honest, brave crusaders left in this messy world. Read it without bias or preconcieved notions about him, forget about being a Republican or a Democrat, just read it plain and simple and you'll end up reading all night, opening yourself to a better, matured new day from then on...
Rating: Summary: If O'reilly spins - then I must be Kim Jong Il Review: If you really believe that this man lies then you must be seeing the world through eyes attached to your very own spinning head! Al Franken is the one who got caught in the biggest lie of all! Remember? The actual undisclosed title of his book is "Lies and the lying liars who tell them - MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY by Al Franken" Even the elite liberal media broke that story - hmmm...interesting that Al Franken was lying about who was backing his book in order to gain support and materials. And let's not forget that Harvard University was a bit upset when they found out that good old Al had been sending around their letterheads in order to give the impression that Harvard was doing the research behind the book. Which was not true at all. As for Mr. Bill O'reilly - he has not been caught in a lie yet, and even when he has made a mistake(on the rare occasion) he admits it and even retracts it! Let's see anyone at CNN admit they ever made a mistake! I'm sorry I have to say it but Liberals are showing their true hipocritical colors. Dissention can be a good thing when used properly and respectfully - Liberals simply don't understand the latter of this theory. They run around blaming everyone else and yet you ask how they would do things and they can't even appear to have a clue. This is a prime example here - they are tearing apart a book they haven't even read - what kind of sense does that make? Liberals are all about freedom of speech until someone disagrees with them. According to them an elementary student should be allowed to use the "F"-word towards a teacher - but heaven forbid if a person wants to aknowledge God. It's getting to the point where if I go outside in the U.S. and use the word God mouths will drop and more than likely I'll be tarred and feathered. Keep in mind that this is only one example. I reccomend the book, "Persecution". Read it and you'll see what I mean. Al Franken is not presenting facts or opinions - he is simply trying to attack what he doesn't understand and he does so in a very unkosher manner. Bill O'reilly does not engage in slanduring - especially slander that is only meant to destroy. Mark Twain would put it this way, "We all love our country. It's our countrymen we have problems with."
Rating: Summary: Even worse than I thought it would be Review: O'Reilly wants to blame Mexicans and Blacks for all the problems our country is having. He correctly identifies many of the problems, but spins the answers. Not a liberal or a conservative myself, I still think that O'Reilly's audience is very uneducated and need a tabloid artist, such as O'Reilly, to brainwash them. This book is truly pathetic.
Rating: Summary: This is Not for the Closed of Mind Review: As usual, any time an author with views such as O'Reilly's writes a book, the socialist left-wingers start seeing red and do their best to pan it. Unfortunately, the intent of such reviews are clearly evident--they don't want you to read these type of books. The truth, as long as it does not match left-wing ideology, is something liberals do not want anyone to hear. Left-wingers do not want you to think for yourself; nor do they even want you to be provoked to actually think for yourself. No, the moral relativist liberals only want us to hear THEIR version of the truth. Thankfully, most people see through such tactics and make their own judgments about the merits of O'Reilly's opinions. Like him or not, he speaks his mind and talks about things that aren't PC to talk about (the things most media outlets do not tell you about). Rarely are everyone's opinions the same on all topics. But for the individuals who have common sense, think for themselves, and can reason logically, this book--as well as O'Reilly's other books--will make a good deal of sense. Bill is a much needed voice of reason for many of the very important topics that this country needs to face head-on.
Rating: Summary: Quality Journalism Review: First of all, the 1 out of 5 star reviews here are quite pathetic really. The reviewers don't give any justification for their dislike of the book, they just base their opinion on what they think of Mr. O'Reilly. I doubt (m)any of them have even read his latest book. Fact of the matter is, O'Reilly's book lives up to its title and shows you who to watch out for. His list of individuals and organizations is not based on opinion; he backs it up with plenty of research and statistics. I'm glad we have someone like O'Reilly in the public domain to keep an eye on the scam artists and crooks in America. The first chapter is a bit dry, he states a lot of obvious things about broken homes being a large problem in this country (maybe that isn't obvious to everyone else), but once you get past that it's a pretty insightful read.
Rating: Summary: The #1 Spinmeister is at it again Review: Another book filled with half truths and outright lies by this arch-conservative Republican commentator and columnist who led the charge against Al Franken (I just bought that book, thanks to O'Lielly) And, yes, he was a Republican until it was pointed out in the Washington Post that he was not really the "Independent" he claims to be.
Rating: Summary: It must be midnight for Cinderella O'Reilly... Review: The golden chariot is back to looking like a pumpkin. I have to say I've enjoyed several of his earlier offerings, and used to be a regular devotee of his show. Somehow he lost the sparkle -- or perhaps he has a new ghost'writer? One way or the other, I wouldn't mind a refund. Uses the same approach we've grown accustomed to (which I would give him credit for pioneering) that is starting to get old. You can only be a negative yet self-centered arrogant moron for so long and get away with it. Ok, I admit. I loved him until I read Al Franken's expose, at which point I felt pretty dumb for being an "O'Leilly" fan for so long. I had already preordered the book before buying Franken's tome, and didn't bother cancel it. Well, perhaps that's why the spit polish on O'Reilly's writing doesn't seem to shine like it used to. Put this cow out to pasture. No more milk from this bessy. This Bull is dry.
Rating: Summary: Shoots,,,,,,,,,,,,,and Misses Review: I received an advance copy through one of my sources. Unfortunately, I found this particular effort from Mr O to be a badly written bore. What happened?
Rating: Summary: Finding Fair and Balanced Review: While I enjoy the straight forward attitude that Oreilly brings to his news program, I find that many of his points fall upon belittling the oposing point of view... and many times even going as far as attacking the character of someone with a different point of view. While I have not read this book cover to cover yet, I do find it interesting and worth looking at, but it is wholisticly without perspective... Oreilly speaks for one specific type of American... Those who beleive that FOX NEWS really *IS* the network Americans trust... they will like this book, because it reinforces everything that you want to believe... Those who think that Oreilly is a talking head without real insight will get angry at this book, and are probably much better off with leftist works like Al Franken or Michael Moore. For those like me who like to really look at both sides and actually decide on my own... Oreilly certainly talks for a widely held point of view, so even if you disagree... its worth hearing the argument.
Rating: Summary: Hypocrisies and Propaganda don't look out for you Review: Who's looking out for you? Well, I really can't answer that question, but I know for sure that it isn't Bill O'Reily after seeing his show numerous times and reading this book. Like his show the book focuses more on ranting about things that make Bill angry rather than on something that's actually relevant. Even if he was brought up in a lower class home (a point that is debated) it still dosen't change the fact that he is one of the elite now. His books have sold millions of copies and his show is pretty popular so I think it's safe to say he won't be moving in next door anytime soon. Bill and Fox news repeatidly say they are fair and balanced, but really you can find evidence to the contrary on this very page! The conservative book club will give you a discount on this book if you join now. People who bought this also bought books from Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingrahim and Sean Hannity, and many self-proclaimed conservatives put this on their lists of best conservative books. People will probably label this review "leftist propaganda", but I can tell you with full confidence that I am 100% independent. I believe Micheal Moore is just as much of a propagandist as Bill and wish they would both go away. I believe a choice between John Kerry and Bush is like choosing your poison seeing as how they will both run this country into the ground. (Nader is too pshychotic to even mention) So as an actual independent and not just some liar who claims to be like O'Reily, I can finally tell you who's looking out for you. No ones looking out for you. In this day and age your on your own. The media lies, the government lies and everyone lies. The truth is out there but you have to quit being so apathetic and find it yourself. There's no one out there you can trust to do it for you.