Rating:  Summary: Enter O'reilly's personal spin cycle. Review: Pretty much all this schmuck does on his TV show is attack Hillary's book, Jesse Jackson, or try to sell you his Factor Gear. And if you by any chance come on this guy's show and do something sanctimonius like disagree with him all he'll do is tell you to shut up or turn off your microphone. Not only that he slandered and totally misrepresented an editorialist from Salon magazine and then turned down a debate on a neutral site where he couldn't rely on his usual chicanery and cheap shots. His last book was just interview transcripts from his stupid show, with a paragraph introduction written for each one. You can pretty much get that crap for free on his website. Not only that he isn't looking out for you. He supported Bush's war on Iraq, he supported his tax cut, and defended Trent Lott. Sounds like he's looking out for rich angry white guys. Hey, I'll look out for you, don't waste your money on this nonsense. If you want good conservative writing read Buckley, or Saphire.
Rating:  Summary: Who is Bill O'Reilly Looking Out For? Review: The book was a good read; though he tells us nothing new. So, it was a disappointment. The book is full of whining commentary on religion, cell phones, & news/entertainment media (etc) but most of the whining is about his career foibles. I say, Bill, get over it. Mr. O'Reilly seems to be looking after himself in his book; in it he tries to even the score about who done him wrong in his entire life. My expectation in buying his book was to learn about how WE can best look out for OURSELVES in today's selfish, egocentric, alienated, & troubled world. Bill whines about the world but provides no adult insight into how we can best deal with the world and protect ourselves. He certainly is looking after himself each time we plunk down $17.95 for his book. He truly revealed his cards when he reminded us of his "Inside Edition" show (which in my opinion) fueled the fire for the current reality TV trash we are subjected to in the media. Mr. O'Reilly needs to grow up and face the fact that he is not the king of all media but a self promoter - and possibly a wanna be. Self promotion is the only tid bit I go out of this book and he does not serve his readers well by alluding to self protection and promotion without helping US understand HOW to do it. If we knew HOW to do it I guess we would not continue to buy his books and watch is FOX News pap and he would be out of business. We are just now getting over the dot.com debacle of overhyping situations that simply do not exist. Mr. O'Reilly continues the hyping rhetoric in his book. Protect yourself and look out for yourself by not buying this book, being exposed to its negativity, and wasting your time reading it. Then Take the $17.95 and promote yourself by taking someone out to lunch.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent - Best Book of O'Reilly's Review: As always, Bill O'Reilly makes his poitns with style and class. I may be ideological in my opinions, though.A WORD TO JERKS: Try to debate O'Reilly with substance and not personal attacks.
Rating:  Summary: Same Old Garbage Review: Don't waste your money on anything from Bill O'reilly. He is just a right-wing Republican who wants you to believe he is "independant". Buy Al Franken's books instead.
Rating:  Summary: a collection of trite cliches Review: This book brings nothing new to the party. Trite cliches, stale ideas and spoon-dull wit characterize O'Reilly's latest offering. Don't even be tempted to pick it up when this book goes on the remainder racks.
Rating:  Summary: More common sense Review: It doesn't take a lot of words to spell out common sense and eliminate the psychobabble.
Rating:  Summary: Sometimes i wonder Review: I read this book, it was a quick read but it is a decent book. True, politicians are willing to sell you out for special interest votes. True hollywood will sell you out. The problem that i had was not with this book. The problem i have is this, a lot of reviewers wrote reviews within moments of being able to. I live on the east coast, and by the time the readers could review the book the book stores were not yet open. A lot of people with a political agenda have written reviews without having read the book. These idealogues are a disgrace to amazon and the book reviewing principle in general. Have some decency and read the book first.
Rating:  Summary: $25 for this???? Review: I had an extra 35 minutes of my day, so I picked up and just about finished this book while browsing at the bookstore. I considered buying it, but that was before picking it up. After I did, I almost laughed out loud and disturbed the other customers. This book is so badly written and so obviously stretched out - double-spaced, big type - to fill a whopping 220 pages, that it's comical. The words? Just the usual right wing, "blame everybody but yourself" rants, focusing on the usual right wing subjects like immigrants and homosexuals. Save your money on this one, shoppers. O'Reilly must have put about, oh, 38 minutes into writing it. It doesn't take much longer than that to read it.
Rating:  Summary: Not So Bad . . . Review: I regularly watch Bill on the O'Reilly Factor. He hits hard because he believes what he is saying. Most of the time our beliefs are very close, sometimes not, but this is not a mean or evil man. This is a man who has ideas he truly believes in and this book tells us how some of those beliefs came about. He also makes some suggestions on how to get ahead in life. Nothing here to cause such hateful reviews as those ahead of my own. I think the book is thought provoking at times and, as always, he and I disagree a bit where religion is concerned. But not a bad read and not bad ideas either. I thought Bill O' Reilly was being exceptionally nice in this book! I recommend it, but only to intelligent, open minded people.
Rating:  Summary: Who's Looking Out for You? Review: This is the worst book I have ever read and reccomend that if you enjoy O'Reliey, as I sometimes do, you will stick to watching him on TV because his writing in horribly biased and full of spin. Fox News would benefit by sending him back to Tabloid TV, where he came from. He is neither a scholar nor an objective news reporter. Save your money if you enjoy real journalism!