Rating:  Summary: Personality Disorder Review: Does Mr. O'Reilly fancy himself a journalist? If he does, maybe he should get a degree in journalism and allow someone to teach him how to get out of his own way. I forced myself to get through this very odd book. I did not feel well after I was done. It gives me chills to think that there are people out there who find this man respectable.and the two
Rating:  Summary: Thoroughly enjoyed this book Review: If you are not a fan of O'Reilly's style, you probably won't like this book. I generally enjoy The O'Reilly Factor, and this book has very much the same "tone". I do not agree with everything Mr. O'Reilly has to say, but he does give you something to think about.
Rating:  Summary: This am one triffick book Review: Bill, Youse speak fur all us what know who does great stuff in these American states. Send them stinkin' liberals back to hell, or Iraq, or France. We don't needs them. Or Jews. I hope you next book is on tape so I don't sprane my lips so much reading.
Rating:  Summary: Bill is, that's who!!! Review: But consider:1)If 3% of the population in the U.S. controls 97% of the total wealth,then 2-250 million Americans will never achieve the american DREAM over their working lives.Consider that the U.S.poverty rate is $17k per year but the average retail or hospitality worker earns perhaps $15-20k per year.. With wages like this, how can anyone prosper or support a family? 2) There is no minimum accepted standard of living in America..it doesn't matter if you have to work 100 hours per week or live in the most plagued part of the city or have your children attend the worst schools-- just do what is necessary! 3) How many of our leaders in business, politics and religion propose to be devoted to the Bible yet benefit from interest revenue-generating entities, of which interest, or preying on another's misfortune, is not permitted? 4) There is a silent discrimination against single workers without children in America. When parents rightfully exercise their maternity,paternity and family medical leave benefits plus a multitude of other dotted line benefits, who do you think picks up the slack in the workplace but single workers! 5) Women have gained great independence but there is no support with that strength. How many women pay for dates? How many women help support men much as men supported them financially in the past? Were women really that unhappy 50-60 years ago? Were men?? And there is truism that society does not want to face-- men ALWAYS pay for sex in some form. 6) Does the U.S. government really want literacy when you consider that the French Revolution started with a highly literate peasantry whose stomachs were half-full? 7) How much of our domestic and foreign policy genuinely reflect the will of the people? Do our leaders view citizens as sheep to be herded and manipulated? Do the american people tacitly approve of our policies? Do we as americans really care?
Rating:  Summary: In sightful info Review: for the person who can't stand the tought of listening to Bill he makes comments that can be helpful to aall Americans not just righties or lefties. Don't look at it as a political book but as a self help book.the title may catch a person of guard thinking :oh no what conspiracy is being tossed around now". Though he is not on Oprahs Christmas list like Dr. Phil Mr.OReilly gives some thought provoking ideas.
Rating:  Summary: who's lloking out for you Review: Total drek. Bill O'reilly should quit while he is ahead. Misinformed and full of himself. His last books were much better. What a waste of money, save your $24.95 and borrow it from the library if you care to waste your time
Rating:  Summary: IT'S NOT ABOUT PEOPLE, BUT ABOUT THEIR ACTIONS Review: If anyone wants to read this book, they need to make sure they have an open mind. This book is not for people who "hate" Mr. O'Reilly. Indeed, I don't know much about him myself, but I enjoy his repartees when bantering with others on "The Factor," (FNC). Anyone with one wit of a brain can see that Mr. O'Reilly is not perpetually angry. Yes, he gets angry about things, so do I. Reading this book, I found myself anticipating the next page. Here is a man bashing the actions, or lack thereof, of people in high places. he is not bashing everyone he writes about. He lets you know when he does by the adjectives he uses. Those of you who want proof about his charges against others, I am sure Mr. O'Reilly will be more than happy to hand over what information he has accrued on various subjects through his team. I am on my last chapter of the book. It is very interesting, I call it a "page-turner" not because of its engrossing material, but because of Mr. O'Reilly's writing style. I much prefer the "no holds bar" conversational truth from people like Mr. O'Reilly than the sugar coated, afraid to step on one's toes, "politically correct" garbage I get from all other media outlets. Although Mr. O'Reilly is a self proclaimed Roman Catholic, which I am not, I found that it is his Christian values that are the core of him. He has the same values I do. Through this book I was able to see that. He IS a God-fearing man wanting the working class people of this country to be safe from the machinations of the wealthy and privileged as well as our own government. What he says is true. A vast majority of people in government care more for their image than they do about the real cruxes in the average working American's life. Regarding Mr. O'Reilly's chapter God Help Us, any TRUE Christian will find themselves agreeing to most of what he wrote. And in his chapter My Country 'Tis of Thee, the very simplified truth is stated there. Our federal government has way too much power. It was never meant to be this way. States were to have the biggest controlling power. If anyone cares to recall, that is the number one reason the Civil War started. It was over State's Rights. Plain and simple. Yet, through our own ignorance and easily led way, not to mention the crooked politician, we working class American's have given a vast amount of power to the Federal Government. Again I will say it was NEVER supposed to be that way. It is not and never has been Mr. O'Reilly's intent to agree with everything he says, I don't. You would probably be labeled a "panderer" (his term not mine). He is merely letting all the rest of us unwealthy persons know to protect ourselves from the evils among us. In essence, to have our own sense of power. After reading this book, I have decided to read his first two best-sellers; "The O'Reilly Factor" and "The No Spin Zone."
Rating:  Summary: I rate political books by how many one stars it gets Review: The more one stars a political book gets, the better I know it is. I also really enjoy reading the frustration and ignorance of "libs". It's almost more enjoyable than reading the books themselves and they are really funny too! Because libs hate this book so much I think I'll buy one for each of my family members and all of my friends. That should help boost those book sales. Getting past all that, since none of the one star reviewers have not even read this book, I'll try to fill them in. It's not about the left, it's not about the right, it's about the powerful in this country and how they try to get over the average American. Weather it's Jessie Jackson making millions for himself while the people he professes to be helping go with out, to the poor ghettos where the people are terrorized by the drug dealers because the politicians won't stop it, to the worker getting screwed by management. Bill O'Reilly doesn't pull any punches. Maybe Bill's next book could be titled "Why Liberals Are so Angry: Get Over it, Communism Failed"
Rating:  Summary: Excellent read! Review: Obviouly all of the one and two star reviews on this book are done by guilty liberals who have interests in book-burning (not to mention they are looking out for their wallets ONLY). For those of you who live in the real world, check out Bill's newewst book, as well as his previous books.
Rating:  Summary: Makes a great gag gift! Review: A hilarious gag gift for the person with everything... including an IQ above room temperature.