Rating:  Summary: ordering mine after hearing the NPR interview Review: i'm ordering my book after hearing the NPR FRESH AIR interview. wow! the 5 stars i'm giving for book is for my anticipation to read the book. i suspect many of the negatives posted are from people who haven't read the book - so be it with my 5 stars! sf n SF
Rating:  Summary: Dumb People Won't Like This Book Review: This book is only for the top of the food chain. The weak, stupid and intellectually dishonest need not read it. Bill doesn't tell you step-by-step how to improve your life and prosper, but he gives you a heads up on how to start and what to do to keep the drama and chaos out of one's life. If one is smart, they'll heed his sage advice (and it is great advice). If one is a whinging (whiny) commie, they'll hate it because basics are just too difficult for the intellectually dopey to master. Want to know why the commies are too stupid to actually get the message? Any liberal commie who rants that they hate the tome never paid attention enough (to the book) to see that O'Reilly is brutally honest concerning the BAD things about American culture and country. If the liberal pukes were smart, they'd see 50% of the book actually supports a lot of their ideology. Fair and balanced, baby! If one is smart, they'll see that an even-keeled life takes a lot of thought and judicious decision making. The only thing I questioned was didn't he write this book already (combo of his last two non-fiction tomes)? At any rate, I feel it was worth saying again so Americans can appreciate all the blessings we are bestowed just by living in America.
Rating:  Summary: Al Franken's True Desire Review: Al Franken is quite simply in awe of this book. I overheard him talking about it at a NWNWB (Never Was, Never Will Be) convention over the weekend. He became almost tearful when realizing to a friend ( I think he called him Little Castro or L.C. for short) that his prowess in writing(if one can call it that) would never match Mr. O'reilly's. He did actually refer to him as MR. O'reilly, which came as a suprise. It's hard for the Communist Left to accept the fact that we don't want them around. They are so vocal because they are wealthy and think because they are, they know it all. Bill O'reilly does a fabulous job in crafting this book. Those who have no morals or who embrace communism should not read, unless you want to have a change of heart like Al Franken. He is sorry for being so former U.S.S.R.
Rating:  Summary: Who's Lookin' Out for You? Me! Bill O'Reilly. Alright. Review: It's difficult to decide whether O'Reilly is either deluded and self-absorbed or stunningly cynical. I suspect the former, but it's hard to believe he's as self-satisfied as he comes across in the book. How can you have a good life, he asks, and then, wow, finds the answers in his own! Be like Bill! Amazing...
Rating:  Summary: Bill O'Reilly gone done himself right! Review: Now I reckon this here book by Bill O'Reilly is the best thing to happen to this country since Strom Thurman. I was readin all them words inside to Billy Bob and Betty down at the fishin hole, and boy oh boy did they hoot and holla and make a ruckus over it all. We make sure to get them TV antinnas pointed in the right deerection to watch his show on the Fox channel. Between Bill O'Reilly and them animal attack specials I reckon them Fox channels has gone done themselves right too. Bill O'Reilly sure does himself a good job of tellin all us regular American Joes all about the liberal government, and the liberal media and all that. This book sure is worth the pig i traded to ol' Clem for it down at the bait store. I give it five stars, just like them generals who done liberated that Irack country and made all our troubles with the Muzlums go away.How's bout Charlton Heston/Bill O'Reilly 2008? Thanks to Peggy Lee for writing this here review out on one of em new fangled television-typewriters.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, it's his best book...job well done! Review: I almost didn't buy the book. Since I watch The Factor, I figured it would contain anecdotes I was already well aware of. But then I heard Bill O'Reilly say on his show (in response to a negative letter) that it was the best book he's written. That did it, I bought the book, fortunately for me. I was very impressed with it. While it did have the usual apologetics in it, the author did clearly have a mission in writing this book. Some reviewers here are saying his advice is trite. If so, why are there so many people living exactly the opposite to his trite advice, and miserable for their folly? Bill talks about getting along successfully in a tough world. He uses compelling examples to show how a bad decision or "hanging" with the wrong people can lead to ruination. I have a real problem with his detractors, who cannot stick to reviewing the book, but rather have a personal agenda to attack the author because they disagree with his views. I don't care WHO wrote the book...if it gives excellent advice that you'd want your own kids to heed, then why politicize it? There are really no politics in this book. Bill O'Reilly does get very personal by discussing his childhood frankly, and talking about his ego getting in the way of his career as he was coming up in his profession. I guess if you just despise O'Reilly, you can't read the book without the distorted lens over your eyes--why are you reading it then? Maybe some of the reviewers have not so much as seen the cover of the book but are posting reviews anyway...as Bill would say, "Shame on you!" I do recommend the book highly. My kids are grown, and in my middle age wisdom, I've already learned the truth of what Bill is enjoining people to do. It's about living with your eyes open and not getting so enamored of a particular ideology that you fail to judge each situation on its merits. Bill is strong on self-reliance, bolstered with a support system made up of trustworthy, good human beings. He REALLY wants to reach people who NEED to embrace this philosophy. The only flaw I saw, and this is my subjective view, is that he still is devoid of humility. I can't blame him much. After all, he has become very successful, he is honest, loves his family, attends church weekly, and is clearly one of the good guys. With his intellect and position, it would be difficult to be humble, BUT it would also be another great virtue. Maybe later he will achieve even this, and will make it a subject of the next book! Buy the book...it's a thoroughly enjoyable read peppered with excellent advice.
Rating:  Summary: Dull and Self-Serving Review: O'Reilly spends more time serving his own ego and twisting facts and figures than he does trying to present valid points on important issues for America. Poorly written and at times utterly dull, this book barely deserves even one star. No-spin zone? Right, try again Bill.
Rating:  Summary: This book proves Al Franken right Review: There are hardly any facts in this book. It's simply line after line of sappy Republican rhetoric that more resembles the rough draft of anything written by George W. Bush than an actual published work of political non-fiction. The irony that this man is responsibe for something called the "NO SPIN" zone is astounding. This man does nothing but spin. Books by people like Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter are pure, unsubstantiated blather that are simply partisan assaults on the Democratic world. On the other hand, you have Al Franken's new book, which doesn't simply spout insults, but rather gives examples that prove him right. He doesn't have to make the argument, the evidence makes it for him. It teaches you not to just believe everything you see, but do some research and then see where you stand. And it's funny too! For a more enlightening and entertaining read, I'd suggest that you check out "Lies and the lying liars who tell them" by Al Franken. He really is looking out for you. And the sales rank seems to show that you're already taking that advice. Stop being a sheep. Learn to think, and you'll be a better, smarter person. And you'll most likely vote Democrat.
Rating:  Summary: A New Low Review: This book is set up like an "advice" book ("Be brutally honest with yourself") but it is basically a frame for O'Reilly's "insights". The "insights" are his usual simplistic right-leaning views on society's ills, and these are tedious, but the really amazing thing is O'Reilly's apparent delusions concerning his importance as a observer of America. He actually believes that someone other than the dim bulbs who watch his show (mostly, I guess,to confirm their Limbaugh-like delusions and rationalize their pathetic minor league greed) care what he thinks. Ah, if the world were as simple as O'Reilly says it is and good old "hard work" was rewarded and those vulgar rappers sang about love like their Four Tops parents, then good old boys from the mean streets of Levitown would be kings.
Rating:  Summary: O'Reilly's Divine Teachings Will Live On Forever Review: The Prophet O'Rielly's teachings may anger some, but the power and glory of his words cannot be denied. Heathens of the left and right may persecute the man, but the sacred teachings will live on for eternity. Certainly, the majestic smirk, omniscient personage and divine smugness will all come to pass one day. But the Prophet's exalted doctrine of no-spin, tell-it-like-it-is, shoot-from-the-hip, no-beatin' around the bush, straight-talking, cut-to-the-chase, come on - you've got to be kidding, Sara Astor of Newberry Connecticut, thanks for the kind words, but my wife doesn't think so, , Mr. Bin Laden, I take back the Mr. because you are not deserving of my respect, if you are out there listening, you are nothing but a gutless, two faced liar, that's all you are, Ms Derek, always a pleasure to chat with a woman of such unspeakable beauty, ... will be passed on through the generations and ultimately become the one true religion of all humanity. Amen.