Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: I am so glad this book was written at a time when there is so...much attention given to Michael Moore and Al Franken's nonsense! This book is well written, and it just flows along as if Bill is right there having a conversation with you. It really disturbs me to see the direction this country is taking, with all of the "militant" liberals who have literally hijacked the Democratic Party It's a real shame that more people refuse to open their eyes about what is going on all around them and be "led" along like cattle to the slaughter, allowing other people to do the thinking for them. So Sad!! Wake up America! Open your eyes before it is too late!
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: Really enjoyed this book. Nice to read about someone who worked hard to become such a success. It seems like there are some Franken and Moore fans who visited this site not to write an intelligent review about the book but smear O'Reilly personally. Not much of a shock though. Birds of a feather. Anyhow, I enjoyed the first book a bit but still a well supported, informative book.
Rating:  Summary: Spend the money on beer Review: Are you a good person? Do you work hard for your money? Then do yourself a favor and don't waste your valuable time or money on this book. First of all, it's skimpy -- the man obviously had so little to say that in order to fill the pages the publisher had to make his words REALLY REALLY BIG and space the paragraphs really far apart (LIKE THIS) so you would think you were getting something for your money. This is an old typing trick used by high school freshmen writing essays. And, come to think of it, Bill O'Reilly does write like a 14 year-old, with the same sarcastic attitude you often see in immature, self-centered adolescents.Mostly, this book is Bill O'Reilly whining about how hard his life was and making pompous, self-righteous statements about life and politics. It's suprisingly boring after while. The same tone of voice, the same accusations .... zzzzzzzzzzz Of course, if you actually like dull books by obnoxious celebrities, then by all means read this book. But my advice is to take the money you would have spent on this book and get yourself a six-pack of cold beer or a bucket of fried chicken. See? Despite Bill's claim, there IS someone looking out for you. Me!
Rating:  Summary: I can't believe I read the whole book! Review: As conservative talk-show hosts go I find Bill O'Reilly the least aversive and the most engaging. Despite his bombastic arrogance, I understand he can have to a particular audience. But you don't need to read Al Franken's book but only listen to O'Reilly to know that, despite his No-Spin-Zone propaganda, he is able to distort facts and lie without compunction - which makes him not just a liar, but a hpocrite. Despite the lying and the bullying, I don't find O'Reilly nearly as mean-spirited or as radical in his views as other righ-wing gurus, such as Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter and Savage. Having said that, I do not recommend that O'Reilly fans go and buy "Who's Looking Out for You". It will not take too long or much effort to read, but it is not really a book you'd want to keep - you may want to check it out at the library, instead, or borrow. Anyone who listens to O'Reilly knows that he is angry at many things and many people and in his book he rants against much the same issues and the same people. We know he is angry at the liberals and even at some moderates, but not so much at the conservatives. We know he dislikes Bill Clinton, but not George W. Bush. We know that he is outraged at people in the entertaintment media - those that he feels send the wrong message to young people - mostly black rap artists, but also Whitney Houston, and - for some odd reason - Jennifer Lopez. And, of course, he dislikes Barbara Streissand who is not a rapper or a druggie or a jezebel but, to O'Reilly, a no-good wealthy liberal. There are, however, no harsh attacks on Hollywood celebrities whose work may also send harmful messages of sex and violence, but that, unlike Ms. Streissand, tend to support Republicans. O'Reilly also despises child molesters, as most of us do, but at this point, not many of us need to read his book to know that pedophilia is a bad thing. Bill O'Reilly wants us to accept his arguments and assertions as truth, although he presents no logical arguments or convincing documentation to support them - there are simply HIS opinions, but if we are smart enough to be reading this book, we should also know enough to accept his views and follow his advice. Expect Bill O'Reilly to guide you through it all with rightgeous anger and moral certainty - and unfortunately - with very little humor. Interestingly, in a recent column in NY's "Daily News" O'Reilly complains about attacks from his critics and writes: "My name is no longer Bill O'Reilly. It's 'gasbag', 'bully', 'liar' and 'blowhard'." Heh, who is to argue with that.
Rating:  Summary: Think About HIs Message(s) Review: This is a short and to the point book that I enjoyed. It clearly explains some of the wrongs of the past and present in this country. It is a MORALLY SOUND book. You may not completely agree with everything written. However, after you read each chapter and THINK about what was the message(s) you see an author doing his best to be honest with the reader about helping you deal with problems in our society or personal problems. My favorite topic was the one on friendship(great message well written). I'm glad I read this book. side note:All of these reviews are supposed to be about this book. Most of the negative reviews just babble about their hatred for Bill O'Reilly and non-liberals. Like or Dislike just review the book please! Is it too much to ask to disagree without soo much hateful speech and constant put-downs. Yes, you do have that right. But which is better, hate filled speech or disagreeing sensibly.
Rating:  Summary: Bill O'Reilly cuts through all the crap Review: Finally someone who talks sane in an insane world. I notice that all the people who blast him and his book just spew hatred and don't actually point to a single topic or opinion he has written. Its easy to call someone names, its a lot harder to give an intellectual debate.
Rating:  Summary: Some good info and watered down facts. Review: True to his form, Mr. O'Reilly comes out swinging and he is attacking a variety of establishments and/or policies or lack of policies within them. If you watch the O'Reilly Factor or read his previous books, there is not much new in this book. There are some new facts and tidbits in the book that help strengthen his arguments, but he is attacking the same people and things (media companies, Hillary, Jesse, the border problem, etc.) Not that these problems don't need addressing, it is just that these aren't new when coming from Bill. Bill does a lot of good by keeping things in our faces that many or media companies and/or reporters find too hard or controversial to cover. But this book is just a rehash of his show and his past books in a new format. It is better to give to someone who is not so familiar with him and his arguments.
Rating:  Summary: To all you moore and franken dreamers... Review: All you got is to attack Bill O'Reilly as a person, I not herd or read a single objective honest critique that is not favorable to his book or to him. Outside of personal attacks, you have nothing. And at the end of the day, reguardless of how you spin it, you are still wrong and Bill O'Reilly is right more than he is wrong. The best part, the silent but growing majority of Americans agree with Bill O'Reilly. But keep tring, I will keep laughing.
Rating:  Summary: Good info Review: The book has a lot good information about the real world. It is not boring, and I wish that I could have read something like this when I was in my early twenties.
Rating:  Summary: Bill O'Reilly shows off his talent for being an idiot. Review: Once again Mr. O'Reilly has proven himself to be completely retarded by pinning himself up as the champion for the right and a target for the left. He spews nonsense and nearly unbelievable garbage at you from the very first pages. If you've seen his show on FNC, The O'Reilly Factor, than you know the author of this book and the host of that show are after two different things.