Rating:  Summary: Wow this is bad!!! Review: Bought this book. Read about 15 pages and it stinks. I tried to give it away to family and friends and not one person would accept it. I gave it to Goodwill!
Rating:  Summary: Will rot brain cells at rapid rate Review: Bill O'Reilly is a joke. This guy's ego is completely out of control. Only insecure people follow this guys idiotic ideology. Don't buy this paper weight, don't be a sheep. Don't join the dung heap of conformity that is the republican party.Bill Maher > Bill O'Reilly
Rating:  Summary: Anger management needed Review: I listened with interest to Terri Gross's interview with Bill O'Reilly on "Fresh Air" (NPR) recently. I don't agree with what I've heard from Bill in the past, but I was interested in listening to him speak his mind and give him another chance. I found the 50 minute interview quite civil, with Bill having plenty of time to talk un-interrupted (unlike guests on his show). Terri must have plugged the name of his book 10 times, and anyone who listens to her show knows how polite and non-agressive she is. Yet, at the end of the interview O'Reilly suddendly freaked out, accusing Terri of being too hard on him, being too easy on Al Franken, being unfair, being biased, needing to get into a different business, etc. It was really quite remarkable and disappointing. I thought her questions were fair, especially considering the fact that he makes his living as an agressive, opinionated, outspoken pundit. Yet even the most gentle questions from little, bespectacled, bookish Terri Gross was enough to send him over the edge. After delivering a diatribe, he proceeded to walk out of the studio in a huff. It truly exposed him as thin-skinned, self righteous, and able to dish it out but not take it. I find this guy utterly mediocre and not worthy of wasting any more time on.
Rating:  Summary: Load of crap! Review: I don't believe this man tells the truth about anything at all. I can't believe I used to watch his show...
Rating:  Summary: Who is Lying to You? Review: That should have been the title of this piece of Ego-Boosting garbage! I can't remember a page in the book that didn't contain either a flat out lie, or some ridiculous, ego-boosting spin for poor ol' Bill. He clearly needs some serious psychological counselling to get over his poor self-esteem and anger management issues. I'd recommend Making Anger Your Ally by Neil Clark Warren. That, and an end to his self-important and self-aggrandizing show that is only feeding his ego and not his esteem.
Rating:  Summary: I thought the book was good!!! Review: Perhaps I see things from a different perspective that the other reviewers. But, I thought the book was good. Very Good. Makes you well aware of what is going on in this world. Some of which I do not like...but, Mr. O'Reilly is telling the truth in it. Recently I have read two books that make me wonder about our society in a whole. Though they are different from one another in context, They are very much alike in asking the question "What is going on in our world"... The second book I read is Nightmares Echo. Both books are excellent. Both books teach!! Both books make you say to yourself OMG!!! So in essence...I say this book should recieve High Recommendations!!! Oh n look its on the Best Sellers list so I may not be wrong about how I feel. Reviewer and Author
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: O'Reilly's attempt at being some sort of life advisor comes from no experience whatsoever. He is a pretentious idiot.
Rating:  Summary: Finally a reporter who has facts to back up his opinions!!!! Review: Bill has managed to keep me flipping throught the pages without coming up for air once again. He bases his opinions on fact and gives equal judgement to people in both parties. How anyone can read this book and say the facts don't support his point of view I don't know. He backs up everything he says perfectly. This is a self help book and it really shows you who to look out for in your life and who's looking out for you. It was written for a unique purpose and it worked for me. I appreciate his non-partisan outlook and his very witty sense of humor! THANX BILL!!!! Kara
Rating:  Summary: Sad statement. Review: Looking through this book in the library I must continue to believe that the country is not doing well psychologically or socially. Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh continue to rake in the customers who are ticked off..at the wrong people many times. It's sad that so many Americans are grasping at a book like this. Thank you. Nicole
Rating:  Summary: Spinmeister Windbag Blows More Hot Air Review: Boy, has this guy snowed his fans -- with his "no-spin" common guy pose, this Harvard-educated multimillionaire spins his hard-right Republican talking points every night on that "fair and balanced" Bush Administration TV network, Fox News. Now he comes out with a self-help book that is mostly designed to cement his public persona and harden his fans to critics who expose his hypocrises and dishonest intellectual methods. Well, if you want to believe this guy really is looking out for you, you get what you pay for. But I'd be a lot more skeptical first, question O'Reilly's motives, and recognize this book for what it is -- a thinly-veiled effort to glorify (and line the pockets of) Bill O'Reilly.