Rating:  Summary: FAIR AND BALANCED Review: The Left accuses Bill O'Reilly of being a conservative hack who does not tell the truth. An honest appraisal of O'Reilly reveals the amazing hypocrisy of liberals. O'Reilly is honest and fair. He is conservative, but he lets the chips fall where they may. He goes out of his way to stay even on issues. His Leftist counterparts could take lessons in accountability and credibility from O'Reilly. The fact that they continue to see him as being untruthful is, in this reviewer's personal opinion, an example of how they are so blinded by their loss of power in modern Anmerican society that they cannot deal with reality. (...)
Rating:  Summary: o'reilly's looking out for all of us... Review: It's true hes a closet-conservative and his point of view is oftentimes simply black or white, but he makes a valid attempt to be balanced. He attacks freely, both the left and right, ensuring no one will get a "free pass" even though he leans right. Upside: Whether you love him or hate him, he is a crusader and does a lot of good. Of all the commentary journalists out there, he certainly is looking out for the people. Although this book is mainly "common sense," he is thorough covering all aspects of finding ways to help yourself through life. Downside: I've noticed whenever I read Bill's written work (articles, books, etc), they are at best average. His writing is simplistic and elementary. With that being said, I recommend anyone who is interested in this book to listen to it. For those that are fans of his daily "memos" on the Factor, you will certainly enjoy hearing this book from Bill himself.
Rating:  Summary: Who's looking out for You? The New Dr. Bill Review: I'm sorry. I couldn't get past his first chapter "Folk Music" without becomimg quite agitated. I did read on. Does O"Reilly even have any kids? His Ten Commandments of Effective Parenting is sophmoric at best;lumping common sense with generalities. His first commandment states: A parent who is looking out for you will make time for you if he or she possibly can. Hint: Serial golfing is no excuse. Groundbreaking child psychology at it's best( That's a joke). I also figure that only about 3% of all two parent families with childen under 18 actually can afford to buy golf clubs. Where did I get my figures? It's in my footnotes at the bottom of this review. You will notice there are no footnotes. I can make up facts and figures all day long. Mr O'Reilly does not have one footnote in his entire book! Yet he quotes statistics throughout like on pg 8. "40% of American babies are born out of wedlock". I'm not saying this is incorrect, but where does he get his information from? Here's another super tip to help you be better parents. Commandment # 8. "Parents will be honest at all times." I'm not making this up. Finally he wraps up the chapter by telling you that if your parents failed you, just let it go! That's the solution. Think how much Bill can save people on their therapy bills. Is this review helpful?
Rating:  Summary: RE: why isn't this taught in our universities? it should be. Review: Flashnews : Marxism started in the 19th century. THis guy is saying that Plato, Rousseau and Machiavelli are communists. I repeat Machiavelli, Author of the prince is a communist. A book largely quoted by Mussolini is communist propaganda. I don't remember any communist leader in the 16th century. And Jean Jacques Rousseau, one of the fathers of the french Revolution, A great thinker who was opposed to the restriction of liberties imposed by the monarchy is a communist. I don't recall of any communist book in the 18th century. And plato who lived in the 4th century BC is a communist, I'm not very sure at this moment, but I doubt that communism had a voice in the ancient greece. Without offense, if guys like this are on your side how can we be wrong. Now I think this book is not bad. It won't last through memories but It have some fairly good Ideas. This guy is not an Hannity or Coulter. He always consider the other side views and don't go on a crusade against liberals. If you are just looking for rantings, avoid this and go for an hannity or a coulter book. But hey I will give you the last word.
Rating:  Summary: no more fanatacism, please! Review: I appreciate Bill O'Reilly, I really do. I'm not a conservative, but I try to listen to what the other side is saying. However, some of these reviewers are such fanatics! Isn't calling "demoncrats" "nazi's" and "fascists" a bit much? I realize that many liberals freely call Bush a liar and an idiot, etc. That doesn't make them anti-American communists. Telling people they can't have an opinion is anti-American. Maybe liberals have good reason for not liking Bush. Both sides have some things right, and both have some things wrong, depending on your perspective. Everyone has something to learn.
Rating:  Summary: Bill O'Reilly sucks Review: Before Bill O'Reilly's interview with Cam'Ron and Damon Dash, I could've cared less about O'Reilly. It seems to me that O'Reilly only has negative things to say about rappers. When Cam'Ron said that violent movies, such as The Terminator, are just as bad for children as his music. Then Bill was saying that The Terminator is a cartoon. O'Reilly must be pretty ignorant, because The Terminator is not a cartoon. Plus, O'Reilly constantly interrupted Cam'Ron and Dash, because it's his show. I knew O'Reilly was full of crap when he complained that Ludacris had the most vulgar and violent lyrics. Bill doesn't even know Ludacris, and I highly doubt he's listened to Ludacris' music, so Bill doesn't really know what he's talking about. He's the kind of guy who doesn't like rappers period. Some people believe that O'Reilly is racist, but I just think Bill is a douchebag who has to complain about things that aren't politically correct. I hope this review helped you out. Peace.
Rating:  Summary: why isn't this taught in our universities? it should be. Review: Bill O'Reilly is right -- there is a terrible left-wing bias in our colleges. Take my experience. I recently enrolled in modern political philosophy class in college. Can you imagine this? They made us read left-wing communist and socialist propaganda! Marx, Rousseau, Machiavelli, Plato! All liberal Democrats -- and not one conservative or independent thinker like O'Reilly. I did like my hero Bill O'Reilly would've done. I challenged my communist professor and asked him why we aren't reading the greatest philosopher of our time, Bill O'Reilly. He refused to answer. I refused to read this communist trash and when were told to write essays on the "ideas" of those liberals, I would write essays about great independent thinkers like Bill O'Reilly. The professor did what you would expect any liberal communist to do. He gave me an F. The communist.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest book ever written since the bible Review: Bill O'Reilly is arguably the greatest thinker and philosopher since Jesus Christ. I'm hardly the only person to realize this is so; just look at the reviews on Amazon from people who have actually read the book. With his latest book, Who's Looking Out For You, O'Reilly may have created the finest book since the bible. Bill has coined the deepest question for us all to ponder, probably the deepest, most philosophical question since "What is the meaning of life?" Very, very deep stuff here. He makes Plato look like a fool.
Rating:  Summary: Don't let someone else do your thinking..... Review: This is a very interesting book,even for someone living outside the United States.Whether O'Reilly is liberal or conservative ,he claims neither,doesn't really matter.What he proposes is to go look for the facts and logic and come to your own conclusions.The truth is usually secondary to the agendas of diehard political Liberals or Conservatives;particularly those who can see only good in their side and bad in their opponents. The situation in Canada is not too very different from that in the US except here there is very little conservative media , but more of a mixture of liberal and socialist agendas. The subjects that O'Reilly discusses;music,country,right to know,religion,poverty,freedoms,truth,loyalty,friendship,honor, family,and so forth are not the domain of politics as much as those with agendas would have us believe.I think O,Reilly shows that those with agendas are out for themselves and beat the flames of problems rather than contribute to solutions. It is evident that there have been ,over the years,Presidents who were strong,weak,good,bad,right,wrong,and so forth and of all political stripes. As an example; Truman,Kennedy,Johnson,Reagan and Bush all did what was in the best interest and the well being and security of the country and all faced objections ;a lot from those whose interests were self motivated. The important thing to think about on any issue, is in whose interests is someone working.Take education for instance.In a discussion on private schools,is it not the interests of the students and the people who are paying the costs most important?Many would have you believe those people aren't capable and the decisions should be left to government and the education establishment.Let's face it ,their interest is self preservation first and education second;logiclly it can't be otherwise. Read this book with an open mind.The idea that one should take responsibility for themselves,and not surrender it to someone else is...to quote an old line...self evident.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read Review: This book is one of the truly fair and balanced books out there. Many people look on Bill O'Reilly as a conservative but in this book he mentions nothing about political party, all he mentions is what he believes is right. He discusses many of the issues that many writers are afraid to talk about including the decline of the African American family and how they are being led by the wrong people (...). He also talks about the war in Iraq, the corruption of the 9/11 charities (how some of Hollywood's stars didn't take a stand and demand that the money be given to the families of the victims), God and faith in the U.S., and many more interesting topics in the must-read book.