Rating:  Summary: GREAT READ! Review: O'Reilly hits the sweet spot with one. If your looking for some insight on many of todays issues, pick this one up!
Rating:  Summary: Waste of Time & Money Review: Once again O'Reily fills up a couple of hundred pages of garbage. Reading this and other books by the author, one gets the impression that they are being talked down to. O'Reily's arrogant, know-it-all attitude gets really old after awhile. Though I often agree with him on some things, I get the impression that he doesn't know why he belives the way he does. He just seems to want to get a reaction out of people. Now that he is so well-known he seems to be putting out books with alot of filler in it. All I know is my life and wallet would be better off had I not read this book.
Rating:  Summary: No Pretense Here Review: This is the first book I have read by the author. His viewpoints deserve your attention so you can make a fair and balanced opinion for yourself.Read this book if you like excellent advice, want to know why this author is so passionate about his causes, and see for yourself if he just may be right. He sure is a breath of fresh air. I think maybe he really is "looking out for the folks". Please don't disappoint us, Mr. O'Reilly - stay fair and balanced. The only way "the folks" will listen to you is if you remain civil. The author could have introduced much more new information and made the book longer - a portion of the book is a repeat of his nighttime show, but only a small portion. I may read his other books some time in the future just because he is unafraid to speak out against injustice. America and the world at large should be grateful to this man.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book...........If You Like O'Reilly Review: Look, people who don't like O'Reilly blast the book. Most of the negative reviews are from people who have not even read the book, they just hate O'Reilly. You can tell because almost all of them compare O'Reilly to that complete moron Al Franken, who is the most liberal idiot in the world (next to Michael Moore, another joke). If it were up to them, we'd give all our money to the poor and would let Al Queda just destroy us. Okay, sorry about the rant. This book is really good. It's different than the no spin zone and has a lot of great stuff in it. It will make you think. And, as he always does, he takes his shots at both the left and the right. Which is why I don't understand why liberals jump on him so much. I should state that I am an independent, so I pretty much hate both the left and the right. This book is perfect for O'Reilly fans, and for people who have an open mind. If you hate O'Reilly, than don't get the book because you won't like it.....most of the info will go right over your head.
Rating:  Summary: Who's Looking Out for You? Review: Wow, A READER FROM USA, you are a f****** moron.
Rating:  Summary: Insecure O'Reilly Just Another Know It All Who Wants Your $$ Review: It doesn't take long to realize that this book is just another episode of O'Reilly telling us how great he is. Guys like Limbaugh and O'Reilly lose their credibilty because they are always having to remind us that they have our interests in mind. Both are hipocrits of the worst kind. I tried to read this with an open mind-I haven't read his other books- but to hear O'Reilly spew out his self righteous advice when he can't even come clean after someone corrects his factual errors(Al Franken), all I can think of is the word bullsh#@! Buy Franken's book instead, and especially if you have been suckered in to actually liking this guy. Really, read Franken's book and then you decide on if this clown is really looking out for us.
Rating:  Summary: Don't take advice on books from Communists and Secularists Review: Bill O'Reilly helps the true Americans with advice on how to succeed in life by taking a proactive approach with his new book. As much as the lefties try to paint Bill as a hard Right extremist he just is not. He's an Independent. He's hard on anyone who lies or tries to spin the truth. If there were more O'Reillys in the world there would be a lot less Bull----! Thanks Bill for another great book!
Rating:  Summary: At His Best When Asking Good Questions Not Giving Answers! Review: At His Best When Asking Good Questions Not Giving Answers! Many find it hard to define Bill O'Reilly as person, educator, or entertaining media commentator these days. His bold in your face style has rattled many liberals and created many conservative imitators, causing them to lose themselves as he loses his temper. The book does the same thing as you read it. It causes you to ponder on all the problems it outlines but does not provide all the solutions it pretends to have either. Sure, the Media can be harmful, as well as government intrusions into our lives, and the legal system is bizarre, but all are here to stay. Concurrently, the Media can be helpful and informative after all it gave us Bill O'Reilly. Governments have proven to be a blessing as much as a burden, but we are a far better civilization with it more than without it. And the legal system is never appreciated until you need it for yourself. So, learning to trust is difficult and necessary in life more than teaching whom to mistrust? Although the writer thinks, he is telling us when and how to be careful around them, will that actually make ourselves, families and society better beyond the limitations of our diversity? Illegal Immigrants are here to learn and work too, and just catching them to ignore them is not a solution at all. Accordingly, I found the book a good review on Bill O'Reilly beliefs, standards and practices, but not the answers he thinks they are in all honesty. This book was at its brutal best when the author was talking about his own mistakes in life that he regrets and how he would handle them now so we do not make them too. Still, the danger of preaching not to trust anyone prevents the collective reaching out towards others we fail to understand so we can improve each other too. This is best seen in the recent debates between Bill O'Reilly and Al Franken and subsequent clashes with NPR's Terry Gross and Charlie Rose over his book interviews more than the book itself. Bill O'Reilly is really a moderate branded as a conservative because of the way he asked tough questions to people expecting softball questions for media public relations. But now fewer Liberals go on his show so we no longer can judge the confrontation of ideas. All together, his attitude towards educating himself making sure he knows the issues before trying to find some answers leads him to ignore some aspects of those solutions, because some Liberals do have real answers to part of the problems. The book is a mixture of personal opinions on problems, self-worth solutions only if one wants to be responsible, and often preaching beyond any real results since we cannot solve the power to make sure everyone looks out for them. This book is long on defining problems but short on explaining possible elucidations that often have no resolution at all. For example, the author points out how single motherhood is bad for any society. It causes great problems for children, mothers, and communities as it continues to grow in our society leading to even more dependency on government. But there is absolutely no resolution to this problem whatsoever and saying it is bad is not looking out for anyone anymore then learning the Ten Commandments Dr. Laura wrote about to follow. It is a great guide but far beyond the executions of deeds past there time to correct. The bottom line I came away with in this book is simply saying to watch out for you because no one is going to do it. Well, we have heard this before from the Bible to Greek Philosophers to Corporate CEO's and still our society manages to feed more people, advance ourselves, and work towards helping many more each year, as the burden grows greater for all of us on the planet. However, what you have to admire about Bill O'Reilly was the hard way he chose to educate himself before choosing to go to a new media format. He could have just remained another talking mouthpiece for any big media outlet looking for show glow rather than brain flow. But he chose to go back to school earning a Master at Harvard's Kennedy School on Government. There he studied the problems, issues and listen to both liberal and conservative solutions and now is able to ask good questions about both, thus misunderstood by many as well as ignoring his own advice. I recommend this book as a quick read, I compliment the author for trying to help, but implore him to do what he does best in life as I see it. I urge him to just sticking it to people who claim to have the answers by continuing the asking of great questions to problems that need real solutions with thoughtful ideas helping all from private enterprise or governments. Bill O'Reilly and Al Franken need each other to prosper just like mutual conservatives and liberals. So boys bring on the New Show the books have set up to create. I cannot wait to see Bill O'Reilly asking tough questions to Al Franken and being given humorous answers that in the end looks out for only themselves, not any of us!
Rating:  Summary: Insightful, hard-hitting, no-holds commentary. Review: Those who trash this book are likely to be the kind of people that hate Mr. Bill anyway. This culture has become so politically correct that some people are uncomfortable w/guys like O'Reilly because he is so opinionated an independent. Although this book is written in the same tenor as O'Reilly's two other books, it is still worth the read. Say what you may about the Bill-sters manners, but his work is first-rate and scholarly. In short, Bill's no slouch. O'Reilly goes after big business and government in this book in a way that I have not seen in the political commentary I've read in my lifetime. "Who's looking out for you?" is a question every American needs to be asking him/herself, otherwise demagogues from every political stripe will shape the debate and, hence, public policy. Kuddos to Bill O'Reilly for having the ....to tell it like it is.
Rating:  Summary: Creep Review: "I love Bill and I can't understand why there's so much negativity here!! People should just review the book and stop the personal attacks. Why do they HATE us so?? BOOO HOOO!!!" To hell with this crap book. Since O'Reilly fans are too dumb to figure it out themselves, here's one of many reasons why the world hates you so: After stupidly taking Bush the Lessor at his word re: WMD (Christ- everyone knows that governments lie), O'Reilly and his jack-ass fans proved themselves the cowardly baby-killers they are by supporting the invasion of Iraq. Their utter lack of humility in light of the ensuing bloodbath they caused will surely bring consequences to us all. Why do we hate you? I'll end this "review" with a recent quote on Iraq from Trent Lott, O'Reilly's spiritual twin: "If we have to, we just mow the whole place down, see what happens." "Why do they HATE us so?!? Whaaaaaa!!!!!"