Rating:  Summary: Reads like Bill O'Reilly, but with intimacy Review: No one really knows Bill O'Reilly. We know he likes to pin people to the ground and occassionally heckle and shout, but he is a relatively murky character.WLOFY seems to change that. O'Reilly offers in its pages advice on life through his unique perspective, one seldom told. He uses the book to articulate that what he does every night is about living our lives. The book reads like O'Reilly talks, in a sort of news blurb sentence structure. While his attempts at humor and occassional beating of a proverbial dead horse can get old, the message of the book is sincere, and adds new meaning the the 'Factor' mentality beyond his previous two works which remained distant. If you want a policy book, take a pass. If you want a book that intertwines the many facades of Bill O'Reilly, then WLOFY might well be worth investigating.
Rating:  Summary: It should be called I'm looking after my own wallet Review: Bill Orielly likes to depict himself as a person who objectively informs the American public of what is going on. He charges for his website, doormats, etc. He has obviously sold himself to: A. His own arrogance because he obviously feels the measure of a person is how much money he can make B. The right wing propaganda machine. I have read this book and Dude Where is my country by Michael Moore which is a much better resourced book. Bill stick to being a puppet for Fox. Maybe when you get a big enough pair of balls you will actually do somthing for all Americans not just the guys who put money into your coffer. This book is crap check it out at the library and save yourself a buck. Maybe Bill will give me a gold membership for this comment into his propagandist website. I can't wait...
Rating:  Summary: Who's looking out for you? not Bill! Review: The author is full of half-truths and lacks common sense. The decline and fall of America can be directly attributed to this madman's rise to power.
Rating:  Summary: Certainly not the Republicans Review: . Who's looking out for you? Certainly not the Republicans. O'Reilly fails to note, for example, although the Republicans have control of both houses of congress and the White House, we still have... • The National Endowment for the Arts • The Department of Education • Income taxation Add to these • the Republican's so-called "Patriot Act" - a big government power grab that makes Hillary's failed socialized medicine plot look like a romp in the park • and feeble tax breaks that are like an armed robber giving his victim change. Mr. O'Reilly needs to admit the GOP has long abandoned the conservative movement. Meanwhile, genuine conservatives - those who wish to conserve the Bill of Rights and the spirit of liberty the represent - would be well advised to join with the true, Barry Goldwater Republicans; otherwise known as the Libertarians. Read "The conscience of a Conservative" by Barry M. Goldwater and kiss the compromising Republican Party goodbye!!!!
Rating:  Summary: who's looking out for you Review: The author is full of truth and common sense. We don't have access to his TV program, so I have to wait for a dose of his "people over ideology" as his books come out. Worth sharing with your children...I will.
Rating:  Summary: The book has some good advice Review: Overall, the book is ok. But the chapter on race is unfair and very unbalanced. He condemns white racism (which is fine), but he fails to mention black racism or say anything about racism directed at whites by non-whites. DOJ statistics show overwhelmingly that a white person is far more likely to be a victim of interracial crime than a perpetrator of interracial crime by a margin ranging of 2 to 1 to 10 to 1 depending on the crime. Whites have been uprooted from countless neighborhoods and cities. And what about discrimination directed against poor whites? When was the last time we heard of a fund raiser or charity event to help poor whites? Or a college fund to help poor whites. If you are a minority and you are being discriminated against you can call the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, the Urban League, or myriad other black organizations. These groups will sue the crap out of the perpetrator (even if there is little or no evidence). The news media-and public--will be quick to join in on the side of the minority. But if you are white-especially a poor white male-they isn't much you can do because such discrimination is often overtly sanctioned by the courts. TV commentators never address any of this because they fear they will be called a racist or they fear they will alienate one of the ethnic groups out there who will in turn boycott them. So they do what O'Reilly did in his book-play it safe-condemn only white racism. Beyond that, the book was ok. He made some decent points about government waste and politicians who redistribute wealth without having any concern for the effectiveness or fairness of that redistribution-they just want votes. He also made some decent points about personal relationships--beware of the company you keep. I think we can all relate to that. Most of us learn that principle the hard way. O'Reilly is a decent guy IMO, and I understand some of his anger towards his critics, but I wish he would stop name-calling (pinhead, dope, idiot). He is Harvard educated and he should rise above that sort of thing. And Bill, stop trying to appease the liberals out there. They are going to detest you know matter what you do.
Rating:  Summary: O'Reilling O'Reilly Review: The fact that Al Franken's book: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, which documents that O'Reilly is really an O'Liar, is outselling O'Reilly's book must really get him all O'Reilled up. Note: This is a fair and balanced review.
Rating:  Summary: This is right wing propaganda crap Review: I am unaffilitated with any political party but Bill Orielly claims to not spin things. I find it peculiar that Bill does not discuss the deceptions about what goes on with the Republican party. Americans want to know both sides Bill not just one sided arguements. You aren't looking after us you have found a snake oil to sell and you sell it to the gullible American public who only likes to hear one sided arguments. You are going to be an extinct dinasaur soon enough. Shame on you spin boy. The only thing you look after is your own wallet Greedy Greedy Greedy. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. P.S. If you information is so pertinent why do you charge to access you website. Greedy Greedy Greedy!!
Rating:  Summary: No thanks....I'm looking out for me just fine. Review: Fortunately, I had the smarts to look the book over and sum it up to a 2-3 hr reading session hardly worth the $25 price tag. I borrowed it from the library. I was looking out for me. The library is definitely looking out for people. I think Bill forgot to mention that we have this great educational service available to anyone wishing to gain more perspective and knowledge. But he wasn't pointing out any positives in our society, just his own. Who needs Bill's advice and opinions? Just Bill and his publisher. Get this book from your local library if you want to find out for yourself what's in it. Most of us living and breathing on this planet can pretty much figure out who's looking out for them. We don't need O'Reilly to give us the obvious, or his opinions and "spin". (be careful of those who protest too much - what is BILL'S agenda?) We also know who loves us and who doesn't. Somehow I find it difficult to swallow the slanted, unenlightened views of a wealthy, news reporting white male. He's no different than those he points to, otherwise how would he know so well what he's pointing at? I came away from this book thinking that Bill's agenda was more than bringing out his own message - a narrow one at that. I looked at the number of reviews (359 as I write) and see that people are reading the book nonetheless. (Can you hear the cash register noise yet?) I could almost hear his publisher saying, "Hey, this is a great essay that will stir the public...and sell! We could make the font bigger, double space it, forget the editing, and sell it as a book right now!" They must think the public is so ignorant that they will buy the book AND all it's crap wrapped up real pretty. So I ask Mr. O'Reilly: Are you looking out for ME? Exactly what was I supposed to do with your opinions? As a homeschool mom, this is one book to shelter from my children. If they insist, I can summarize it easily enough, or we can discuss what NOT to do in critical thinking. I'm looking out for them! Here's an example summary of Mr. O'Reilly's rant. He starts out telling his personal view of religion and a creater. He is catholic. It leads one to think he's going to give some practical advice but he quickly (that's the right word for all his shallow opinions, "quick") diverts into atheists and the ACLU (after his quick rant on the catholic church & pope). Atheists are illogical and the ACLU is out for themselves based on atheistic assumptions. There was no deeper thought on Bill's part to convey that atheists are morally coded by the spirit of understanding within themselves, which could be easily likened to the spirit of the 10 commandments, thus usually good self-managed citizens. (I am NOT atheist, but have at least talked and understood them.) As for the ACLU, I haven't a clue, but I didn't like his implication, poor logic, and narrow views about it. And another look into Bill's mind. He rants on Hillary Clinton and how she's definitely not looking out for us. He points to her "enormous tabs traveling the world as First Lady". He mentioned how she used tax dollars for her, Chelsea and 2 dozen people to travel to Africa and how the airfare alone was $2.3 million. First, how did he find that number when, in his own words, "by law, the White House expenditures are sealed for twelve years after a president leaves office"? Who's job is it to approve spending like that? (Have I been sheltered so long to believe it costs $2.3 million to fly 14 people to and from Africa?) Instead, he asks that they waive the policy so that we the tax-paying people could know the expense in full. Now Mr. O'Reilly, we all know that when you approach the government and demand they provide you with information that could be used against them, they will put you off or laugh at you. Were you pretending to look out for us with your irrelevant approach? Or simply blowing hot air to let the Clintons know you aren't stupid to their ways? What WAS your point? As a homeschooling mom, if any of my children wrote something with this tone, research, and opinion, it would have been a big red flag to their developing mind. After questioning what went wrong, I would have tore it up and told them to educate themselves with more reading and personal investigation and redirected them back to the library (maybe even go get professional help). Fortunately, my kids aren't going that path. This book isn't true leadership or independent writing. It's sold using Bill's popular media name, and would have never made it to press otherwise. On his behalf, I will add a positive. There are things he shares about our country's current leaders that I wouldn't have otherwise known. I can now go deeper into an investigation about those people and their jobs to get a more balanced view of the truth. I may end up feeling the same way as Mr. O'Reilly, but at least I am looking at for me and developing my own understanding. Overall, I walked away feeling negative with his finger pointing negative slant. I picture a kid in the school yard yelling at everyone that they're all bad but him, and he's going to go home and tell his mommy how mean they are. The book is not enlightening. O'Reilly's overwhelming theme is that HE thinks you don't know how to look out for yourself, so he will do it for you. Do yourself a favor....look after your pocketbook. Don't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: ZERO STARS Review: Bill O'Reilly is an arrogant bully who hides his contempt for all those who oppose his opinions behind the facade of being "fair and balanced." He endlessly hypes his own show and books and will bring up any middling review as long as it is from a publication that shares his hardline conservative values. He is constantly challenging his critics to critique his output and not himself. Well, I read his book and I can say that he is not much of a writer. The ideas he puts forth alternate between facile self-help cliches and pompous right wing rhetoric. Recently, O'Reilly was being questioned on NPR's Fresh Air and his only repsonse to the questions asked was to cut off the host and assert his opinions as facts. Its just a shame that so many people take this person seriously.