Rating:  Summary: Boring! Review: This book is overly boring and really not very insightful. I think that is enought to say. Don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: Dedicated to Roger Ailes! Review: No kidding, this book by millionaire Bill O'Reilly is dedicatd to billionaire Roger Ailes! This is a book intended to give advice to joe six-pack, lunch-box guys & soccer moms. I guess us po' folk can learn a thing or two from deep-pockets folk like Bill.In this very slim volume, written at tenth grade level, O'Reilly gleefully insists that he is an "independent". I managed to breeze through the 215 pages during 2 lunch hours. Bill is is usual, preachy, judgmental self in this book. There's plenty of advice for those lacking a moral compass or confused as to what to believe politically. For example, O'Reilly manages to supersede the moral authority of the Pope concerning the Iraq war, suggesting that pedophiles in the church damage the pontiff's credibility. This is certainly a fair point, but why not go after all of the Pope's other moral positsions? Bill then goes on to discuss how the mainstream media just didn't accept the 76% gallup poll approval of the war. Conveniently, Bill didn't discuss the fine points of doing a poll when respondents actually have the facts. Anyhow, if you like Bill, you probably will like this book. If you don't like him, you can at least prove you're open-minded by reading it. I'd recommend doing so in a book store. There's really no need to actually make a purchase. Bill doesn't need the money. As a rugged individualist looking out for other rugged individualists, he'd probably rather have you put that money in the church collection plate or in your kid's college tuition fund.
Rating:  Summary: Sensible Guide Review: There are a lot of left wing bashers of Mr. O'Reilly's book, "Who's Looking Out for You." I read it and having not read any of his other books, was surprised at how unbiased O'Reilly was. The heart of the book seemed to me to be that morality and self-reliance should be at the heart of society. This does not seem to be the demonic message many of these reviewers have made it out to be. He points out the dishonesty, immorality, and irresponsibility of many leaders in politics, the church, law, and the news media. He aptly describes societal problems reflected by or stemming from that lack of moral responsible leadership. He also provides specific actions that could be taken by leaders to improve some of these societal problems if they really have an interest in doing so rather than pushing their own agendas. This was a well written intelligent and honest book.
Rating:  Summary: For Real! Review: I've seen better writing on restroom walls.
Rating:  Summary: Who's Looking Out For You? Review: Bill O'Reilly seems concerned about Bill O'Reilly-- title should read: "Who's Looking Out For Bill O'Reilly?".
Rating:  Summary: this is typical Review: If you want typical corporate media to be fed to you by one of corporate america's pawns then by all means by this book. The thing is it is about entertaining as a doorknob. I'm all for people standing up for what they believe but this guy is just plain ignorant and definitely not a writer. I have seen better writing in independent newspapers. Sorry but this book bites bad. This book is really good for warming yourself by the fireplace.
Rating:  Summary: Self-Absorbed Egoist. -5 Stars Review: Immediately you realize that this book is just another episode of O'Reilly telling us how great he is, and we're reminded over and over, till we're nauseous. He's been called every name in the book, but never humble. 'O? Really?' spews out self-righteous advice, political commentary, and bigotry. Though the ultra conservative drug addict, Limp-baugh is worse. If you're rich or powerful you can get away with almost anything. Our country is in trouble because too many Americans listen to these hate mongers and bigots. Remember, Christ was a liberal. Guess that's good enough for me. This near-do-well is not looking out for us in the least. Al Franken hit it right on the nose with his book, which isn't politically correct. This book was a waste of time, but it'll make a terrific gag gift to one of my friends for Christmas... and I do mean GAG! Bill O-Really is neither intelligent, nor does he offer any sound advice. He is a self-absorbed egoist who lacks empathy for the hard working class of Americans. The owner of the Fox Network is a close friend of the Bush family, so don't expect anything from them except Total Bias. Buy Al Franken's books instead. Also two excellent government conspiracy books, Alien Rapture and Crossfire.
Rating:  Summary: excellent book Review: This was a great book! Thankyou Mr O'reilly. We appreciate all your hard work. From the looks of some of your reviews you struck alot of nerves.I guess the truth really does hurt.
Rating:  Summary: Grrrrrrrr! Review: I just finished reading Who's Looking Out for You and thought I would say a few things in defense of Bill O'Reilly (at this point, I have now alienated everybody who has written a one-star "review/hatchet job" of this book). In brief, here's what I got from this book: 1) Politicians (from Bush to Clinton) are all controlled by party agendas and do NOT have lily-white records. 2) Dishonest/slanted news reporting is not good for the country 3) The rise of secularism and the decline of religion in our society has resulted in explosions in illegtimate births, drug use, and crime among other things (as a high school teacher, I have experienced some of this first hand in our nation's youth, and I'm not even that religous) 4) The Catholic Church dropped the ball in a big way in its coverup of pedophelia amongst its clergy (anybody who disagrees with this assessment should seek counseling) 5) It's irresponsible for defense lawyers to knowingly and enthusiastically defend someone whom they KNOW is guilty of a serious crime. 6) You have a Constitutional right to be a moron as long as you are willing to accept the consequences This is just the tip of the iceberg. The point I'm trying to make is that very little in this book is deserving of the harsh personal attacks against O'Reilly I've seen in some of these interviews. Hell, he even calls Bush on the WMD issue! It is my belief that the vast majority of one-star reviewers haven't even read the book. They just see the name "Bill O'Reilly" and immediately sharpen the critical knives. If you pinheads want to bash the book, then you need to read it first! Some of the so-called "reviewers" here even claim that they bought the book, read it, and were completely offended by it! My response to those people is this: most ACTUAL readers of this book are already familiar with O'Reilly's style and should in no way be "shocked" or "outraged" by this book's contents. Many of these reviews are the equivalent of me "reviewing" Michael Moore's latest "work" without reading it and decrying it as hysterical left-wing tripe. Well, I HAVEN'T read it and I will NOT pass judgement on the book, although I think that Moore himself is a spoiled, whiny, uninformed hack (based on seeing him in interviews and at the Oscars). I'm not going to review his book based on that view, though, and I believe that Who's Looking Out for You shouldn't be judged in the same manner. To close, this book is essential reading for anybody honestly concerned about the direction in which the country is headed. If you are a far-left, close-minded Frankenlover, then don't bother.
Rating:  Summary: The truth sometimes hurts. Review: Bill hits another bulls eye with this one. Yes, the ultra ego sensitive will run to rationalizing and turn the table rhetoric. This is not a book aimed at dividing people, it's aimed at honestly helping you the reader. Folks who are tired of the name calling and finger pointing will love this read, the ones who don't will do the aforementioned.