Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: It's a great read and very insightful. I've read all his books now and they give an fresh perspevtive to life in America. PS-You'll notice that everyone who gives this book 1 star mentions Al Franken's book. Thats how pathetic some people are. They take the time to bash a book they never read because they are zombies to their political party and love to smear others. Bravo people!
Rating:  Summary: I WOULD GIVE IT ZERO STARS Review: Lies lies and more lies, my friend gave me this book and i was disgusted.This book was a waste of time, and not worth it. Please buy Al Franken's book instead, atleast his book was very insightful.
Rating:  Summary: O'Really?? Review: FUll of lies. For a convenient rebuke of his lies, read the book "O'Really?" by FAIR.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Dose of Common Sense! Review: An outstanding book with a good, solid perspective. It is difficult to imagine than a person with an open mind would not agree with what O'Reilly has to say. One gets the distinct impression from reading through the reviews that some of the reviewers just don't like O'Reilly and are going to knock the book whether what he has written makes sense or not. And some of them are so far off base, you have to wonder if they even read the book. That's too bad, because this book has some good advice, especially for younger readers (i.e., high school and college age). My daughter thought it was a great read.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good at the first two Review: It surprised me because he ranted about himself or his background a lot. Unlike his first two books prior it was blah. I like this guy because he is willing to confront the celibs and other powerful people out there that have lost common sense and brains but have a mic. Unfortunately, people don't like the truth which is why he is disliked. I read it in 7 days due to it being an easy read. I was hoping for more Bill.
Rating:  Summary: Honesty is not always the most popular decision. Review: No, I am not a Republican. In fact, I am apolitical. However, I respect someone who can stand up in an increasingly PC world and ask tough questions. O'Reilly can be abrasive and dismissive, and I agree with his opinions perhaps half the time. That being said, he is one of the few public figures in America who apparently believes that I have the cognitive ability to disagree with him. Maybe that's why so many people seem to absolutely reject anything he says. He doesn't spoon feed or pander to the popular sentiment. And honestly, the only difference I see between O'Reilly and some of the other public figures and actors who espouse their own opinions so readily is that O'Reilly isn't genuinely surprised if people don't just fall in line with his opinion and slavishly follow it simply because he said it should be followed. I would take his carefully researched but strongly believed information over a celebrity's charmingly delivered opinions any day. His greatest problem, as far as I can tell, is that Bill O'Reilly is a man of strong opinions and convictions, and there just ain't room for that kind of thing in America any more.As to his writing style.... this author writes as he talks, and I found it an enjoyable narrative, especially when he pokes fun at himself (and yes, he really does. Read the book.) I originally bought this book for my husband, and ended up reading it before he came home that night. I have since bought copies for my father in law, father, and youngest brother for Christmas. I will recommend this book to anyone who isn't afraid to read dissenting opinions.
Rating:  Summary: kindergarden reading at its worst Review: It's clear to anyone that watches Fox that the man cannot speak. Now we know he cannot write as well.
Rating:  Summary: Who's Looking Out For You Review: Who's Looking Out For You Well I hate to say it, but what Bill O'Reilly writes about in his book is what every one of us already knew or should have known. Nothing new in what he is writing about, if you didn't know the best person to watch out for you is yourself then maybe you do need to read Mr. O'Reilly's book. You should also know the people that you can trust to help out should be the people that are the closest to you, but then again sometimes even close people will turn their back on you if you your not watching out for number one. Like Mr. O'Reilly's TV show Mr. O'Reilly has set himself up as a know it all, on just about everything. I do agree with Mr. O'Reilly on most of what he says and writes about but do like to hear both sides and not just Bill O'Reilly one sided way of doing his business. I think for most people the book is a good read and the rest should already know who's looking out for you with out reading. Larry Hobson- Author "The Day Of The Rose"
Rating:  Summary: O'Reilly's got our back Review: Don't believe what everyone in government or everyone on television tells you. This book exposes it all in a down to earth way. He tells it like it is and questions what other people don't. This is not just a conservative book, it is a book for EVERYONE. Bill is a realistic and moral voice in the midst of journalistic peer pressure. He is not afraid to speak out against or for that which he believes in...that is very rare now a days. And just for the record, the person who wrote this review is NOT Republican.
Rating:  Summary: UnAmerican Review: I guess being Fair and Balanced is only reserved for his unfair and unbalanced TV show. This book is completely one sided and arrogant