Rating:  Summary: Nice Overview Of The Deceptions of 9-11 Review: David Icke has focused his research expertise on the mass of lies and deceptions associated with the events of September 11, 2001. He adroitly explains why the whole official story is a mountain of lies and disinformation, while he falters a bit in outlining the devious motives connected to these events, as there are multiple layers of motives and orchestration that were involved in bringing that day of infamy to fruition. Icke nicely ties this text into his other research collections, although this book is clear and works fine as a stand-alone text for those unfamiliar with Icke's other books. To see the larger context and gain a better grasp of what's really going on in this reality matrix, Icke's prior works are among the texts I would recommend for those researching 9-11 and related uncensored historical scholarship.
Rating:  Summary: A must read book Review: You really should take the time to read this book. it will explain the on going cover-up regarding the world trade center tragedy and asks questions that no-one seems to want to ask. Not that answers are particularly forthcoming from the authorities. With backgrounds and vested interest of the key players, it is David Icke's best yet. Keep up the good work
Rating:  Summary: Unnessary Matter Review: I have happened to lay my hands on these books of david icke. What i can say about them is that although they are rationalistic to a certain degree, think for yourselves. Whatever you focus your mind on, that's what you shall manifest, as true. And whenever you look in the world through the eyes of david ickes you will see the same thing. Your interpretation is your own and who can confirm it, but you. I have read his books and my gosh i was depressed for so long. But i looked at the quality of life he has. Certainly, he keeps his avid reader in a thrill, and he enjoys it while confirming his beliefs. However, certainly his emotional state of mind is unresourcefull, geared towards the negative side of the spectrum. Also, think for yourself, if their were alien, don't you think we would see them, scientificly confirm they exist. Right now to present day that is an invalid assumption, science does not confirm it, however, what it does confirm is that we have an instinct ability to communicate via our minds. In addition, i have seen poor individuals from africa who came to the west, in an informational geared society and learn to to amass huge amount of wealth, went to school with leaders in this country. What is that? Are their alien, are alien smarter than human, how come shakespeare and machiavelli, or success magazine don't refer to aliens. They simply DON'T EXIST. You can succeed not by knowing what others profess to be the truth, but by being happy and using whatever resource you have (your mind, spirit, soul, and creativity) to experience a happy life filled with love.I certainly hope you find love while reading ickes, its for entertainment only. Search for Love and you will find it.
Rating:  Summary: Alice in Wonderland and the world trade center disaster Review: This book tears apart the whole story the main stream media has presented to the public about the trade center fiasco. The evidence and timeline of the official version is so ridiculous that even a child could see through the story. And yet still today the majority still keep there heads buried in the sand...
Rating:  Summary: The Government Is Lying Review: Without a doubt, the federal government is infested with traitors and mass-murderers. David Icke gives details of many of their crimes including how and why. He also describes who is in bed with whom. There is an extensive bibliograpy at the end of each chapter. This is an excellent reference book showing that the Bush crime family are only mid-level lackeys and they take orders from their superiors. There is an excellent video documentary which is very similar to this book. It is produced by Alex Jones and is titled: 911 The Road To Tyranny. It is available at infowars.com
Rating:  Summary: And the truth shall set you free Review: I think this book is very helpful tome and others out there, if you read between the lines you will find a lot of truth in what he says about the world and the "Evil Empire" and abouttrue facts that's really going on and we have people (critics that know the truth) and refuse to tell it, David Icke tells the truth.
Rating:  Summary: Less impressive than it seems Review: At first this book appeared to be a significant improvement on Icke's previous efforts where he demonstrated a preference for conjecture, faulty evidence and even pure fantasy in his dogged pursuit of a good story. So I was surprised to find that Alice in Wonderland is full of footnotes, lengthy quotes and, shock horror, attempts at logic and reasoning. But it was because some of these features are so out of character for Icke that one was temporarily blinded to the more obvious flaws in this book, in particular Icke's resort to his usual tricks. So as with his other books Icke employs his standard rhetorical devices, constructing straw men which he cuts down with comments that manage to be simultaneously, misinformed, specious and snide. No matter that he distorts the facts. There is also his usual abundance of conjecture, half-truths and fiction. And more interestingly, Icke shows that he has learned a polemical trick or two from Noam Chomsky, inserting into his discussion of whether or not a plane actually hit the Pentagon the handy disclaimer "I am not saying that Flight 777 did or did not hit the Pentagon, I am just exploring the arguments for and against" (p.350). Of course! And what a balanced discussion it is: "The official version is a blaze of contradictions"; "I find it difficult to accept that all of those statements can be true"; "Personally, I would have great reservations about any information that comes out of the Pentagon", etc... That discussion reflects a pattern throughout the book where any information that disputes the "official" story (which, incidentally, Icke does not present accurately), is typically presented uncritically (save for the occasional face-saving disclaimer) while every real or imagined inconsistency in the government account is subject to intense scrutiny. Take his examination of NORAD's role during 9/11. Icke makes much of NORAD's apparent tardiness in getting its planes off the ground, including that it took a whole "18 minutes" between the transponder on Flight 11 being switched off and the FAA informing NORAD, so "we are asked to belive" he adds for good measure (pp.220-221). He earlier cites as evidence that NORAD usually is quick off the mark, the case of golfer Payne Stewart's Lear Jet in 1999. "When air traffic controllers realised all was not well, the FAA contacted NORAD and fighter jets were scrambled to check out what was happening" (p.217). Yet curiously, given the importance of times to his argument, Icke never, ever cites how long it took the FAA to contact NORAD about Payne Stewart's plane. And even though Icke goes on about the "FAA-NORAD reaction time" and "every-other-day reaction times" (p.217) he is never able to tell us how long that time should be. And again, even though Icke goes on about the slowness of the intercept planes (p.221), he overlooks the information he cites about the Payne Stewart incident as to how long it took for the USAF planes to reach the Lear Jet - which was at least an hour. There are countless other examples of Icke's factual and logical flaws, but space does not permit a full airing. Other disappointing aspects of Icke's book is his manifest inability to present evidence that Bush and his Administration are clearly and definitively aiming to establish world government. In fact Icke seems to have it both ways, both raging against them as US imperialists when it suits, and then as players in the New World Order. Which one is it to be David? For readers looking for a compilation of the conspiracy research into the 9/11 attacks, Icke's book is a fair representation of their work. There is very little evidence of original research on his part, but that's usually the case with most of his books. Otherwise, if you want to understand what really happened on 9/11 and why, one cannot possible recommend Icke's book.
Rating:  Summary: 5 stars If true, another masterpiece from D. Icke Review: What a world we live in! With the Internet was supposed to come the "New Age" of truth, understanding, etc. Yet it seems like a dark time, and an aware person has to live in many different worlds to try to see what is going on. Yes, it seems dark now, and in one world we get the official version of what happened on 9/11, that 19 Arab hijackers, led by Osama bin Laden, who did the organization from some caves, etc., in Afghanistan, orchestrated an unbelievably well-organized hijacking and destruction, which led to the deaths of thousands of people. In the "Alice In Wonderland" world, we get page after page of an incredible expose' of staggering corruption at the highest levels, point by point "destruction" of the official story, revealing countless inconsistencies in what we have been told, which would make even the most skeptical person question the official version of the incidents on 9/11 and in the days afterward. "Alice In Wonderland" documents so many aspects of 9/11 that my notes are so full of points I marked with an "*," to be mentioned in this review, that I gave up! But as other reviewers have noted, "Alice In Wonderland" also presents the "big picture," the much larger background that a serious person needs to become familiar with to see why Icke may be right. And as I wrote in my review of "Children of the Matrix," I must sadly admit that at the level I operate at I simply cannot say whether he is correct. Here are only a few of the hundreds of salient points made so well: 1) p. 74 (and elsewhere) - FBI investigations of bin Laden ties with Saudi Arabia (and guess who else?) were blocked by the higher ups. The FBI director resigned, was security head at the WTC, and died on 9/11. 2) p. 149 on - full exposes of scams like the OKC bombing, Pearl Harbor, and Operation Northwoods (p. 336). The latter was a Pentagon plan in the 1960's to frame Castro, to make it look like the Cubans were killing American citizens while others were committing the acts. Included in these documented plans were the hijackings of civilian planes (p. 165)! Also p. 336 on, discussion of what is publicly known about advanced capabilities of controlling planes by remote control, a key part of Icke's suggested explanation for part of what really happened on 9/11. 3) p. 171 - of the four planes involved in 9/11, NOT ONE PLANE activated the 4-digit code that tells air traffic control that it had been hijacked. 4) Ch. 8, "House of Cards," presents mind-boggling questions about supposed lack of communication between the FAA and NORAD, incl. allowing Flight 11 to fly around for about 45 minutes after it was known that it had been hijacked. When jets were finally scrambled, they were sent not from Andrews AFB, near DC, but rather from Langley, 130 miles away! No surprise, they got to the scene late. 5) Ch. 10 "The hijackers" p. 268 - the incredible precision required to fly a plane into a section of the Pentagon, vs. claims of instructors that the purported pilots of Flight 11 were "Dumb and Dumber!" Also throughout, at least 7 of the 19 "hijackers" are still alive?! 6) Finally, the overall question - has the proof been presented publicly that bin Laden and company did the hijackings? According to the book, they have it, but it is "classified!" I could on for pages listing the clear expositions detailed in the book, but you can't do much in this limited space. On the last page of the book Icke makes a somewhat startling statement, that this is his last "conspiracy" book, that he will be moving on to "I am," helping to build a new model to make the old one obsolete. I and others surely wish him the best of luck, and I am very grateful for what I've learned in his books. And what courage!
Rating:  Summary: Vital information for all. Please read this reveiw. Review: You've come this far...even by only finding yourself here. I do not pretend to be an expert however I do have a pretty good tuition to keep whats useful for us and toss what's not. That being said:1)BEFORE you buy the book there is a MuSt read interveiw with the author you need to reveiw. It is found (as you may have guessed¿ on davidicke.com > This interveiw would also be a great 'first read' if you have never been to his site or have only lingered, there is no better place to start than here. You simply can NoT buy the book without reading the interveiw so go read it now. Icke is asked as one of the questions in the interveiw..point blank..why does he think he has not been murdered.2)There is a breif mentioning of something in this latest book from the author that I found was not in any of his previous writings at all. Finding it within the pages of Alice gave me 50% more faith in Icke. I am referring to something called the Uniform Commercial Code, a form of 'law' that supercedes all other 'lesser' forms including the U.S. Constitution. Apparently few have heard of the "UCC" but it is the book of codes that Runs the world at present. It was never expected that the ucc would be decoded for the redemption of slaves..fortunately for us that has recently happend and those who choose to pursue this education will find themselves free from the state and harassment in all its current forms including from already existing 'obligations'. This subject at present is even more important that what David is teaching....and before you do any soul searching you need to first secure yourself and your family from the state. 2 Reference materials that you will need to get right on it ..are abc's of the ucc...and cracking the code (now in its 3rd or 4th edition). 3)With Ickes talk about banks I am surprised he has not went into detail somewhere that the loans process is fightable as are the banks other practices. People with the knowledge are able to cancel these bank loans. Where is his 'remedy' it seems others are beating him to it. For more info leave your email.
Rating:  Summary: A Paranoid's Delight Review: Proof positive that pretty much anything can get published under the right circumstances. Mr. Icke is absolutely fixated on "the illuminati" (don't ask), and fits right in with the "nothing is as it seems" crowd who love to rant about the Freemasons, Bohemian Grove, black helicopters, chemtrails and that old standby, The New World Order. I gave it two stars for amusement value, but familiarize yourself with where Mr. Icke has been and is coming from before you're tempted to believe a word. Of course, the fact that thousands of ambitious reporters, intelligence personnel, and academics the world over have not come to the same conclusion as Mr. Icke is all part of the conspiracy. In addition, another of Mr. Icke's works, the humbly titled "The Biggest Secret: The Book that Will Change the World," has more entertainment value, and concocts an even more ludicrous scenario. This is the book that, according to the amazon.com editorial reviewer, "reveals a sinister web connecting everything from the British royal family to major oil companies, to 33 of the last 40 U.S. presidents, in a global conspiracy masterminded by an interstellar brotherhood vying for planetary control through the manipulation of humanity's very way of life." Whatever. So, when you can read about interplanetary manipulation of the human race, why settle for just a World Trade Center conspiracy? I'd spend my paranoid conspiracy dollar on the earlier work.