Rating:  Summary: Paranoid delusion Review: Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster by David Icke.Quite how anyone can take a man who believes in giant space lizards seriously and that he is the son of God, is entirely beyond my comprehension. Many of his views revolve around anti-semitism, and THAT is why the govermnents of the world dislike him (dislike, not fear). Frankly, there are too many under-educated people out there who will believe anything that is written down; erroniously accepting the fact that something IS written down as proof of its authenticity. The fact that anti-American, anti-capitalist terrorists could conceive to hijack a plane and fly into the financial center of the western world is fanciful enough (though undisputably true), without throwing in new-age/spiritualist/conspiricy theories. The fact is, the so called "things the governments don't want us to know" are just things you haven't heard of. There is a lot of information in the public domain, and frankly, just because you haven't read it doesn't mean it doesn't exist or is being suppressed. Quite simply, in the literal sense of the phrase, David Icke is mentally unbalanced, and holds very strong racial superiority and anti-establishment views. While the true danger of the former was displayed in Nazi Germany, and is thus well recognised, the latter is still a concern to be wary of. The book is full of flaws and suppositions, and amply demonstrates the "internet psycology" of using guess-work to fill in the gaps left by ignorance and lack of understanding. Davis Icke should by pitied/treated, but certainly not encouraged.
Rating:  Summary: Reaching Review: I can buy into some of what he writes (proven document and solid source). He reaches and reaches and reaches, however. David Icke is clearly a paranoid schizophrenic. I agree that we may not get the straight dope, and the media is most definitely slanted - but most of this book is very hard to swallow and his sources for the most part are unreliable at least and usually unverifiable.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting........... Review: 1)I remember just a few days after Sept 11, a friend of mine showed me a website which had a picture of an unknown Rap Band cd cover which portrayed the WTC bombed. And the news release on that website (apparently a website of a radio station in USA) mentioned that the cd cover was released 1 month BEFORE 9/11, and it was pulled back by the record company immediately. I thought, either these people had psychic abilities, or they knew something the public didn't know. 2)Also on the day after 9/11, i was walking in my university and a guy in a protest stand was saying that people already warned there will be attack sometime in Sept on USA, but the government apparently did not do anything. 3)And then there's this Anthrax scare at the same time that made the whole USA stayed at home. 4)And then sometime later someone wrote a complaint ( I received a copy of the complaint through chain mail) that the CNN was broadcasting "false and misleading footage" of middle east people celebrating (CNN claims the footage shows they are celebrating the attack on America), however, someone pointed out with PROOF(!) that the footage was actually taken from 1991! So these 'mastermind' people own the CNN too! 5)Remember that even before the 1st tower went down, the news was already showing picture of Bin Laden as the "Prime Suspect at this time"? How did the government intelligence became so quick and efficient suddenly to come to that conclusion? Hmmm, not too crazy claims after all Mr Icke. This is the first time I read Icke's book, and it seems to fill the gap and show that the public is being mislead by the media and government for some outcome.
Rating:  Summary: WAKE UP SHEEPLE !!!!! Review: Just by being at the W.T.C on that horrible day, I can testify that all of this info stated in this book is 99.9% true ... alot of people saw things that WERE NOT shown on television. problem is that too many people either went into shock and blocked it out, or just are tooo scared to talk about it .. where was OUR security, defense, ect .. you know the ones we pay billions for in our taxes???? 1 building got hit ... o.k. understandable, but a second???? in such a time gap? and then later on the pentagon??? (which until I see photographic evidence, and not superemposed pics, will I ever belive a plane even touched that building ) and where was our leader??? reading a story about pet goats to children in FL, oh how convienent. at the time I thought he was scrambling, on his feet doing something!! but when I got home that night, after walking over 60 blocks to the 59th st bridge,to see the news, I seen him doing NOTHING!!!! Nothing but sitting there very comfortable looking...then POOF over night he was a super hero along with Gulliani... for what? letting our people die? failing to do his job? .. no, truth is he NEEDED this to happen to get the o.k. from us to go get the oil poppy bush couldn't get back in the 90's ... they wont tell you the stories of people being locked in there offices,(plenty of people have messages on there phones from loved ones saying this ) or the secondary explosions we all heard coming from the sub levels.. or silverstien BUYING the wtc complex just weeks before and quoting in the paper "that it would be cheaper to knock them down and start from scratch, than to upgrade them to todays tech standards" ( thank god for that terrorisim insurance )... there are so many more REAL stories that are blocked from the publics eyes ... We rely on the media, its where we get our answers, so it is easy for them to control us ... just give us the answers we need and we will feel safe and give them all of our power and freedoms. Problem , Reaction, Solution is real ... it happens everyday of our lives ... we live in mental prisons that they put us in ...NOT ME!! I am me, I am free! 9/11 changed the way I see things forever ... these small secret society's that control and operate behind the scenes messed up!! and after reading this book, it helped me put all the missing pieces to the puzzle together and now i see the whole picture crystal clear ... If we dont wake up as a mass, were all in for some crazy times ahead!!! this world won't last ... Nukes and pollution from corp. alone will wipe us out. If not mother earth herself will shake us off like a bunch of annoying fleas, a bad virus ... Life is way to precious to be sacrificed like this .. people say " our country would never do that!!" no but they will send innocent children to go shoot each other for absolutly NO REASON!!! wipe out a race of the most beautiful people on earth, who owned the land on which you and I now stand, slave a race with no problem ... and thats not even the half of it!! I would NEVER have thought in a million years that I would EVER be talking this way, but like I said, they messed up and left clues and proof everywhere like a bunch of sloppy bank robbers .. its all around us, its been there the whole time, just never noticed it till that horrible day! now when i turn on the news i hear LIE,LIE,LIES,and more LIES!!! from the medical industry to the white house. If we dont wake up and take our power back within the next 6 years, it will be too late for us all!!! we will be mars of present day, a world once full of life that destroyed themselves through GREED and through no fault of the people, except ignorance. open your eyes and mind to see that this is NOT our true world!!! we are loving beings all over the world that deserve to have our own minds and love back!!! somthing that has been stolen from us a long time ago. I urge you to please free your mind along with others, love one and other ... only LOVE will free us all!! and keep up the FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!! somthing that seems to be non-existing anymore. And remember " you dont fight for peace" ( it's a contradiction! ) "you PEACE for PEACE"!!! ... as long as we FEAR, we can, and will be CONTROLLED!! Lets break this cycle, and bring heaven to earth! ... belive in yourself and breathe and everything will be fine ... PEACE & LOVE TO ALL .........
Rating:  Summary: Sad comment on a sick, delusional mind Review: David icke, the man who once claimed he was the sun of god and the color turquise protected him and thinks the queen of england is a sleestak from the land of the lost is now using the horrible events in New york and washington to further his conspiritoral delusions. Yes, david the towers where blown up with explosives that why the member of the building start to bend INWARD when the south tower collapse on video. Maybe the reptiliods uses big MAGNETS to collapse the towers. David icke is unable to unstand basic logic and reasoning and fills in the vast gaps of his understanding with bizarre incoherent new age nonsense. This book disgusts me!
Rating:  Summary: Always Believe the Government & Major Media Review: Do not believe anyone who questions or doubts the government or major media. Politicians and owners of mainstream magazines, TV stations, etc. are perfect & are free from greed, self interest, and we should do as they say without hesitation. If everyone follows this course, the world will become a utopia free of all poverty, disease, conflict, and financial uncertainty. The events of 9/11 happened exactly as the U.S. government has told us. So continue watching 3 hours of TV every night, do not read, & continue to give 50% or more of your earnings to government. This will make you happy. If you doubt this, just look at the way the Great Society programs have eliminated poverty (as LBJ said, "we will end poverty with a stroke of the pen."), the U.N. has ended all armed conflict in the world, and the Social(ist) (In)Security system is thriving & healthy (just as politicians told us it would be). Since, as the government claims, a complete government takeover of the U.S. health system will make it perfect, allow the government to take over every single aspect of the economy, then we will have reached the promised land, as did the Soviet Union. Back to 9/11. The fact that John Ashcroft & some Pentagon officials discontinued traveling on commercial airlines prior to 9/11 because of a "threat assessment" by the FBI-and failed to warn the general public-means nothing. Yes, some small groups of people made a fortune shorting airline & insurance stocks immediately before 9/11, the media mentioned it in passing after 9/11, but the investigation into this was dropped shortly afterwards; this does not concern you-go back to watching Friends (tonight's episode may be the single most important moment in the history of our Nation). And, yes, the military's NORAD air defense system claimed it did not learn that Flight 11 (the first jet to strike the WTC) had been hijacked until some 25 minutes after the transponder was shut off and 15 minutes after flight controllers heard a hijacker say, "We have some planes;" the government will always protect us and we should give them even more power as a result of 9/11. Finally, it is logical to believe, as the government claims, that the black boxes from the two jets that crashed into WTC 1 & 2-black boxes that are built to withstand anything short of a nuclear explosion-were destroyed in the impact, yet the passport from one of the hijackers, which was made of thin plastic & paper, survived the impact & was even recovered from the rubble; don't trouble yourself with this-your 12-pack of Bud is getting warm. Government is great, government protects us from everything, & government must be allowed to grow infinitely. Oops, look at the time! The episode of Joe Millionaire with the babe in the hot tub is about to start-we can't miss that.
Rating:  Summary: I couldn't believe my eyes Review: Let me see if I get this strait.. Our own government planned the 9/11 attacks? Our President George W. Bush allowed the slaughter of over 3000 people for political reasons? Yeah right. That makes a lot of... Let's kill our own people, destroy our economy for a very long time, make flying a nightmare for what seems like forever and make Americans afarid of things like a unattended bag at an airport or a parked truck at the Lincoln Tunnel. Oh yeah, that fits.
Rating:  Summary: best taken with grains of salt Review: Icke does a good job covering the facts surrounding the WTC tragedy. The questions he asks to tear the official story apart are so obvious, that I had to ask myself what was thinking not asking them initially. It also shows how easy it is for the powers that be to fool the apathetic general public. the reason I don't give this four stars is that there are a number of very important leads that Icke never follows up on(the revelation that Bin Laden has been dead for years) and/or revelations he sources through unnamed insiders(the pentagon has a missile defense system like the one the Australian parliament has). Not all the information is credible, however the stuff that is well worth the price tag.
Rating:  Summary: Conspiracy to keep this book hidden? Review: I found it in the ASTROLOGY SECTION at Borders! Is it synchonicity that I found it last night as news about Levi Strauss moving offshore and taking more American jobs with it as we in America are in a "jobless recovery?" This is an oxymoron as there can be no such "jobless recovery." The Bush backing of the multinationals with NAFTA and GATT and the NEW WORLD ORDER needs major EXPOSING. This book exposes more than ten other books I've bouught on similiar subjects and ties everything together in a way not seen before. I recommend this eye opener. We need to read it and react appropriately by throwing their butts out of office. This is worse, much worse than Clinton having his XXXX licked in the oval ofice. A conspiracy of Biblical proportions.
Rating:  Summary: This is not a book that should be tossed lightly - - Review: -- but thrown aside with maximum force. In this book, David Icke exploits the fear and uncertainty that rose after the 9/11 attacks by again unleashing all imaginable - and unimaginable - conspiracy theories. If the subject wasn't so tragic I'd leave it alone and never bother to spend a minute to write this. But this guy's not only challenged beyond despair by alternative forms of synapse arrangement, he's also dangerous in such that he's only raising more uncertainty and angst among the gullible and uncertain. I only have to review the general tone of the reviews posted here to see that he's taken serious by a LOT of people. I recognise people do crazy, stupid and cruel things. I also recognise politicians - and religious fanatics - are among those. You don't need any conspiracy theory to explain that or - for that matter - reptilian aliens. Things like 9/11 are bad enough without people like David Icke. Please, go and acquire some rational thought. Visit a skeptics site like CSICOP and read/think! Grumble.