Rating:  Summary: And the Truth shall be somewhere in between... Review: This is a welcome return to David's more believable Conspiracy roots, and he mercifully soft pedals the Reptilian stuff. The problem with books like Children of the Matrix is that he made a huge number of totally unsupported claims, based largely on the assumed legitimacy of a group of individuals who claimed to have witnessed many World leaders, including the British monarchy, shape-shifting to and from Alien form and being involved with the ritual slaughter and sexual abuse of children.The whole "people are remembering..." buzz was incredibly damaging to genuine Conspiracy theorists, many of whom are on the right track, including Icke himself. Which people saw these Reptilians? Are they credible? Have they taken PolyGraph tests? Back to the WTC book, David has raised a lot of interesting points, as you might expect, and there are indeed a lot of unanswered questions. The 'loss' of the Black Box flight recorders and the 'chance' finding of the hijacker's passport in the ruins, is just one example of too-convenient events. Was the whole thing staged? Very hard to say. Because of the covert way the System has always worked, it is hard to obtain true evidence. That the Islamic fundamentalists and their terrorist wings would do something like this and rejoice at the outcome is not in question. Anybody who has spent time in the Middle East knows that many arab countries are extreme patriarchal, Jew-hating dictatorships. No, I'm not a Jew, I have a Celtic ancestry. If David has a problem in his style, it is that he takes an idea which may or not be correct and runs with it and starts pyramiding 'facts' that are derived from that initial piece of assumption. This is how he got into the whole Reptilian Conspiracy thing. Yet the reference to how a Terrorist Insurance scam might have been a factor in the destruction of the Twin Towers leads us to a point that should be considered. Humans have treated each other with a mind-numbing level of callousness and brutality since the beginning. Humans. Humans were quite capable of carrying out the entire attack for their own greedy, psychotic ends just as they carried out the holocausts in Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Iraq, North Korea and Communist China. We don't need Aliens to come along and enslave the human race, other humans have already got that under control. It's called the World Banking System. I am not in any way hostile to the idea of Alien lifeforms and their presence on the Earth. I think there is a 99% chance that the Roswell Incident involved the crash of a craft piloted by a non-human intelligence. I think it is entirely likely that the World Government has been fully in contact with Aliens in some form or another for decades. It is also entirely possible that the human race originated on Mars, and that the pyramidal structures in Cydonia, Elysium etc. are a leftover from this period. The mere existence of Aliens on this planet does NOT mean that they are running the show or that all our leaders are Aliens. In Alice In Wonderland David has presented us with the usual mixture of brilliant ideas and research and theoretical stretches that tend to undermine his overall position. As with many things in this world, the Truth is probably somewhere in between the theorizing and the apparent realities.
Rating:  Summary: Patriotic? Then read this book. Review: This book is a must read for everyone! Only through educating ourselves to what is really going on in our government and world can we make changes. Mr.Icke presents almost 500 pages of well researched information that will change you forever. He picks apart every lie we have been told about Sept.11 and makes you wonder why you didn't see through it yourself. It's because we are so used to listening to the media and not thinking for ourselves. David Icke will make you think and think. Buy this book if you aren't afraid to have your comfortable dream world turned upside down. If you are, then buy the book anyway and pass it on to someone who is willing to share this most important message. Future generations depend on us. If you are truly patriotic then you treasure your freedom, but if you don't educate yourself to the truth one day you will wake from your dream and your freedom will be gone.
Rating:  Summary: People = Ignorant. Review: I bought this book after seeing an interview with Icke on the UK morning TV show 'This Morning'. I found the ideas he was talking about quite foreign to me, but the principle points of his argument, disturbingly at the time, seemed to make sense. It kind of clicked with something in my brain and I just had to investigate further. I've not yet finished this book completely, but so much of what it states makes so much more sense than the drivel we are drip fed by the mass media every day of our 'waking' lives. Icke so completely debunks the American Government and mainstream media's position on 9/11 you wonder as to why you never realised the blindingly obvious before. There are too many problems surrounding the official story of 9/11 for anybody who is interested in the truth to believe it. I wont go in to the problems here, because that is what the book is for, and they have already been mentioned in other reviews. What I dont understand, however, is the idiots who keep whingeing on about how the very mention/portrayal of 9/11 in a different way to the official story is offensive to those people whose relatives/loved ones died in the tragedies. Are you people blind? George Bush election campaign is centred around the atrocities in 9/11!! He's using the terror, confusion and misery caused by the event and the ensuing 'war on terrorism' (what a fat ugly lie that is, made by an even uglier man, by the way) to fuel his campaign for re-election.THAT is 'sick'. The truth is never 'sick'. It may be hard for you to take/accept/come to terms with, but it is NEVER sick, by virtue of the fact that it is the TRUTH. Even if you dont agree with some of Icke's more, well, what may be deemed by others to be 'Outlandish' ideas, the fundamental aspects of 'Problem-reaction-Solution' and the 'Stepping stones' approach are frighteningly real, and they can be seen and verified every day by every one of us. Every point that has been made against this book seems to have come from people who either haven't read it or have missed big chunks of it out because they couldn't wait to get on Amazon and write a review about how offensive/stupid/paranoid it is, satisfying both themselves, and unknown to them, the forces that control them. I do not doubt for a second that David Icke means exactly what he says and that he is extremely passionate about it. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that there is a hidden agenda working away behind the cracked face and gigantic lying mouth of major world power, and the more cracks people like David Icke can make in that face, the better. Maybe one day it will crumble altogether.
Rating:  Summary: Disconcerting Review: There are many things that worry me about this book, which is, i suspect, as it's intended. The information is presented in a way that when viewed, shows the massive flaws in the way the public have been told about what happened and who is to blame on 9/11. I read it cover to cover, and was amazed at the way the official atory under just a small amount of investigation fell apart at the seams. I would strongly recommend people read this book, if only to show how we as the general public can have our perceptions of whats happening in the world altered, or influenced, by information distributed by sources which can then be proved as incorrect. For example, out of the people named as hijackers, over a 3rd were found to be still alive! The infomation concerning the passport which miraculously survived intact and coincidentally just happened to belong to a hijacker and was all over the news as conclusive proof as to the culprits, turned out to be false. Strange how that never made the news though. We all have the worlds media views of what happened that day drilled into our brain. 2 years on, i say again, read this book, then i'd suggest you re-think what you thought you knew.
Rating:  Summary: Make your own mind up Review: I've read other of David Icke's books and I've never been disappointed - and this is no different. For info, I'm a 37 year old, married woman, and I'm a Director of my own company. I'm not some young, easily-influenced geek who is hooked on conspiracy theories. Just a normal, intelligent person who believes that we're not been told the truth, the whole truth, etc.... I find David's style of writing informative and entertaining - and the subject matter is something every man, woman and child needs to be aware of. It's not heavy going (some of the detail can get you down, but it's vital for this type of research). The LAST thing this book is though, is some barmy conspiracy theory - but don't take my word for it, please make up your own mind: don't read a bad (or good) review here and be swayed. Just buy it, and make up your own mind. For me, I believe that with most people, once they see the 'double speak' and the closing of ranks that surrounds the 9/11 disaster (and just about everything else these days), I'm sure they will at the very least start to ask themselves some hard questions. Any decent, normal-thinking person would. There are some very serious questions that need answering about this event - and David did ask the people who are paid to answer them, but he was told time and time again that his questions were a matter of 'national security' and couldn't be answered, which is complete rubbish: Simple questions, such as why was the CCTV camera image doctored to show a different/false time ? Just one piece of contradiction shuld make you wonder 'why' - but when you're presented with hundreds of anomolies, all easily trackable and identifiable, it makes me wonder why people continue to believe the 'official' lie surrounding 9/11. Maybe it's because the truth is just too difficult to face? Time to wake up I think. Can I also recommend 'Tales from the Time Loop' by David Icke? Again, essential, enjoyable reading! :-)
Rating:  Summary: If 10% of this book is true be afraid, be very afraid. Review: David Icke was THE biggest object of ridicule in the british media, when he threw away his solid BBC career and went down what people saw as a bizaar route lizards ruling us from the background. Nowadays you don't here about him much other than the odd dig here and there from magazines etc. If you have ever read Ickes website or previous books you will be pretty aware of what to expect here, but I have to say I think this book has more current information due to the subject matter involved. I think you have to read the book with an open mind, and if you don't believe something as you don't believe there is enough evidence or too much inference is made, then don't believe it! I am genuinley concerned however as I believe there is more than 10% of the book that rings true and this is enough to make us all concerned. My only critism is Icke uses some of the techniques that he slags the mainstream media of for in trying to persuade the reader. He keeps saying he doesn't care if we believe him but the way he ridicules people who don't believe things by saying they have limited nueral activity etc exposes this as untrue. Also he repeats things over and over again sometime to try and make it stick and he even says this is a method used by the media. The final chapter which Icke says is the most important, while being interesting and thought provoking requires a massive leap of faith to be made which I personally am not willing to make. I don't rule it out but I need more to believe Ickes view of how the University is made up. Get the book, it's a riveting read and I certainly view information in a different light now. It's amazing how much [stuff] the politicians, media and other authorites in society feed us, so we should all be on our guard.
Rating:  Summary: Essential Reading for US Congress and any THINKING Citizen! Review: This book is essential reading for our US Congress and should be used as the handbook for a REAL investigation of the 9-11 attack on New York. Here are only a few KEY QUESTIONS which need to be asked and investigated: 1. In 1999 Golfer Payne Stewart's private learjet *drifted* off course. Within FIVE MINUTES an F-16 Fighter jet is scrambled and 16 minutes later it is alongside Stewart's plane at 46,000 feet !!! WHERE THE HELL WERE THE FIGHTER JETS for 9-11? Plane TWO hit the WTC 40 minutes AFTER Plane One hit it! US NORAD RADAR tracked the off course jets for OVER 90 MINUTES and for 90 minutes NO ORDER was given to launch FIGHEER JET intercepts. WHY??? 2. The Pentagon has AUTOMATIC missles that shoot down any aircraft in its air space that does not transmit a SECURE and SECRET radio transponder code. How did a hijacked commercial jet get past the automatic missle defense system of the Pentagon? 3. Whan ALL flights in the USA were grounded for several days following the 9-11 attacks, why did President Bush allow a plane load of Saudi citizens to SECRETLY fly out of the country on a private chartered jet? There were many members of the BIN-LADEN family on that jet, according to recent 9-11 Testimony, why were they allowed to fly out of the USA without first being questioned by the FBI??? Why were FAA flight records of that flight made to disappear? 4. Why was an Urban Search and Rescue Team from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) dispatched to New York the DAY BEFORE the 9-11 attacks??? (there are hotel receipts proving this!) 5. When President Bush came into office WHY DID HE PULL the FBI OFF of all investigation of the Bin Laden family's activities in the USA??? 6. Why was there NO SCIENTIFIC FORENSIC study of the rubble of the 9-11 attacks? Why was all the material hauled off to a guarded land fill and the steel shipped to Asia before any forensic scientists could study the rubble and attempt to confirm the cause of the towers' collapse???? WHY IS OUR CONGRESS NOT ASKING THESE AND MANY MORE HARDER QUESTIONS OF EVERYBODY RESPONSIBLE TO PROTECT US ALL???? We MUST hold our government accountable!!
Rating:  Summary: Totally not a Conspiracy Review: David Icke reveals some of the biggest and most secretive crimes or as some still think are conspiracies. This book is packed full of information on how the government really works and how the rest of our society sits back and just lets it fly over their heads. David Icke breaks down the truth about what happened on September 11th and plugging into all the information "officials" choose to filter out because the news media is in on it too. The truth is, The Illuminati is just more than Kings, Queens and Freemasons. They are apart of an entirely different society. They control the minds of the societies below them and is filtered through people that live in our country. Does the Bush family ring a bell? Yes, The President of The United States. The Illuminati changes the mind set of society by problem-reaction-solution. This is analysed in detail in this book. The Illuminati practiced this theory on September 11th for instence. They create a problem, such as the World Trade Center Disaster, and turn the country into complete devastation. The devastation would be the "reaction" of society, and the rest you have to find out when you read this book, written by David Icke. Some say that this is just a conspiracy, but when you read this book you will realize that there is no such thing as a conspiracy when it comes to The World Trade Center Disaster.
Rating:  Summary: how stupid can u be Review: another trip into fantasy land with the flaky Mr Icke. You remember , in his last book Icke told us that the Bushs, the British Royal Family etc were all part of some alien lizard race, that ruled the world and that Queen Elizabeth bathed in infant blood to stay beautiful. This book is more of the same. If you research any of the "facts" Icke bases his delusions on, you will find them to be falacious. I know that to be true, in the limited area, that I am familiar with. Why was this book published??? Save your money.How can any sane person believe this stuff??
Rating:  Summary: The delusions of a sick mind Review: I am not certain yet what disturbs me more: That there are people in the world that would actually believe this kind of farce or that there exists a person in this world who would actually use a terrible tragedy to espouse their own paranoid beliefs for the sake of profit. If you choose to read this mess of fiction then I would ask you only to remember those whose ,lives were taken on the eleventh of September, 2001. Remember that day and realize the way in which their memory is being used and tarnished by a man who appears to be nothing more than a very sick man in need of help. At this moment, and for the first time, I am truly ashamed to be an American and even more than that.. to be a human being. I am ashamed to share this world with someone so thoughtless and so self-obsessed with his own importance that he would commit this kind of travesty. For as long as people are sucked into this kind of maddening belief, with not a sense of reality to prove it, then the truth that each of you hope to find will remain hidden from you forever.