Rating:  Summary: Superb! Review: This book draws reasonable conclusions from incredibly well-documented sources. A quick scan of the other endorsements (nearly all five stars), not to mention the editorial reviews (see the above link), will show that others agree. As for me, I give "The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea" five stars, which is clearly what this one-of-a-kind-in-history book deserves. Indeed, anyone who has read the LaHaye and Jenkins "Left Behind" series will, upon reading Mr. Cohen's book, likely abandon that series as false prophecy (see the warnings against adding to or taking away from scripture, which apocalyptic fiction must inevitably do, in Revelation 22) in favor of an author and a title that offers real, credible information (for example, see pages 394-396) rather than fictional speculation and sensationalism. Although Mr. Cohen cannot be 100% accurate in everything he has said (he's just a human being), I still have to say kudos! If his first book leaves everyone else who has ever written on the subject of the antichrist in the dust (and it does), just think what Mr. Cohen's upcoming title, "Messiah, History, and the Tribulation Period" (mentioned in "The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea") will do. I for one can't wait to see.
Rating:  Summary: Packed with information Review: This book is a great resource for those interested in end-time speculations. The section on heraldry, especially it's dissection and explanation of the symbols used on certain coats-of-arms was fascinating.He makes an interesting case for a possible candidate for the anitchrist, even though I thought he stretched some verses to make them fit his supposition.
Rating:  Summary: More than "extremely well written and thought out" Review: This book is not a run of the mill book on the AntiChrist. It is entirely unique in the genre. While I consider this to be the foremost book on the subject EVER written, I am providing this review primarily to address some errant comments as well as shed much needed light on the subject of Tim Cohen's work. Two assertions have been made that are simply incorrect. First, one individual asserts "the idea that Tim seems to share is that the anti-Christ (one person) has two horns because of the verse; 'he had two horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon.'" Actually, the opposite is the case. In "The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea," Tim does not apply the cited verse to the AntiChrist at all, but rather to the coming false prophet. Furthermore, he suggests that the final pope of Rome will likely fulfill that role (i.e., will be the false prophet who works in tandem with the AntiChrist), not Prince Charles. Second, the same individual states matter of factly, "Not that Charles could not be [the AntiChrist], in future, this person, but presently he has none of the criteria of anti-Christ." Actually, Tim Cohen provides a HUGE amount of irrefutable BIBLICAL evidence to demonstrate that ALL of the prophecies pertaining to the coming AntiChrist that can be fulfilled BEFORE he assumes control over a global government during the Great Tribulation, ARE already fulfilled in Prince Charles, and this is true of no one else, not even the prince's sons William and Harry. For example, Prince Charles has the lineage: he claims descent simultaneously from Israel's King David, Islam's false prophet Mohammed, and, by way of a false occult lineage, Jesus Christ Himself! Prince Charles has the imagery: his personal heraldic achievement or coat of arms has the literal symbolism of the first beast of Revelation 13, which represents the AntiChrist, and of Daniel 7 (i.e., the little horn having eyes like the eyes of a man -- a unicorn with human eyes). His coat of arms also has THE red dragon described in Revelation 12 and 13, representing Satan on it, and the prince was facing this red dragon as he was coronated Prince of Wales or Prince of the red dragon in 1969. Prince Charles has the name calculation: his title, "Charles, Prince of Wales", by which he is globally known, calculates to 666 in both Hebrew and English on the ORIGINAL biblical numbering system (the same system used in the underlying Greek text of Revelation 13:18 to specify the number 666). Prince Charles has the involvement in the Mideast peace process. In fact, the current Road Map, as well as the Oslo process from which it derives, and the Madrid Peace talks from which teh Oslo process derived, can be directly traced to the London Agreement of 1987, which in turn can be directly traced to...PRINCE CHARLES. Prince Charles has the global authority.... That's right -- he is not the ignored wimp that the masses have been misled to believe; rather, he is the number one globalist on the planet today, and has been for DECADES. The prince has the influence: Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II are over the entire New World Order power structure. This is accomplished through the world's most prominent and oldest order of chivalry: the Order of the Garter. This order is MUCH, MUCH more than merely a revival of King Arthur's legendary round table. (Get the book to learn more.) And to top it all off (actually this is just icing on a much larger cake than I can even suggest in this short review), Prince Charles NOW HAS THE IMAGERY OF WHAT COULD BE THE FUTURE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION! What is that? In March 2002, while Prince Charles was trekking through Brazilian rain forests, the prince was presented with a Brazilian state government inspired item: a miniature version of a statue depicting himself as an angelic figure with large wings standing atop a mass of human bodies looking up to him (Prince Charles) as savior! In fact, the inscription on the base of this miniature statue reads "Savior of the World"!!! And it has Prince Charles' FACE...WITH WINGS! So what did the prince have to say about all this when local Brazilian officials presented the statue to him, commissioned by the state government of Tocantins in central Brazil? What did the prince say when these same officials asked his permission to create a four to five meter high (13 to 16 feet or more) version of this statue, and to place it in a square named after the prince in their capital city? Instead of calling it blasphemy to identify him as "Savior of the World", the prince said, "I am touched and deeply amazed," and then, with the small ego he has, he gladly gave his permission to create the larger version! Now bear in mind that the arrival of this statue is years AFTER Tim Cohen wrote his book, and there is no other human being on the planet who is being called "Savior of the World" other than the one person whom Cohen identified as the future AntiChrist: Prince Charles of Wales. Just think about this: as Tim Cohen himself has noted in recent interviews, what would happen if even the miniature version of this Prince Charles idol, which has already been given to the prince and photographed by the media, were one day to be placed in a newly constructed holy place in Jerusalem? Let alone the full sized version when it is constructed? Would not all of evangelical Christianity scratch its collective head and ask, "Gee, could Prince Charles be the AntiChrist?" Well, you don't have to wait for that day to find out: Get "The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea" AND READ IT CAREFULLY. You will be astonished by what Tim Cohen presents.
Rating:  Summary: Garbage Review: This book was so bad I hardly know where to begin. I guess the worst thing about this book is the way the author slanders anyone who doesn't agree with his interpitation of the bible. with words like cultist, apostate, or pagan. A short list would include, The Pope: A cultist, a false prophet, and pagan (throught out the book) Herbet W Armstrong: a Cultist (p. 74) Bishop of Winchester: apostate (p 133) Dean of Windsor: apostate (p133) Charles Colson "Misguided" (p225) Paul and Jon crouch "compromised" (p225) Trinity Broadcasting: pagan (p225) And yes, Mother Teresa: A pagan who never lead anyone to Christ (through out) In addition to the slander we are treated to some of the dumbest writing I have ever seen in a Phrophecy book. For instance: in the Introduction he states he "is not a conspiracy theorist by nature" Then spends the next 400 pages detailing one conspiracy after another, from secrect societies to the UN to the CIA and M-15 and M-16 plus the death (Murder) of princess Diana and claims all of it is controled by the British Monachy. Now I can belive some of this but please don't tell me your not a conspiracy theorist and then say you belive all this. In addition to that we have these Gems: "Due to having Interviewed ONE of the decendants (Genhis Khan) from this family, I KNOW that most of the family is working for the new world order." Who is this One decendant? How many decendants of Gengis Khan are there? How does this one decendant Know the other decendants are working for the new world order? All of this is left for the reader to take at face value or Guess. Yet another Gem: (p 186) "New agers often uphold unicorns as 'spirit guides' telling children that they should have their own special unicorn to imagine, to love and to call apon. It is interesting to note that in 'christian' symbolism, the unicorn is sometimes taken to represent the virgin Mary. One wonders then to whom it is that tens of millions of Roman Catholics are really praying to when they call apon the 'virgin Mary'" Gee I never relized all the Catholic school girls and boys were praying to a unicorn I'm glad he cleared that up for me. Want more? On page 256 he claims the Queen is not really worth the reported 10 billion dollars they claim. Nope according to Tim Cohen she is worth NiNE TRILLION yes nine trillion with a "T" Where did he get this figure? (about 200 times the net worth of Bill Gates) From Lydon H Larouche. Where did he get this figure from? Who knows, but I can tell you from expirence with his organization the guy is nuttier than a 50lb bag of trail mix, and a convicted felon. (Okay so maybe he didn't get a fair trail). If I hadn't marked this book and thrown away the box it was shipped in it would have been the first book I ever sent back to amazon for a refund.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding research on the subject of the Antichrist Review: This exhaustive book compiles a wealth of information providing powerful evidence for the identity of the antichrist. It's inescapable conclusion will be undeniable. The evidence Cohen compiles is overwhelming. VERY interesting stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely well written and thought out. Review: Tim Cohen writes as I have read few authors. Firstly he's not just 'repeating' what everybody else has said on this subject, he's shed a lot of new light on the mysterious subject of anti-Christ. It's so refreshing to read his insights.I would like to contest some ideas because this book is based on two important themes: (1)the idea that Tim seems to share is that the anti-Christ (one person) has two horns because of the verse; "he had two horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon." The Book of Daniel speaks of a Ram with one 'horn' between it's eyes and later says 'the horn is the first king', so therefore, a 'horn' is 'a king'. There are two 'horns' comprising (a lamb)and anti-Christ is referred to as the 'little horn' in Daniel. Therefore, 'two' notable people who will arise to prominence in the end times. Their deception is not apparent in their demeanor but in their words, 'spoke like a dragon'. These two are 'anti-Christ' and 'the false prophet' who ride to power on the scarlet beast with 'seven heads and ten horns' (powerful ruling spiritual/government body in the end times). Daniel says the ten 'horns' are ten 'kings'! 2)The author sites the Bilical criteria for a possible anti-Christ and names Charles, but I have trouble with this, again, because of the book of Daniel. Not that Charles could not be, in future, this person, but presently he has none of the criteria of anti-Christ. Daniel says that anti-Christ will know 'secrets' (parables), he will be able to explain 'mysteries' (referred to as dark secrets). He will 'not initially be a person of influence and wealth' but will gain that through 'trading' because of the 'great wisdom' he will come to have. He will possess wisdom greater than Solomon's. The Queen of Sheba travelled half way around the world to hear Solomon's wisdom and said, 'I was not told the half of it'. Some reviews are too strong! To express an opinion is a basic human right - whether we agree with someone or not. If you take that away you take away freedom itself.
Rating:  Summary: Very Well Researched Review: Tim has done a very good job of fitting the pieces together between current world events and Bibical prophecy. Though no one truly knows the identity of the Anti-Christ (with the exception of Jesus Christ), I now....find it highly likely that "The Great Deceiver" will come from the House Of Windsor. And also, it is quite obvious....the writers of the negative reviews didn't read this book in its entirety.
Rating:  Summary: Very Well Researched Review: Tim has done a very good job of fitting the pieces together between current world events and Bibical prophecy. Though no one truly knows the identity of the Anti-Christ (with the exception of Jesus Christ), I now....find it highly likely that "The Great Deceiver" will come from the House Of Windsor. And also, it is quite obvious....the writers of the negative reviews didn't read this book in its entirety.