Rating:  Summary: The female pharoah Review: 'Had Hatchepsut been born a man, her lengthy rule would almost certainly be remembered for its achievements: its stable government, successful trade missions, and the impressive architectural advances which include the construction of the Deir el-Bahri temple on the west bank of the Nile at Luxor, a building which is still widely regarded as one of the most beautiful in the world. Instead, Hatchepsut's gender has become her most important characteristic, and almost all references to her reign have concentrated not on her policies but on the person relationship and power struggles which many historians have felt able to detect within the claustrophobic early 18th Dynasty Theban royal family.'Egypt was of course a male-dominated society, but for being so, it produced many strong women, including Hatchepsut, Cleopatra, and Nefertiti. The latter two are far more famous, having been renowned as well more for their gender and gender-attributes (the beauty of their physical form) than for any political or social achievements they might have made (although Cleopatra's foray into Roman politics most likely would have assured her fame). Hatchepsut took on the outward aspects of male dress and iconography when assuming the power of Pharoah -- while Cleopatra has always been described as 'Queen' Cleopatra, it is perhaps more correct to refer to Hatchepsut as a 'King', a Pharoah, which is a male term with no real feminine equivalent in the language. She even wore a false beard in the manner of Pharoahs of the time to play the role of ruler. She was an eldest daughter of Tuthmosis I, married to her half-brother Tuthmosis II (a regular custom in Egyptian royal families from earliest times to the final dynasty of Cleopatra, whose generation also had such intermarriages), and guardian of her stepson Tuthmosis III. Much of the history of her reign was suppressed by later generations of Egyptians who wanted to prevent another female from assuming royal/divine power. Joyce Tyldesley (who also wrote the book on 'Nefertiti', which I have reviewed recently) has produced a well-researched work exploring the political, social and family climate into which Hatchepsut was thrown. Using historical research and archaeological discoveries, she has produced a marvelous biography, restoring this long-forgotten ruler to the ranks of the Pharoahs. Hatchepsut was short-tempered and made many mistakes during her twenty-year-long reign. However, she was also a capable and able ruler in many respects. The Tuthmosidian Theban royal family which uneasily straddled the divide between the 17th and 18th Dynasties was a tight-knit but feuding lot. To give themselves stability and legitimacy, they strove to replicate glories of the past, in particular those of the 12th Dynasty. This was an era of unease, due to the quickening pace of technological advance occurring simultaneously with a resurgence of interest in 'traditional' values (much like our own time today, in many respects). Tyldesley begins with an examination of the general society: the role of pharoah, a divine/absolute ruler upon which almost all society turned; the role of the royal family, the priest and military classes, and the interaction with foreign cultures. From here she proceeds to examine the specifics of the Tuthmoside family, with their warring factions and cooperative ventures designed to shore up a tenuous grasp on the authority of power. Examining Hatchepsut's rise to power, she divides it into two chapters - 'Queen of Egypt' and 'King of Egypt'. The precise sequence of reigns between the three Tuthmosis rulers and Hatchepsut is still unclear (given the degradation and recasting of monumental and inscription engravings to eliminate Hatchepsut's name) -- it is likely that the authority shifted back and forth, with periods of co-regency during multiple years. What became of Hatchepsut is a bit of a mystery. She may have been killed by Tuthmosis III who was tired of sharing the reigns of power or waiting for his inheritance. However, this is unlikely given Hatchepsut's advanced age -- nature would take its course in any event. Hatchepsut's mummy has never been definitively identified, nor has any particular tomb been found that might have been hers and hers alone. Multiple sites have been discovered that are possible candidates, but this mystery awaits future discoveries. This is an interesting, accessible biography which brings to light many recent discoveries and shares contrasting theories of the history of this interesting figure.
Rating:  Summary: A friendly, historic bout between the author and her subject Review: A wonderful piece concerning the life and times of the great Hatchepsut, "Hatchepsut: The Female Pharaoh" gives every possible and credible view concerning its subject. The enigma of Senenmut is discussed, as well as what may have motivated Hatchepsut to make the unprecedented move of assuming the role of Pharaoh. The possible vengence of Thutmose III is covered in all its aspects, and I for one found it compelling that there is evidence he didn't start destroying her monuments until at least twenty years after her death; Joyce also examines why he may have waited so long. The plates are wonderful and compliment well the attempts at reconstructing what Hatchepsut may have looked like. Possible canidates for her still missing mummy are considered at length, especiall the displeasing (for me) but oddly logical choice of the mummy in the newly discovered KV60. I urge you to find out for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Look at a Remarkable Woman Review: As an armchair Egyptologist who enjoys both historical and fictional accounts of ancient Egypt, I found this book very enjoyable. The author's style is clear and easy to read, and while the tone is scholarly it is highly accessible. The events leading to Hatchepsut's ascension are laid out clearly and concisely, which is is a boon to those who might not have their dynasties down pat. It's a wonderful look at a mysterious part of ancient history, and Tyldesly gives several fascinating new interpretations of Hatchepsut's life and ultimate fate.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent read!!!! Review: Great read!! I thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Tyldesley's observations on the "female pharoah". I am a pseudo-egyptologist and I love fictional and historical accounts of ancient egypt, particularly observations about women in ancient egypt. Although this book is scholarly in its language and some of its observations, the text is comprehensible and readable. I have recommended this book to all of my friends and I cannot wait for her next book on ancient egypt. (Another good read is any books on ancient egypt by Gay Robbins. I just finished her "Art of Ancient Egypt" . . . very good.)
Rating:  Summary: good introductory work about Hatchepsut Review: Hatchepsut... a name erased from monuments despite her importance to Egyptian history. As this book explains through archaeological and historical evidence, she was a remarkable pharaoh (and queen !) having done much for the country. Her expeditions and her relations with the numerous Thoutmosis are discussed in detail. A chapter is dedicated to Senenmut, an important figure in Hatchepsut's reign. Maps, black-and-white illustrations and photographs complete this useful book. Recommended for the interested reader.
Rating:  Summary: Hatchepsut Rules. Review: I am big fan of Tyldesley, having read her other book 'Daughters of Isis', a study of women in ancient Egypt. She is a very well researched scholar who stays to the tradition of stating all the possible interpretations of her data.Overall I found her writing to be easy to read, but as a classics minor I sometimes forget most people are not familiar with the minute details of the Egyptian civilization. With this in mind, some might find her many references to other dynasties and kingdoms to be a little bit confusing. As most of this book is based on archeological reasearch it is almost impossible to consider this a biography. Those expecting firm facts about Hatchepsut's life will be dissapointed. Tyldesley manages to debate the many facts known to us and she compiles them into concise chapters. I recommend this book to anyone who has already been exposed to Ancient Egypt in some form. For those people who have yet to get their feet wet - read 'Daughters of Isis' first.
Rating:  Summary: Hats and Shoes Review: I enjoyed this book thoroughly and read it at one sitting! It's quite a page turner. I found some of the authors conclusions to be rather quick given the spotty historical record of that time period but there is pleanty of citations and a lengthy bibliography for further reading.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: I read this book for an essay for school, and I found that Tydesley was one of the few authors who attempted to prove that Hatchepsut (for it IS a correct spelling of her name due to the difficulty in the transliteration of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, which could prefer 'shep' or 'chep' depending on your discipline) was in fact an accepted ruler of Egypt due to the evidence that survives her. This is a rare viewpoint as most of the other authors have rejected her as the woman who usurped the throne from her step-son Tutmosis III (who was only about FOUR at the time he came to power!). A good read for an Egyptologist, or just someone who loves ancient civilizations and ancient personalities.