Rating:  Summary: THE BILL CLINTON PRESIDENCY WAS JUST A PRELUDE Review: The Bill Clinton Presidency was just a warm-up, a prelude, to a greater disaster. Imagine if you will (as Rod Serling would say in a "Twi-Light Zone" episode) a world in which the U.S. has been weakened, giving greater power to the U.N., led by a new Secretary-General named Bill Clinton, in league with President Hillary Clinton. This creates in the mind of good people some kind of evil cabal beyond mere power, bad policy or other Earthly ruminations. Now you are talking about a scenario that favors Dark Forces. This is the kind of thing the Evil One would do. The question then is whether the Clintons are part of the Evil One's plan, knowingly or unknowingly. Is this a question we really want to get the definitive answer to? America - and the world - be warned: Do not give these people the power they crave!STEVEN TRAVERS Author of "Barry Bonds: Baseball's Superman" STWRITES@aol.com
Rating:  Summary: Good Stuff Review: The subject of Hillary elicits the anticipated amount of hatred from the righties, many of whom consider her to be the most dangerous person in the country. The hated of the lefty posters on this board is aimed at the conservatives, as usual, complete with the usual finger pointing and name calling. As Shakespeare reminded us, nothing is either good of bad, thinking makes it so. This book is interesting and well written, but exposes little of anything new to me personally. It is well documented that Hillary is socialistic at best (the idiocy called Hillary-Care tells us that) and if the truth really be known, she may well be quasi-communist all the way back to her dealings with Comrade Alinsky. She and others like her (Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer for example) appointed themselves long ago to restructure this country in line with their personal viewpoint of what is right. The fact is that her grandoise plans cannot tolerate the truth and are slowly falling apart, much like the vampire who wilts and dies in the sunlight. Her newly found religiosity and empathy for the pro-life faction is comical to the informed. If she is to win, I hope she has a plan for winning in "flyover country," and in particular the south. I live in the heartland and Hillary couldn't win an election for trash collector here. Her run in 2008 may well spell the end of the Liberal-European-Communist-Socialist movement (whatever it is) for decades, and the Clintons as I long ago predicted, will have critically wounded the Democratic party for a long time. Stupid is as stupid does.
Rating:  Summary: Simpy Extraordinary! A must read for every American! Review: This account of the sinister plans of Hillary Clinton must be read by every American. Fact after fact of this dangerous woman's plans for becoming president of our beloved country are perfectly demonstratred in this book. America must not be swayed by her gilded plot to take over the country.
Rating:  Summary: WHY WE SHOULD BE AFRAID OF HILLARY! Review: This book does a great job of detailing all of the shenanigans in which Hillary has been involved. A must read for anyone seriously considering her as a Presidetial candidate. Don't believe the negative press on this book, read it and make up your own mind.
Rating:  Summary: Right-wingers go POOOOFFFF! Review: This book is as pathetic as his author. As evolved as we may think we are, in the 20th century, a strong woman can still be utterly hated by feeble, conservative, insecure males.
Rating:  Summary: Independent Thinker the Author Is Not, but Hillary Is!! Review: This book is just another example of Clinton-bashing to the point of name calling. Just a very unprofessional example of crude writing - I gave up just after a few pages. There didn't seem to be concrete examples strong enough to stand journalistic scrutiny, rather hearsay subjective verbiage. Garbage!
Rating:  Summary: Hillary WILL absolutely run in 2004!!! Review: This book simply reiterated everything I already knew intuitively, i.e., that Shrillary will indeed run in 04. Everyone knows without a doubt that the Dems have absolutely ZERO hope of capturing the White House with the garbage (as usual) they are putting up as "candidates": belly-button contemplators (Kucinich) warped ex-military Neville Chamberlains (Weasly Clark), left-wing radical spineless cowardly intellectual white trash (Dean), etc. These guys have every chance of attaining the Presidency that Michael "The Dopey-Looking Tanker" Dukakis or Walter "Chip" Mondale had. They were DESTROYED by the Republican candidate, and this is what they face now. POLITICAL ANNIHILATION by a very popular and savvy president. It's simply Reagan redux, and the liberal slumlords just can't handle that awful truth that they face another four years of a real MAN in the White House. Wallow in it, liberal trash. Read this book and WEEP profusely, because there are nothing but REPUBLICANS in your future...
Rating:  Summary: Enough to scare both sides Review: This book was an interesting read for much of the ride. However, parts of the book seemed as though he had written them separately and placed them together without seeing if he had repeated himself (much like Dickens' installments of Great Expectations). I found some of the words used by the author in some sections as being purposely hateful or fear-driven. It's obvious that Hillary will run soon. As Americans, it's our jobs to sit back and watch the circus acts.
Rating:  Summary: FACTS Review: This is a can't put down book dealing with facts that the author substantiates. A must read for all voters who wish to be educated and to whom character matters.
Rating:  Summary: This Is The Book All Pro Hillary Voters Should Read Review: This is a very interesting book which the author has facts to back up his words. I'm a female, and do not care for Hillary like many feminists do. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I want one for President, I find a man is better suited for that job. This book brings out all the dirty schemes Hillary and Bill were engaged in and got off scott free. If you still vote for Hillary after reading this book then I feel sorry for you.