Rating:  Summary: Review Of Diary Of A Young by Ann Frank Review: This is a amazing book. Trust me, you will love, even if your German like I. Its romantic, funny, dramatic, suspensful, touching, and every thing in between. Yoy will easily become attached to Ann Frank. Her story is mezmerizing, and acurate. It is a classic by all meens. You will not be able to put it down. I rate this book Pg, because there is very intimint parts in it, but besides that, its really good, and I reccomend it for ages 10 and up. I do believe you will love it very mutch. Worth the read, I fully reccomend it!!! Rather your German, Jewish, or anything else!
Rating:  Summary: Diary reflects... Review: When I first look at this book, my curiosity forces me to have a look at it. I just doubt why a young girl¡¦s dairy can became a classic .Now I must say what a lucky that Anne¡¦s dairy can be show to the world. Anne Frank, a 15-year-old Jewish make a sacrifice of the World War 2. She wrote everything about her life in her family-hiding place within two years. I can realize a teenage girl under a severe condition, what she had face was related to her death. It totally reflect what she felt, what she saw and what she anxieties about It seems that She written wrote dairy because she didn¡¦t believe anyone except Kitty, the person she trustworthy who imagine by herself. She makes me deeply think about my outlook on life. As I am study science, I have no idea of the Holocaust. It is more touching to understand the real case rather than read the textbook. I please that I am living in a relatively better condition, at least it is unnecessary for me to concern about break out of war. How about the others? Wars still exist in the world. There is so many people suffer the problem like Anne or even serious. I believed Anne was a brave and mature youngster. For her age, she already had critical thinking. The style of Anne to write diary was quite different. She treats Kitty as a confident. After I read the whole book, I ask myself what is the purpose of written diary, Is that I can¡¦t confide to people around me? And you?It's a pity if diary act as this role. I admired Anne¡¦s father, Otto Frank, can tidy up her diary after the whole family was kill and he could pluck up his courage to face the remaining life. I high recommend this book to all of you, especially if you love to write dairy.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing! Truly Amazing! Review: Heart-rendering, touching, amazing, sad, great, amazing....there isn't much more that I can say about this book. I first saw the story of Anne Frank on tv and immediately knew I had to have the book. I read the book, or, her diary, and was awed at a few things.(Well, the whole thing, but the things that stood out in my mind were...)1) The movie was a very fitting tribute to Anne and I was very happy that they stayed so close to the book. 2) I got to have a first-hand look at a girl who was living in the time of the Holocaust. I was so awesome to read accounts of things that endangered her and her family, the way she descibed The Secret Annenex and the people that lived with them. 3) It was really awesome to read this diary that had been written by a fourteen-year-old who spoke and wrote with words beyond her years. I was saddened by the fact that she never had a girlfriend in all those years in the Secret Annenex.(I very much wanted to give her a hug and tell her things were all right.) As I read some of the things that she wrote I almost felt ashamed that I should be reading something that was so prized a possesion to Anne: her only friend. 4) This is not your ordinary book. This is a diary. A diary written by a very talented and troubled girl with words that come straight from the heart. A diary that will tell you a lot about the times that she lived in. A diary that will change the whole perspective of how you look at life. And lastly 5) Anne Frank's Diary made my thankfulness, for everything I have been blessed with, stronger. I am so thankful that I didn't and don't have to live in that fear-filled world that Anne lived in. I am so thankful for everything that I have. A family, a home...freedom. That is something that should never be taken litely. And I thank God for it every day. Anne Frank's Diary is, like I said, an awesome and amazing book. If you ever...EVER get the chance to read it, DON'T back out! A great true story of a young girl's undieing and unbreakable spirit!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing and moving Review: Like many, I read this book in elementary school. It was one of the most moving, powerful experiences I've ever had. We all know the story by now. Anne Frank and her family are Jews hiding from the Nazis during World War II. The book is Anne's diary about her time in hiding. Every detail of Anne's experience rang true -- there were no doubts in my mind as I read it that this truly was Anne's diary, even though I knew parts of it were missing. The way she wrote spoke to me as a human being in general, but as a 12 year old it was amazing to me to realize that this person who was going through such an awful ordeal also had some of the same feelings, experiences, emotions, worries, hopes, and dreams that I did. Anne Frank's diary encouraged me to start keeping my own. This is obviously a book about World War II, but it's also about adolescence, the human condition, families, and writing. It's possibly one of the most important books of the 20th century.
Rating:  Summary: One face among millions Review: The horror of this book comes through from Anne's day to day life, it is so much like anyone else's except of course that she is Jewish and in hiding. Her feelings, thoughts, encounters, and dreams establish her humanity and connect with the reader across time. All of this from a girl living under the constant fear of being found and exterminated. The Holocaust is sometimes unimaginable because it was so massive, this book puts the tragedy on a personal level, introduces you to a young girl who will end her life in a Concentration Camp. It is unfortunate that Anne couldn't have written while in the camp system and that those writings could have been found. It would have allowed the horror to be felt through familiar eyes. A personal introduction to the insanity that was Nazi Germany. One personal story to represent the millions left untold. As the father of two daughters, I can not imagine how Otto Frank continued to live after the war, he lost everything. Anne's words are intimate and personable. Proof that a bright future was crushed, used up and dumped into a mass grave.
Rating:  Summary: DanielKimP3 Review: 1. This book is all about a young thirteen year old girl who is Jewish, and this is her diary about how she got through life in hiding. The story is about her diary, and everything that she had written. The diary is about she lives daily and she tells the diary everything that happens to her and her family. In the beginning, she tells the diary that she calls Kitty, everything about her family and her childhood. Later on, she tells about her life and when something happens, she puts it in her diary. She tells how her family and two other families go into hiding. Later on, she tells the diary how unconfident she was and how scared she was. 2. I didn't like this book because it was especially long, and it got boring after about 60 pages. The way she wrote in her diary was repetitive, and it seemed that she was doing the same thing everyday. It didn't seem like anything was changing in her life. The way she just played around with boys was not that good of an impression. 3. My favorite part in the book is when Anne talks about when boys always follor her around and fall in love with her. The way boys just fall over heels for her is amazing. I like how the boys walk her home on their bicycles, and talk with her on their way to the house. I like how when she knows that the boys are going to far that she just walks away from them.
Rating:  Summary: The Diary of Anne Frank Review: I recently read a book titled Anne Frank: Diary of a young Girl. When I first started reading it I couldn't put it down I read it night and day, day and night. It is a perceptive journal that was written by a young girl during the time of the Holocaust. She received this journal on her thirteenth birthday; it was a gift from her father. This was about two weeks before her family went into hiding. The people that she lived with were her mother and father, her sister, another family of three, and a young dentist. I absolutely fell in love with this book. It showed haw hared it was for a thirteen-year-old girl and her family (along with some others) hid from the Nazi's during the Nazi Occupation of Holland. Her personality really surprised me, because she had such a positive attitude through everything that she went through. In her diary she expressed her thoughts and insights about her environment. She described her feelings and all the occurrences that took place everyday on fears that she lived through. I enjoyed this book because it taught me a great deal about myself. It showed me that I didn't have as hard of a life as I had thought I had. Anne Frank never had the chance to lead a normal adolescents life... The book brought me to tears, and I have a lot of respect for Anne Frank. After reading the Diary of Anne Frank I appreciate my life and what I have a lot more!
Rating:  Summary: Anne Frank Review: This story is about a young girl named Anne Frank. She was 13 when the Nazis occupied Holland. They had an attic in their house that no one had known about. They stayed in their attic for two years and then became betrayed by someone. She kept a diary that she wrote in. The attic was then and is now known as the Secret Annex. Anne Frank's father's name was Otto Frank. She had her first love and her last love since she died in the concentration camp. That love's name was Peter. Peter was the next door neighbor that lived with Anne Frank's family during 1942. They were betrayed to Gestapo. Anne Frank always wrote to Kitty in her diary. Kitty was a name for her diary. Anne Frank had always wanted a friend and that is why she named her diary Kitty. Her diary was her only friend. Her father was the only one that survived and found the diary that Anne wrote. He afterwards published it and today it is known as Anne Frank The Diary Of A Young Girl.
Rating:  Summary: Anne Frank:The Diary of a Young Girl(Historical Nonfiction) Review: Anne Frank was a real Jewish girl that lived with her mom, dad, sister, and four other people. They were all hiding from the Nazis because they didn't want to be placed in concentration camps where they would most likely die. They lived in constant fear and isolation of the rest of the world. Anne Frank's diary showed that even if the Jewish people that she lived with struggled with so many problems, they never gave up. I think that that's the kind of mentality that we should withhold each and every day. They were set into concentration camps and all of them died except for the father, Otto Frank. He survived and went back to his home where he found Anne's journal and published it. It shows what such hatred can do to people. I enjoyed this book because it showed that even a girl my age can truly be negatively effected in a situation of hatred and how much pain that she must have suffered. When she went into the concentration camp, my heart was heavy for her because I had a feeling that she was going to die because not many survived. It was also interesting to read about these eight rightfully scared-silly characters fighting over all of their little problems when there was a more important worldly problem. My favorite part is when Otto Frank comes back because I thought to myself that if he hadn't come back, the book would have probably never gotten published in the first place.
Rating:  Summary: If only Anne Frank could see how many people she has touched Review: I read "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl" after "Number the Stars" (a Holocaust book), and was swept away by her life. You would think what happened to her could only happen in a movie, but sadly, not in this case. You must read this book, whether it be for school or for pleasure! I cannot recommend this book (and it's not really a book, but a girl's life!) enough!