Rating:  Summary: An exciting, compelling work of literature Review: When I first looked at this book it just looked a boring book. But then I thought about how I had never really got a oppinion of how the 1940's were. At least from a child's point of view. As I started to read the book I noticed how it just put me right back in those day's. It made me feel like I was actually there. As I progressed I could picture everyday life for this girl. Good times and hardships and even more personal thoughts. I honestly thought I was inside this girls head. Over all I thought this book exciting and compelling.And I do recomend this book to any person who is interested in getting a up front look on how life was back then.
Rating:  Summary: A young girl's short life Review: The Diary of a young girl was a great story . The setting of the story was in Germany from 1942 to 1944 during World War II. Three main characters in the book were Otto, Margot , and Miss Van . My favorite character was Anne Frank because she was a innocent girl who was one of the millions of victims of Hitler . Hitler killed almost all the Jews in Europe. My favorite part of the book when Anne was talking with her friends and how Anne named them. I recommend this book to everyone kids and adults because it' s very , very interesting . You can learn about Anne how she lived and how she suffered.
Rating:  Summary: A Kid Like you Review: I read the book in middle school and I thought that it was excellent. It has led my 8th grade class to more and more research and it is a great topic. This was very sad and It is easy to relate to.
Rating:  Summary: The most beautiful, life-affirming book ever written Review: I'm 47 years old and have had the pleasure of reading many great works of literature over the years that deeply affected me. Yet of everything I have ever read, nothing has ever moved me as much as The Diary of a Young Girl. I can state this with certainty because I have just read it for the first time. Oh, I might have read it in school 30 or 35 years ago, but if I did I have no real recollection of it other than the famous quotes that have become part of Western culture. But after visiting the Ann Frank House in Amsterdam recently, I felt I ought to read it.
I was not prepared for the impact. Although I was certainly expecting to be touched by its poignancy as the legacy of a young concentration camp victim, and knew that it contained memorable passages, I had no idea it would be so overflowing with beauty and truth. I had no idea that there would be so many humorous episodes and that so many entries would sparkle with wit and wisdom, and I had no idea that it was written with such freshness and vitality that the words practically leap off the page. But it has all this, and so much more.
Although I'm not an emotional guy, by the time I reached the entries of 1944 (which contain some of the most moving passages) I was crying myself to sleep every night. That has never happened to me before, and it probably never will again, because there will never be another Anne Frank. This book is one of the wonders of the world.
Rating:  Summary: I feel lucky to own this book Review: Not many diarys become classics of literature. The only two others that come to mind are: Mutiny on HMS Bounty, and Walden. This was written by a young girl. Yet, it has all the lasting grace of Twain or Dickens. When I first read this, I thought Anne Frank would have been upset that so many people have read her personal diary. I later learned that Anne had started to edit her diary, as she wished for it to be published after the war. I don't think she would have minded anyway, if she could see how many people's lives have been changed by this classic. We see Anne Frank as a poster child for the victims of Hitler's evil. I think many have realised the tragic, and this book hits home. Like Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath, it shows how people struggle to overcome their oppression, and live on in our hearts.
Rating:  Summary: Boring and Bad Book Review: I had to read this book for my english class in 7th grade. When I first read it, I was appalled at some of the stuff that she writes in her diary. And I still am. The story is about a young girl who goes into hidding, because she is Jewish. The plot is good and all, and the writting is exceptional. But, what Anne, age 13 at the beginning, writes, just scared me, adn gave me nightmares for weeks. She seems to be...um...quite intersted about her changing self, and puts a lot in about how she changes, which, believe, isn't something most kids want to read about. The only thing that kept me from giving the novel a one, is that some points it is interesting. Only once or twice.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful and Touching Review: This is a beautiful book. A reminder of the dark times rather you are Jewish, or not. After you read her diary, you may feel the same ghostly feeling I have felt and still do. You are reading the diary that once belonged to a remarkable young girl. Words one wrote by a young girl sitting at a desk, looking out her window, wondering when the cruel war will be over. Wondering if she will make it. Writting down toadays conversations. You are reading her diary. The diary of a dead girl. A dead girl that died a lonly death in the concentration camp. Her face is a mask, hiding her troubles. Her eyes, what look so carefree in pictures, are seeing people being killed in streets. They are the same eyes that saw her family being gasses. They are the same eyes that took that last look of this cruel world before she drifted of into an endless sleep. She is now just a fading ghost. Her cheery face may be gone forever, but she has not been forgotten. This is her story.
Rating:  Summary: Murdered by evil, immortalized to inspire good in all people Review: This remarkable book, unintentionally "penned" by a mere child, one of millions of victims during the Nazis Reign of Terror, lives on as testimony to the countless atrocities inflicted on people simply because they were not members of the so-called "master race". Hidden in an attic from Nazi search parties, Anne and several family memebers await the end of a regeme, always fearing to be found and killed. An "ordinary girl" in every aspect, yet due to circumstances Anne Frank became an inspiration to all young girls everywhere, yes to all who belong to the human species. The fact that this innocent soul kept believing in the good of all people, even in the face of her own death, will be an uplifting force to all who are privileged to read her notes...entrusted to her dear diary. I highly recommend this book to readers age 10 and older.*****
Rating:  Summary: A story of courage Review: Anyone who has read this book or anything else about Anne Frank knows that she was one of the most courageous people to ever have lived. A thirteen-year-old girl who lived out the last two years of her life in hiding but still managed to stay cheerful, even though there were many people around and arguments over little things. Anybody that could spend two years locked in a confined space and not lose their mind is a very brilliant person indeed, and that Anne Frank was. This book tells of Anne Franks life, from her point of view, during the time she and her family, and freinds, lived in 'the secret annex.'
Rating:  Summary: Review For "Ann Frank: Diary Of A Young Girl" Review: This is a remarkable book. It is moving, and funny, sad, and happy. And yes, this story is true. Her diary was found, abandoned, after she was taken to the Concentration Camp, by the Nazi's. The book was then discovered and published. Don't read this book if you are hoping to read about graphic things that are happning to the people aroung her. She dosn't talk about it. The story is even romantic, suspensful, and dramatic. It is every thing possible a book could be. It is a classic. It is a reminder. When you read it, you are reading the pages of a young girl, that poured her heart out on these pages, about her fear about being taken away. About her love and strength. You are reading living proof of the darkest era in the 20th century.