Rating:  Summary: not for girls who only care about their hair Review: I had too read Anne Frank in the 8th grade for required reading. well, I thought it was one of the best books ever.I identified with Anne on almost everything. She brought the holocaust home for me, and made me see that this was the worst incident in all of history. Almost needlessly to say a good majority of girls at my school didn't like the book and neither did the giys. I understood why guys wouldn't like it- how do you teach inmature guys the story of a mature youg woman? and the girls were shallower then an almost evaportated pond. If your one of those girls who has no brain and your major goal in life is to sit around and look pretty, don't strain your eyes. But if your a girl that cares about world issues and isn't a mere decoration then this is a must read.
Rating:  Summary: Memory of Anne Frank Review: The story "Anne Frank: The diary of a young Girl" by Anne Frank is a story about Anne's life as a little Jewish girl living in hiding with a group of seven other Jewish people during World War Two. In her diary Anne expresses her thoughts and feelings almost every day in her diary. Anne received her diary for her birthday and named it Kitty. Anne named her diary Kitty because of the possibility of someone reading her diary, this way no one would know who she was talking to. Anne's diary is very important because it is one of the few personal historical documents of that time and situation because the others were destroyed. I can relate to Anne Frank for many reasons. The number one reason is her odd but impressive outlook on life that Anne expresses throughout her diary for the two years in hiding. Anne's feelings on topics such as boys, family, and the future are very similar to children all around the world today. Anne seems to be picky about boys, and Anne doesn't like the boys her mother likes. In the story Anne mentions that her mother would like her to marry some boy that Anne finds annoying and disgusting. Anne loves her family even her mother who she constantly argues with. Anne and her mother fight all the time making her mother feel Anne did not like her. Anne looks at the future with hope and fear just like children today. Anne hopes that things will get better and fears that things will get worse. The dates are an important part of the book. For example, the first diary entry takes place Sunday, June 14, 1942. This was Anne's birthday. After that day until Anne's diary ends on August 4, 1944, Anne shares her arrival into hiding, her arguments, her first kiss, and information on the war. On the very last page of the book we are told that on "March 1945, two months before the liberation of Holland, Anne died in the concentration camp." After sharing Anne's feelings, her entire life story, and her hopes and dreams as I came to the end of her diary I hoped things would end up okay for Anne and her family, but in reality the end of Anne's life was only two months after the end of this story. Anne did not end up with the happy ending that she deserved. This novel was a big wake up call that reminded me that not everyone has got it good. I would recommend this book to every boy and girl in the United States to remind him or her of Hitler's cruel ways and the struggle that he put Jewish men, woman, and children through. My recommendations are to read the story "Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl" and to think how hard it really was for not only the people in hiding but the poor people that were stolen from their homes and placed in dirty concentration camps and killed for no particular reason at all. This is a great book and a great learning experience.
Rating:  Summary: Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Review: It was interesting reading Anne Frank's Point of views to the holocaust in her diary. I got more of a sence of what was happening during this frightening time period and what it was like to hide behind a bookcase for 13 months. She said that the Natzi's would make them stand in a line for hours so they could count to make sure that everyone was there and nobody had escaped. They would go to bed and freeze and depend on body warmth. She said children asked the officers where their parents were and the officers pointed to the chimney and said there are you're parents and you will be there too. She described how when children took showers they never came back because the showers were really gas chambers. She said when she was working in the field she saw men, women, and children collapse in the field and see dead bodies be thrown in the ground. Before she and her family went into hiding, she was talking about hanging out with a boy named Harry who she liked a lot and how times were great. She was a mischevious girl just like all girls. Talking about boys, worrying about exams, teasing the siblings and more. But when she was in the camp, she was lonely, frightend for her life and her families praying that they would make it out ok. But today we know that only one person of her family survived. And that was her father. I highly highly recomend this book,it will take your breath away!!! When you read this book you will visualize it and say wow this really happend in the world.
Rating:  Summary: Diary of a young girl Review: I read this book when I was in the eighth grade. It captivated me that such a bright, intellligent girl could have her life end in such sadness and still, have a spirit of hope and faith. To let herself dance and joke in the midst of such darkness speaks so much about the human spirit. I am glad to have read this book, snd I have learned much ABOUT LIFE through it
Rating:  Summary: The Life Of Struggles Review: In the story of Anne Frank I learned that life is a gife from God and that we should have fun with life.We should not kill other lifes because of their religion. We should love each and everything that is on the earth.You see in this story a little girl writs in her diary about the outside world.The time when Jews were not liked very much. She was a Jew and Hitler did not like the Jews.So he murder the Jews,because he thought that the people with white skin and blue colored eyes was the superior race.Anne writes about the every day things that she has to do in order to stay alive,but she keeps much hope.She can not talk to her outside friends,because she has went into hinding.Now she is having more and more fights with her mom.She is also getting into fights with her dad.At the age of around 13-17 girls&boys start to think that they know everything and that their parents just fell out the sky.Lets not get into details.Anne lives in hinding for 2 years and 3 months.As the second year comes around more things start to happen.One of these things leads up to the time of Anne and the last days that she would see her family again.So let this be a lesson to you.Take life by the hand and live.Thank you for reading and God Bless.
Rating:  Summary: I changed upon reading this book. I matured. Review: This book is full of excitement, sorrow, laughter, and love. Like most girls my age, Anne is going through a rough time. She wants to be loved in a certain way and is having a hard time dealing with the fact that her parents and sister are different from her. Although she confides in her father sometiimes, her main source of support is Peter Van Dann. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Van Dann who also live in the "secret annexe". Peter and Anne have talks and like to see each other. Anne falls in love and wants to know what Peter is thinking. All the while Mr. Dussel, whom also lives with the two families, is so furious because in his mind, children there age should not be spending so much time with the opposite sex. Mrs. Van Dann is one of those people who think that she is better that everyone else. Mr. Van Dann is one of those quiet people who think that if they don't make too much noise, they won't be noticed. Anne's mother is very emotional, and her sister is a very intellegent person. Her dad is very strange. I changed so much ever since I read this. I realized that I am not the only person that feels like this and some people do understand me.
Rating:  Summary: Now I know what the Holocaust was like for some one else! Review: Although it may be hard to understand at times, it is by far one of the best books that I have ever read. For some one my own age to expiernce something like that is just horrible. She explains herself in such a manner that it is no wonder the book was published. If you have ever wondered what other people were thinking, this is the book to read.
Rating:  Summary: Give her a break! Review: This book is absolutely wonderful. I wasn't "forced" to read it as some readers here said. It's a timeless classic and I recommend it to everyone who wants to have a glimpse of the Holocaust.I read some negative reviews and for christ's sake, she was only 13! You can't expect her to be a Pulitzer-winner kind of writer. I think she was pretty smart for a girl in the 40s, in the dawn of her puberty and also during such a hard time as the Holocaust and WWII. You can't compare teenagers today with teenagers in the 40s, that's plain stupid. Try to put yourself on her shoes: imagine to be hiding from the Germans with the constant fear of being caught. She never left the Annex for 2 years, what do you expected her to do besides writing? I would probably do the same. She never thought her diary would become a book someday. Everything there is based on her thoughts and feelings. If you want something more serious, get some history textbook and read the boring and dull stuff you can read anywhere else. I'm 21 years-old now and I read this book when I was 14 and I understand her urge to write her feelings on a diary. Most girls need this kind of comfort and to let our feelings out on paper. During late childhood till I was 18 I wrote everything I felt on a diary. Most girls did it and it's easier for us to understand why Anne started a diary.
Rating:  Summary: Anne's Story Review: The Diary of Anne Frank was about two families who were hiding from the Nazis because they were taking Jews away to concentration camps. These families suffered from starvation, and boredom. They also had to live in fear. They managed to hide above a warehouse for two years until they were caught because a couple peole told the germans they were in hiding.
Rating:  Summary: I loved this book!! Review: I loved this book, and it is very hard to find a book that I like. This book is probably my favorite book so far, and I am only twelve. I usually like mysteries, but I guess that I like journals too. Also, this book inspired me to write a journal and just wish that it would be as famous as hers. And Anne's dream was to be famous. Now, she is.