Rating:  Summary: Simply Wonderful Review: This young girl is a true talent. Anne Frank pours her thoughts, dreams, opinions, her whole heart into this famous diary. She tells of her family, the war raging around her, her fears and of course her first love with Peter. The words of this young girl will live on forever. This is a truly wonderful memoir.
Rating:  Summary: I don't recommend this book to anyone..... Review: i had to read this book for school. I hate it. It is a very bad book, i don't recommend this book to anyone. I don't like this book at all. It is a book of the past. I am interested in the present and the future. Some people may like history, and some people may like this book but i don't. My quote for this book is "Different strokes for different folks." Some folks may like this book but if your forced to read it you won't like it at all, i promise. i might have liked it a lot more if i wasn't forced to read it.My Rating for this book is 0/100
Rating:  Summary: I waited too long to read this book... Review: I should have read this book years ago when I was in my adolescent years. This book is phenominal in every aspect. Anne's writings are beautiful. She wrote well beyond her 14 years of age. She was saturated with wisdom. This diary focuses on the beginning of their ordeal living in the attic in hiding from the Germans. It goes into great detail about everyday life spent living with a number of individuals in a confined space under hostile circumstances. Anne goes from child to young women in her diary. It is a great read for every age group. It allows you to appreciate your environment and to be thankful for what you have. .
Rating:  Summary: The best book ever Review: This book has inspired me to be a great writer like Anne. I would want to compose a diary and talk about my life and important events that will happen as I grow older. I also have a diary of my own. It is really sad that Anne died and even before her death she experienced poverty. I feel very bad for Anne because she doen't have much. I wish I could help her and I am very thankful that I am not like Anne. Even though she is very poor and helpless, she has the courage to write about her struggles and let the whole world read what she has gone through. If I was Anne, I wouldn't have the courage to write about my struggles. I really respect her for that. Anne Frank is a strong individual with a big heart. I wish i could have a friend like Anne or even get that chance to meet her before she died. I will never forget her ambitious attitude and strive to be a better person.
Rating:  Summary: The best edition of Anne Frank's Diary Review: This complete edition of Anne's diary makes us realize how hard it was for Anne to live in her "Secret Annex", hiding from the Nazis. During the WWII, it wasn't easy for Jews to survive, so Anne, her family, and a couple of friends, decided to hide in a building, which they renamed the "Secret Annex". While the other editions omitted Anne's more private thoughts, this edition is more complete and Anne's private thoughts about sexuality are also included. Her fear about being caught by Nazis is overwhelming, however she soon ignores these fears and must face constant famine and the challenges of becoming a woman. Often disagreeing with her mother, she runs to Peter, a boy of her age, for advice. It is then that she slowly discovers she is having mixed feelings about this boy whom she rarely paid any attention to. She starts discovering what love is, but how can she continue her relationship with Peter when she hears Nazi airplanes throwing bombs in the city every night? Anne was a very strong person and, day after day, was glad she was alive, even though things didn't always go her way. After a while, she got used to her routine and never thought the Germans would one day discover her secret hiding place. However, as the Nazis got stronger, they one day discovered the Frank's secret hiding place, and Otto, Anne's father, was the only one out of the eight people in the annex who survived the concentration camps. When he returned to the Secret Annex after his liberation, he found Anne's diary and passed on her message to the world. This book is a good way towards a better understanding of what Jews had to live through during the second World War.
Rating:  Summary: delicacy, calm candor and beauty Review: Anne Frank's diary has moved millions around the world, past and present, with it's honesty, depth, and poignancy. (Personally, it was Anne's diary that motivated me to write my own journal as a young girl and I continue to write faithfully, ever since. It is one of the few books that I've read which has had the greatest influence on my life.) Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl living in Amsterdam, along with her family, went into hiding along with her family during WWII, when Holland was annexed by the Nazis Regime. During the long years of secret captivity in the building's attic, Anne captured her hopes, loves, fears and thoughts on life in her diary, where she affectionately addressed her entries to an imaginary friend she named "Kitty". Despite the horrible reality of war just outside her window, Anne was a person who could see beyond man's inhumanity to man, and perceive true beauty and the gift of life. Tragically, nearing the war's conclusion, the family's hiding place is mercilessly betrayed to the Nazis...which ultimately culminates in the final chapter of this lovely young girl's life, just prior to liberation. This is a true story...a diary of a young girl....and her voice from the past. It's a memoir of a brilliant and deep being who wasn't afraid to hope for something better, beyond the misery surrounding her. In my opinion, it is a book that every person should read. It was an overcast day on Saturday, March 9, 2002. I stood just outside of Anne Frank's final dwelling place, the "Secret Annex," at Prinsengracht 263, Amsterdam. I was overcome with great sadness as I gazed up at the small attic window where she must have looked out...a tree-lined canal just across the way. Perhaps she watched the ducks in the water, swallows overhead, the steady sloping of the rain, or the cloud formations....day in and day out. I imagined what it would be like to be a young girl in confinement, yearning to enjoy life amidst the free, only to be shut up, and kept quiet for fear that an audible breath would betray my family's whereabouts and terminate our lives. I wept at the great waste of life, the cruelty, the plundering of innocent lives, and how this amazing young woman maintained the inner strength to endure those years...and had the courage to capture it all with such delicacy, calm candor and beauty.
Rating:  Summary: Hiding for years till war is over, or else death.... Review: The book I am/was reading is Diary of Anne Frank. The author is Eleanor Roosevelt. This novel, Autobiography, is not just a girls life in hell its a familie and friends life in hell. They go through so much, being quiet for more than 8 hours a day, barley anyfood, and they had live like that for two years. Its not just frightening its a story of a terrifying life. There were many character in this story but lets start off with the main ones. Anne, she was a person who was loud, outgoing, she cared for other, and she strongly believed in her religion. Anne never gave up. During the 2 years she was in the attic, she started knowing what love was. She liked Peter and they ended up kissing. That leads us to the next character, Peter, he was a handsom young man, who was very shy and quiet, he liked to stay away from the crowd. Then there is Margot, she was a easy to talk to person, she had always done what is told, she was quiet most of the time. Then there is Mr. and Mrs. Frank, they had different opinions but always ended up the same. They both were very sensitive and very outgoing, and very respectful. Also, there is the VanDann's, they were two different people, who argued alot. Mrs. VanDann would hit on Mr. Frank. Mr. VanDann would steal food at night. They were very loud, and sometimes rude. They both had to have their way or no way. Last. but not least, Mr. Dussel, he was a very ignorant man. He demanded that he have this, he have that. He was not a socialist, he was kinda a pain in the rear. He needed silence when he knew during the night he would nto get it. All the charcters evolve in the story, they all become one happy family who gets along and does not fight. They believe if they're quiet no one will suspect they are there. Well, when they first move in the attic it is ok, they're just quiet and things are going great, but Meip and Krawler bring them food every three days or so. Anne got her journal from her dad the first day they moved in there. She wrote in it every other day, if not everyday. Then days go by, Mrs. Frank and Anne don't get along to well, but things end up getting better. Later on, Krawler and Meip bring in a new fellow, Mr. Dussel. They thought ooh no another man and we dont even have enough food for the seven of us. They all end up adjusting to it. Then one night there was a robber in the building, and while he was still in there Peter tripped and hit the lamp and it fell down and made a crashing noise and then the robber left. The robber left and............ There are so many things that was awsome and bad about this book, the bad part is that she had a bad life and it was crazy. The great part is that you know about someones life during war. She was hiding and you actually got to understand where and what she was doing. Her tone was as if you can actually hear her. You just have to get into the book. When you start you wont be able to stop. It uses many strong words and if you dont know what they mean then you should look them up because it will help you understand the book better. The characters are great, they all have different traits and I think that made the book more interesting. I am glad we found her journal.
Rating:  Summary: Dubious Authenticity Review: Forensic evidence, such as proof that large portions of this "diary" were written with a ballpoint pen, not generally available in the years in question, has cast doubt on the authenticity of this volume. I do not purport to know if it is true or not. It is certainly moving, as is much Holocaust literature, whether authentic or fraudulent. What is far more disturbing is that merely questioning the authorship, or debating the numbers of persons killed in the Holocaust, has become a crime in much of the formerly "Free World." Another reviewer notes with evident approval that the French historian Robert Faurisson has been dismissed from his position, convicted, fined, and barred from employment for raising such questions. This is incredible! Is it not ironic that the freedoms we supposedly fought WW II to preserve have been erased in the name of remembering the terrors of Hitlerism?
Rating:  Summary: The best book ever Review: The diary of Anne Frank is an outstanding book written by Anne Frank, a girl of thirteen years of age. This book is chronologically written, starting on Sunday, 14 June 1942. The Diary of Anne Frank is a true story that tells how the Frank family, the Van Daan family, and an elderly dentist, Albert Dussel, lived while they were in hiding during the Second World War. The diary of Anne Frank expresses to the reader the innermost thoughts and shows how she matured and grew in knowledge from the age of thirteen to fifteen. She spoke her mind and did not fear to tell the truth. Anne explains in her diary how she was forced to leave her Montessori school and attend the Jewish Lyceum. She tells when and why they went into hiding. Anne's diary, which she called "kitty," tells of a life of Jews waiting in fear of being captured by the Nazis. She tells of her love and first kiss to Peter Van Daan. Anne's diary ends on August 4, 1994, when a Gestapo raid on the secret annex exposes their hideout. In March of 1945, Anne died in the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsenk, two months before the liberation of Holland.
Rating:  Summary: Very Insightful Diary Review: I studied this book in high school (10th grade), and it has really taught me a lot about life during the Holocaust and this family in hiding. Anne had written expressively in her diary, about life as a teenager and her innermost feelings about her friends, Peter, her parents, Margot, and Dr. Dussell. She was only 15 and already have the credibility as a writer in her own writing style, which is what amazes me. It also made me feel sorry for the families who died at the camps (except her father, who survived). It is one of the best books I have in my book collection. This book is entertaining for all kids and adults! An excellent choice in any library.