Rating:  Summary: A heartbraking diary Review: Anne Frank kept a diary from 12 June 1942 to 1 August 1944 when Holland was under the Nazi regime. She accounts of the suffering of her family who spent this period of time hidden in the Secret Annexe, just before being arrested on 4 August 1944. Although the "Diary" is now fifty years old, it remains in my view an astonishing and excruciating account of what Jews had to endure during the Second World War. The evidence of Anne Frank's ferocious appetite for life gnaws at us still.
Rating:  Summary: 100 TIMES BETTER THAN HARRY POTTER!!! Review: Anne Frank's diary was found in "the secret annex" of an old office building where she spent the last years of her life. It was in her father's possession until he made copies of it, and gave them to friends and family of the Franks. A few years later, he revised and published it. Since then it has been translated into many different languages and shared with people all around the world. In Anne's diary, it tells a lot about what it was like for Jews during world war two. The Franks, an old dentist and another family, go into hiding in "the secret annex" of Mr. Frank's office building. It tells how they hear the guns and bombs attacking Amsterdam, their town in Holland, and try to live off of the food friends, who work in the building, bring them. It suggests that living in the attic and second story of one building can be tough. Especially when you have people watching, correcting, and critiquing your every move. Anne suffers through fright, discouragement, and criticism. Anne's Diary is about what happens in "the secret annex" while living with the constant fear of discovery and death.
Rating:  Summary: Always in My Heart Review: The book Anne Frank, " The Diary of a young Girl" to me was very outstanding! It had interested me a lot. I couldn't even imagine having to go through such a harsh life as Anne Frank. At such a young age, Anne had experienced being in a concentration camp where she was then treated very badly and kept hidden. She began writing in her diary about everything that happened to her and many other people. It was such a terrible life that it was like a real-live nightmare. Thousands had died through this cruel and ruthless treatment, just for being a Jew. Just to think that all this time Hitler had been behind all of this and nobody said anything, it's hard to believe that people where actually behind him with his decision. He was a very selfish person and he didn't care about anything but him self. Author B.M. Mooyaart; gave so much information about Anne's experiences. I have never read an Anne Frank book before, and as a first time reader I felt like I've known about an Anne Frank forever. I hope all will enjoy this version, just like I did. Everyone needs to learn there history, Jewish or not. The whole thing about the Nazi's and the Holocaust was an epidemic of hatred. Just by reading all of this made me fill up in tears. Anne Frank gave us all a message saying, livelong, if not in age but in people's heart. and she'll stay in mine.
Rating:  Summary: loved it Review: I enjoyed reading what happened to the Jewish girl with the nice family in a crazy world. I also enjoyed MY LAST REMAINS by Jill, which was like a "twisted anne frank". Jill is a jewish girl whos family escaped the Nazi's, only to become like the Nazi's themself. Anne Frank's family did not make it to the US. Jill's family did, and the world Jill was forced to live in was just as crazy and in someway more so. Jill writes her autobiography using her first name only. She never wanted to be a writer. Anne wanted to grow up to be a writer. The books have similarities and have some ironic differences. I highly recommend both.
Rating:  Summary: Anne Frank: the diary of a young girl Review: Imagine having to spend several months in an attic with out seeing the outside world. Well that's was what Anne Frank went through. I give the diary of Anne Frank 5 stars because it is very interesting she is writing about her life and how she gets into arguments with people that are living around her, and she says it so well that that I could of imagine myself in her position because she gave so much detail. The book is her diary that's she got before they had to go into hiding she wrote in it before and until they got caught by the Germans. In her diary it's like a story she explains the way her rooms and how she had to leave most of her things behind. She talks about the other family that is staying with them, she also talks about that they had no privacy they had no shower so they either showered by the kitchen sink and warn the other people that they couldn't go in the kitchen or carry a bucket of water to another room for more privacy. That's what the whole family had to go through no school, no friends, and nothing fun to do. So imagine having to spend several months in an attic with out seeing the outside world. Anne Frank was a young girl, she had a sister and her both parents that where Jews. They also stayed up in the attic with another family named the Van Daan and they had a son named peter. Mrs. Van Daan was a lady that was hard to get along with, she never wanted to share anything and she always had mean remark to Anne, but Anne learn how to ovoid her comments and just stay out of her way. Peter their son was a young man that liked to do what he wasn't suppose to, because they had books that the kids where not allowed to read and he always managed to get his hands on the books and most of the time he would get caught. Margot thought of her self as a mature person she would always act correctly and that's why Mrs. Van Daan liked her, she was very smart and she like to read all the books that they had taken with because she was the only one from the three kids that was allowed to read them. In the beginning of book she talks about how she tries to very good in school and so everything that her parents tell her to do. And she also has a boyfriend that she walks with to school and later they had to break up because his mom did not approve and because they went into hiding. When they are in the attic she talks about how she misses her house and everything that they left behind because they couldn't keep most only the things that they needed and they also had some things in neighbors houses, so that when they had to leave the hiding they wouldn't of lost everything. Anne also gets taught by her father while they are in hiding because they couldn't go out he also taught Peter and Margot. He teaches them the basic things that they have to learn and he would also give them home work and have them read out loud to reach other. Anne liked doing that because she loved to go to school, she always talked about that she wanted to make her parents proud of her so that was one thing that she could do, be a smart girl. Anne went through that and I won't tell you the ending, but one thing I can say is that it worth you time reading it.
Rating:  Summary: A Gift Review: This is the most moving book I have ever read. I have read this periodically throughout the years, still it has a profound affect upon my perspectives in every day life. Anne Frank was, and remains, a gift to us.
Rating:  Summary: A 20TH CENTURY MASTERPIECE WRITTEN BY A YOUNG GIRL Review: I had to read this book for my Honors English class just a few weeks ago and loved it!ANNE FRANK: THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL is truly an inspirational and motivating account of a young German-Jewish girl who leaves the happiness and tranquility of her childhood life during World War II to go with her family and the Van Daans (the friends of the Franks) into hiding in the "Secret Annex" in Amsterdam, Holland, after Anne's sister, Margot, is ordered by the German SS to deport to one of the numerous concentration camps in German-dominated Europe. The writer of this diary, Anne Frank herself, gives intricate details of her deepest and innermost thoughts about her own experiences in life as well as about life itself. The reader not only experiences Anne's greatest emotional struggles in the last two years of her life in the Secret Annex, but also her most philosophical insights about the world and humanity. In her diary, Anne tells of the daily hardships that she and the seven other silenced Jews face, from having to life in fear of British and German air raids to having to live in utter silence in order to keep outsiders from discovering their secret. From the first day of Anne's receiving "Kitty", as Anne calls her diary, to just three days before the German SS storms the Secret Annex to take the Jews on the last train trip to the atrocious Auschwitz concentration camp, the reader falls deeply in love with the courageous, strong-willed Anne Frank. Without a doubt, Anne Frank's diary is one of the most outstanding works ever for informing all deep-thinking readers not only about the cruel life that Jews faced during the Second World War, but more importantly the most complex thoughts of young girls and the challenges they encounter while growing up into their young adolescent years. This is a highly recommendable, easy-to-read book for any passionate reader.
Rating:  Summary: The reality of Anne Frank to me Review: When I read Anne Frank's diary, I could feel the reality of the Holocaust loss. I have seen many photographs of jewish girls that died in the holocaust, and it makes me shiver at the thought of their death. Anne Frank, is a beautiful writer she was certainly had her talents in that area. She enjoyed her life, was courageous, and bore through her trials more than I've seen any other girl do. My family is Jewish, like Anne's, and I feel like stone when someone talks about the holocaust. I could have been easily born during that time, and in Europe. It gives me a indescribable horror.
Rating:  Summary: The Diary of Anne Frank- By Anne Frank Review: This work ranks as the number one child diary of the 20th century. The book is well-organized and written. It is a fairly complete diarization of the day-to-day experiences of a young teen during the height of the second world war. The work documents the utter fright citizens can have of totalitarian instrumentalities. Anne documents the continuous fear of discovery and considerable efforts required to survive a sustained assault against her community during the height of World War II. Ultimately, she succumbed to the all-pervasive surveillance. The audience is presented with a series of nerve-racking unannounced searches of the neighborhood. The work reminds us that eternal vigilance is the price we pay to remain free. This book should be read by young people in their teen years in order to instill an appreciation for the rights and privileges many of us take for granted. From the Middle Ages onward, neighborhoods have been guarded by gatekeepers in order to thwart outside marauders or invaders during every hour of the day and night. The work "Keeper of the Gate" documents such a security apparatus in existence for many hundreds of years.
Rating:  Summary: Lest we forget... Review: Deeply moving. A must read for every human. Not only should this book be studied, it should continue to be honored for the truth it tells. A trip to the Anne Frank Haus in Amsterdam should also be on your life's "list of things to do". Walking through the Annex brings her thoughts out of your heart and into your soul, your blood. God bless Anne for writing her thoughts, and God bless her father for having the courage and the strength for publishing her work.