Rating:  Summary: A well written commentary Review: I enjoyed this book. For two days, between doing things I HAD to do, I devoured this book. It is put together rather well. Each story is a chapter, and then there is a chapter following with the commentary on the Bible, the story and the reason the leaders of various religions sought to supress the story. Also what is interesting is that Kirsch places the actual bible verses in text boxes within the story, so that the reader can compare the two. As I said, I liked the whole book, but the part I read extremely closely was the last chapter on who wrote the bible. I know that most fundamentalists probably won't read this book, but I think that it is an educational tool that everyone should read. Kirsch points out that for thousands of years, men have censored the stories in the bible and changed them to suit not only themselves and their society, but what they deem appropriate as a political message or moral ideal. I would imagine that if everyone read the Bible as closely as Kirsch studied it for this book, they too would find the ambiguities or inconsistencies that are prevalent throughout. One thing I did find kind of annoying is that in almost every chapter of commentary, there were instances of Kirsch referencing forward or back to other chapters in his book. That typically doesn't annoy me much, but I did seem to notice it in this book. But the footnotes and explanations are good, so don't let that one peeve of mine destroy the experience. Read this book, you will be glad you did.
Rating:  Summary: A well written commentary Review: I enjoyed this book. For two days, between doing things I HAD to do, I devoured this book. It is put together rather well. Each story is a chapter, and then there is a chapter following with the commentary on the Bible, the story and the reason the leaders of various religions sought to supress the story. Also what is interesting is that Kirsch places the actual bible verses in text boxes within the story, so that the reader can compare the two. As I said, I liked the whole book, but the part I read extremely closely was the last chapter on who wrote the bible. I know that most fundamentalists probably won't read this book, but I think that it is an educational tool that everyone should read. Kirsch points out that for thousands of years, men have censored the stories in the bible and changed them to suit not only themselves and their society, but what they deem appropriate as a political message or moral ideal. I would imagine that if everyone read the Bible as closely as Kirsch studied it for this book, they too would find the ambiguities or inconsistencies that are prevalent throughout. One thing I did find kind of annoying is that in almost every chapter of commentary, there were instances of Kirsch referencing forward or back to other chapters in his book. That typically doesn't annoy me much, but I did seem to notice it in this book. But the footnotes and explanations are good, so don't let that one peeve of mine destroy the experience. Read this book, you will be glad you did.
Rating:  Summary: Radical Review: I like this book. i like it because it challenges much of my assumptions of the bible and i like it because the author offers fresh, refreshing and interesting new ways of reading the bible. for me, the value of this book lies in the author's insistence that the God of judaism, christianity and islam is ultimately a mysterious, ambiguous God who cannot be boxed in by any ideology, predujices, or religious bigotry. as a church attender, it is quite embarassing sometimes to be sitting in a pulpit listening to preachers who really do not know what they are talking about and are only good at shouting down at us and using the bible and God to justify their paltry views. this book helped to break certain of my own fears and prejudice. it is a very bold book indeed. the only problem i have with it is that the author sometimes lapses to a rather impertinent way of writing in which he assumes that those who read his book have never or have only marginally read the bible. i think there are some people who read the bible completely and vigorously, but who are not satisfied with the sort of biblical criticism will be drawn to this book, so such assumptions should not be made (and especially not in a rather presumptive manner). still, for some of its technical flaws, the book is very rich in its exegetical contributions.
Rating:  Summary: Refreshingly Honest Review: If every self-professed Christian or Jew actually read his or her family Bible from cover to cover, Kirsch's book would be superfluous. ...but the laity is too often biblically illiterate, depending on the clergy and other teachers to tell them about the Bible, rather than reading it themselves. If every deacon, minister, pastor, priest and rabbi actually preached from the whole of Scripture, Kirsch's book would be unnecessary. ...but the clergy have severely censored the Bible, presenting to their flocks only those small portions that support their petty, parochial theologies and arguments. Kirsch's work breaks through the self-imposed ignorance of the laity and the self-serving censorship of the clergy to expose a biblical landscape richer and far more diverse than most would imagine. By sharing stories that have often been obscured, Kirsch demonstrates to us that the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus refuses to be bound by middle class morality. By revealing a bit of the sex and violence in the Bible, Kirsch shows us how God loves, nurtures and works through even the most public of scoundrels. In an age when religion has too often been hi-jacked by fundamentalists, who demand their particular version of purity, Kirsch shows us how God works in the real, messy world with real, messy people. For those of us who are less than perfect, Kirsch's book and the "forbidden tales of the Bible" can only be received as good news.
Rating:  Summary: Refreshingly Honest Review: If every self-professed Christian or Jew actually read his or her family Bible from cover to cover, Kirsch's book would be superfluous. ...but the laity is too often biblically illiterate, depending on the clergy and other teachers to tell them about the Bible, rather than reading it themselves. If every deacon, minister, pastor, priest and rabbi actually preached from the whole of Scripture, Kirsch's book would be unnecessary. ...but the clergy have severely censored the Bible, presenting to their flocks only those small portions that support their petty, parochial theologies and arguments. Kirsch's work breaks through the self-imposed ignorance of the laity and the self-serving censorship of the clergy to expose a biblical landscape richer and far more diverse than most would imagine. By sharing stories that have often been obscured, Kirsch demonstrates to us that the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus refuses to be bound by middle class morality. By revealing a bit of the sex and violence in the Bible, Kirsch shows us how God loves, nurtures and works through even the most public of scoundrels. In an age when religion has too often been hi-jacked by fundamentalists, who demand their particular version of purity, Kirsch shows us how God works in the real, messy world with real, messy people. For those of us who are less than perfect, Kirsch's book and the "forbidden tales of the Bible" can only be received as good news.
Rating:  Summary: You mean THAT'S in the BIBLE? Review: In a society obsessed with religion, it is hard to imagine that, for most people, the Bible is virtually an unknown book. True, many American households have one gathering dust on the bookshelf, yet if the spine is cracked at all, it's generally for the purpose of finding out great-grandma's maiden name. The fact that the Bible is seldom read in its entirety in our day makes Jonathan Kirsch's new book, THE HARLOT BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD (Ballantine Books, 1997; 378 pages), that much more of value, for in pointing out some of its "forbidden tales," the author might just send his reader back to the source. In HARLOT, Kirsch has picked out seven tales from the Hebrew Scriptures which set center-stage humankind in all its sinful glory. The accounts include rape, murder, genocide, and wholesale slaughter, all drawn from Holy Writ, and include such famous names as Lot, Moses, and even King David. Readers used to getting their Bible stories from Sunday services or Grolier adaptations will no doubt be shocked by what the Word of God includes. Yet Kirsch is not writing with the now popular Bible-bashing attitude of, say, a Lloyd Graham (DECEPTIONS AND MYTHS OF THE BIBLE). While he does accept modern-day theories as to the authorship of the biblical canon, his purpose is not to poke fun; rather, he extracts from each of the tales he recounts something of value, whether it be historical or practical. This makes the book good reading for both believers and unbelievers seeking to get a handle on some of the cultural mysteries of biblical times. Kirsch's format is instrumental in doing this. For each of the seven tales, he recounts the narrative in novelistic style, and provides detailed examinations of the various factors involved. This is particularly effective in his chapter entitled "Tamar and Judah," where he explains the concept of brother-in-law marriage, the status of women in patriarchal times, and the true "sin" of Onan (it's not masturbation). Extensive documentation from ancient and modern times is considered, though Kirsch never strays far from the biblical source. It's an approach that should please both scholars and casual readers alike.
Rating:  Summary: The Bible, R rated Review: Jonathan Kirsch hits the nail right on the head when he speaks of the general populaces ignorance of what is actually in the Bible. Most people have some kind of fairy tale idea that the Bible is full of wonderful, pretty stories that always conclude with a happy ending. God is always just and fair, and his messages are easy to understand. People that have this opinion, and I know a lot of them, have no idea what they are missing. As the famous line from Kerouac reads, "that Bi-ble has some hot stuff". Man, does it ever. Instead of magical fairy tales, the Bible is one of the most brutal and violent books you are ever going to read. It's full of genocide, divinely inspired murder and human sacrifice, and some really complex sexual situations. To deny this is really to deny the true Bible, which is an amazing work of literature. That is not to say that these examples of extreme actions are without meaning; that is far from the case. Unlike modern literature which often uses murder and sex for no reason other than better book sales, the Bible delivers some deep moral pronouncements concerning a whole array of human situations. Using the horrible consequences of certain human action, the Bible can teach us a lot of harsh but important lessons. Kirsch delivers this message brilliantly. Using a very interesting way of getting his point across, Kirsch writes some good little novellas of the various Bible stories he proposes, helping the lay reader get a clearer grasp on what actually happens in the story. These fictionalizations are bolstered by the requisite Bible passages. After the novellas, Kirsch presents some great commentary on the various stories, bring in all kinds of varying opinions and interpretations. It really is fascinating, as some of the stories are so complex and unclear that no one in the centuries of Bible study can get a clear grasp on their true meaning. We are left with a whole host of intriguing but disparate interpretations that make for some good reading nonetheless. Kirsch does not go the route of cheapening the stories either. I was worried that this book would be some kind of sensational attempt to sell some books by showing that the Bible was really dirty and violent. That is not true at all. Kirsch does not dwell on the wild aspects of the story, he just means to explain what they mean to us today. Additional chapters deliver some good historical backgrounds concerning who actually wrote the Biblical stories, and the motivation behind many of the. A great example of modern Biblical analysis.
Rating:  Summary: The Bible, R rated Review: Jonathan Kirsch hits the nail right on the head when he speaks of the general populaces ignorance of what is actually in the Bible. Most people have some kind of fairy tale idea that the Bible is full of wonderful, pretty stories that always conclude with a happy ending. God is always just and fair, and his messages are easy to understand. People that have this opinion, and I know a lot of them, have no idea what they are missing. As the famous line from Kerouac reads, "that Bi-ble has some hot stuff". Man, does it ever. Instead of magical fairy tales, the Bible is one of the most brutal and violent books you are ever going to read. It's full of genocide, divinely inspired murder and human sacrifice, and some really complex sexual situations. To deny this is really to deny the true Bible, which is an amazing work of literature. That is not to say that these examples of extreme actions are without meaning; that is far from the case. Unlike modern literature which often uses murder and sex for no reason other than better book sales, the Bible delivers some deep moral pronouncements concerning a whole array of human situations. Using the horrible consequences of certain human action, the Bible can teach us a lot of harsh but important lessons. Kirsch delivers this message brilliantly. Using a very interesting way of getting his point across, Kirsch writes some good little novellas of the various Bible stories he proposes, helping the lay reader get a clearer grasp on what actually happens in the story. These fictionalizations are bolstered by the requisite Bible passages. After the novellas, Kirsch presents some great commentary on the various stories, bring in all kinds of varying opinions and interpretations. It really is fascinating, as some of the stories are so complex and unclear that no one in the centuries of Bible study can get a clear grasp on their true meaning. We are left with a whole host of intriguing but disparate interpretations that make for some good reading nonetheless. Kirsch does not go the route of cheapening the stories either. I was worried that this book would be some kind of sensational attempt to sell some books by showing that the Bible was really dirty and violent. That is not true at all. Kirsch does not dwell on the wild aspects of the story, he just means to explain what they mean to us today. Additional chapters deliver some good historical backgrounds concerning who actually wrote the Biblical stories, and the motivation behind many of the. A great example of modern Biblical analysis.
Rating:  Summary: Radical Review: Kirsch goes out of his way to make secular religion look bad in this dose of hard corps revisionism. Still, this is well worth reading if you ever pondered some of the more troublesome stories of the Old Testament. How come ma' preacher never told me this stuff?! I'd have come to church EVERY sunday!
Rating:  Summary: The Author w/ His Mind in the Gutter by the Side of the Road Review: Kirsch goes out of his way to make secular religion look bad in this dose of hard corps revisionism. Still, this is well worth reading if you ever pondered some of the more troublesome stories of the Old Testament. How come ma' preacher never told me this stuff?! I'd have come to church EVERY sunday!