By age 50, half of all men have some noticeable signs of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)--enlargement of the prostate--which eventually affects nearly all men as they age. The major symptom, increased frequency of urination, may range from annoying to agonizing. The Prostate Cure describes BPH, its causes, symptoms, and treatments, in a lucid, compassionate, accessible style. Each chapter begins with a list of questions that the chapter answers, making it easy to find information. Although BPH may be inevitable, the symptoms are not, say the authors, because of the variety of treatment options available. The book describes watchful waiting (periodic examinations for mild symptoms), various surgical interventions (when the urethral obstruction and discomfort are severe and other treatments don't work), and several prescription and herbal medications: how they work, their effectiveness, concerns, side effects, and research findings. This all leads up to the medication the authors prefer: Cernitin, an extract of flower pollen that reduces engorgement of the prostate tissues, improves urine flow, and inhibits prostate growth. Widely researched and used abroad, Cernitin has been virtually unknown in the United States. The book presents a seven-step program for treating BPH, which incorporates using Cernitin and making healthy lifestyle changes--changes which include a diet that promotes prostate health. --Joan Price