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Rating:  Summary: READ THIS BOOK BEFORE MAKING A DECISION.... Review: After 15+ years of dealing with severe endometriosis, I'm afraid that I bought into the "Oh, you'll be better than new!" theory. Or, as author Naomi Stokes called it, "The Great Conspiracy of Silence." I was 37 years old and had heard from countless gyns, starting in my early 20s, that having a hysterectomy/oophorectomy was my only "answer."So I did finally did it. After all...each and every gyn (all male, by the way) had told me that I'd be just fine. That it "wasn't any big deal." But I knew, rather soon after my surgery, that something just wasn't "right"...that my recovery wasn't going as well as everybody told it would...so I started to read. And I discovered, to my complete horror and much too late, of course, that the cost of this surgery was far too high a price to pay. Had I known then what I now know...I would NEVER have had the surgery. I've now read, literally, dozens of books about hysterectomy, menopause, HRT...you name it. And I've found that Ms. Plourde's book, "The Ultimate Rape," is, without a doubt, the most complete source for information about this devasting surgery which continues to be performed on 500,000+ women every year. I think this book should be a "must" read for EVERY woman. If you've been told that you "have" to have a hysterectomy...PLEASE get this book. If someone in your family, or a friend, has been told she needs a hysterectomy...please buy her this book. And if you're like me, post surgery, perhaps even many years post surgery but still searching for ways of learning to accept a body, mind, and spirit that's forever changed...read this book! I'd like to make one last comment regarding some of the negative reviews I've seen here. All I can say to you ladies is that you, sadly, continue to be part of the problem...the reason this surgery is still performed at such a high rate in this country (for reasons other than diagnosed cancer). If you're one of the "lucky ones" who really thinks your life is better now than before your surgery...why are you here? Having this surgery was the biggest mistake of my life. I only have gratitude and respect in my heart for Ms. Plourde for writing this book. SHE had the courage to speak out. Thank you, Ms. Plourde, for not only sharing your personal experiences but for also spending countless research hours to create a wonderful list of resources.
Rating:  Summary: What I wish I'd known back then. Review: I can't thank Elizabeth enough for this book. I had my hysterectomy in 1998 and had one ovary removed which eventually shut down. I fell into a deep depression last year, that lasted for almost a year, and couldn't convince my doctor that it was a hormonal imbalance. He insisted it was something else and I needed a psychiatrist. Elizabeth gave me the answers I was looking for. I would highly recommend her book to anyone thinking about getting a hysterectomy. You just may have second thoughts after reading this book and there are other alternatives in many cases. To those that have already had a hysterectomy and have been through some difficult times, this book offers you hope for the future. I didn't realize just how much we need to hold on to our parts and how they function along with the rest of our bodies but I do now. It's too late for me but it may not be too late for someone else. Please take the time to read this book before having the surgery. I wish I would have. Thanks Elizabeth for a very informative book.
Rating:  Summary: The truth at last! Review: I have had a hysterectomy with a BSO (both ovaries and tubes removed),in Nov. of 99. Before and after my surgery,I have done alot of medical research and just reading medical literature,in general.Mostly,OB/GYN related topics.I have read so many books on hysterectomy and alot on menopause,both surgical and natural.This book is definately a must read.Elizabeths' book can open womens' eyes,before they make the choice to have this radical surgery done.So many hysterectomies are unnecessary,and Gyns in general are just too quick to recommend them,for just about any problem that may arise.My surgery was elective surgery,and the decision was made solely by me.A good majority of women are not aware of the alternatives to hysterectomy and place their lives and well-being in Doctors' hands,since they really know no other way,and therefore,feel that there is no other choice.Alot of women need to educate themselves and start doing the research,,,the moment that a hysterectomy is mentioned.Elizabeths' book is so to the point and so very accurate and easy to understand,especially if you enjoy reading that type of literature.A decision to have this surgery,is one that is not reversible,and the more these women can learn,the better.I hope that all women faced with this dilemma,will do themselves a great favor and read this wonderful book.There really is no book like it,out there.Docs will lead these poor,unsuspecting women to believe that the surgery is no big deal and that there will be absolutely no consequences,,,,I am living proof that there are consequences.I developed fibromyalgia after my surgery.When you mention that one to the docs,,,,they dismiss it and say,,,,no way can there be a connection! Just like they will dismiss alot of other problems after surgery.Ladies,please listen and please give yourselves the pleasure of reading this wonderful book.Even though I do not regret having made the choice to have my surgery..(docs left it up to me,they know how much medical reading I do),I am an example of just one of the things that can go wrong,after having a LAVH/BSO (laparoscopically-assisted vaginal hysterectomy with a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy).I have other problems,too,,,,and these problems will probably not be mentioned by your doctors,before you have the surgery.Elizabeth,however can show you so much in her book.Again,I urge you to get this wonderful knowledge under your belt.Please Love yourselves enough to read it.Elizabeth,,,thank you so much for sharing all this wonderful info,and thanks for caring enough to help women with this awful dilemma. Love,Sparkey
Rating:  Summary: What medicine knows about hysterectomy but does not tell us! Review: I have read "The Ultimate Rape" cover to cover twice, I refer to it approximately every other week and I have recommended it to hundreds of women through my Sans Uteri Hysterectomy Forum. The feedback I have received mirrors my own feelings: "The Ultimate Rape" is an excellent book on hysterectomy and female castration. In a world full of Doctors who tell us hysterectomy and castration will cure all that ails us, Elizabeth Plourde, through her exhaustive research and over 856 medical journal citations, shows us that medicine actually DOES have a deep understanding of how truly devastating hysterectomy and/or castration can be to women's bodies and their lives. Mrs. Plourde uses easy to understand language to explain how the uterus and ovaries do MUCH more than just allowing for the possibility of pregnancy. The hormones created by our reproductive organs, the ligaments supporting our pelvic structure, the nerves that allow for sexual pleasure, our bone health and blood pressure, bladder and bowel functioning, maintenance of a healthy weight and the health of our minds, are all greatly influenced by our uterus and ovaries - and exactly how they influence our bodies is explained by Elizabeth Plourde in "The Ultimate Rape". I highly recommend this book to women considering hysterectomy and/or oophorectomy as well as women who have already had surgery. I also strongly urge all partners of women facing surgery or trying to live life post-hysterectomy/oophorectomy to read and re-read "The Ultimate Rape", it will give them a much deeper understanding of the multi-faceted struggles their partners face day in and day out.
Rating:  Summary: If I could give it 0, I would... Review: I read this book with a fairly objective mind - I admit, I was turned off by the title. Seemed somewhat..extreme, to me. And I was unfortunately proven correct, as I read further. Whilst I appreciate Ms Plourde's experience *was* horrifying, frightening and incredibly traumatic, to suggest that the hysterectomies of other women are *rape*, is insulting, degrading and downright ignorant. Granted this IS only her opinion - but the very suggestion that we women don't know what we're doing, or haven't the common sense, intelligence or resources to investigate our own medical conditions is ultimately incredibly insulting and patronizing. Her point could have been made much better, and fairer, had she left out some of her own anger and bitterness, and included more factual evidence. I cannot recommend this book, for any reason. Wait. If you have a table with a wobbly leg, it might help. A much fairer representation of hysterectomy is given in The Woman's Guide To Hysterectomy, by Haas and Puretz.
Rating:  Summary: Run screaming until you read this book Review: If you have been told by you doctor you need to have a hysterectomy, run screaming from his/her office until you read this book. Women are not being informed of alternative treatments and are not being told of the potential problems or life altering consequences of this surgery. For those of us who have already had surgery, this book has given validation to the problems we are now facing and explains in detailed, easy to understand medical terms what has happened to our bodies. To those of you who are possibly facing surgery for non-life threatening conditions, this book will empower you to make a truly informed decision as to whether to not to proceed with surgery. Just the footnotes alone (over 500), will reveal vital information and indicate how thoroughly the book was researched. You will find yourself reading the book from cover to cover and thanking Ms. Plourde for having the courage to tell us the real truth about hysterectomy and ovarian removal.
Rating:  Summary: Avoid, avoid Review: Once again, we have another sensationalist tome on hysterectomy that is light on information and long on emotionalism. If Ms. Plourde felt that she needed to write this in order to resolve her own negative feelings about her hysterectomy, she should have kept it in a private journal, not published it and done such a disservice to so many women. I read this as a curiosity--the title itself completely turned me off. I have spoken to many other women who have hysterectomies as well, and believe me, the idea that we have been 'raped' is ludicrous and repugnant to us. It is very important to be very-well informed before undergoing any major surgical procedure, and I'm sorry to say that this book is decidedly unhelpful in that regard.
Rating:  Summary: Well intentioned but fanatically opinionated Review: There can be no mistake that the autor of this books experience with her hysterectomy / oopherectomy were tanamount to rape. I feel for her from the very bottom of my heart. I also believe through my own experience with my own TVH/BSO,(5 months ago at age 38 and it's subsequent aftermath, which included complications similar to the authors) that for the most part our medical establishment does not adequately inform nor support women who have these types of surgeries. I had done extensive research before making my decision to have my surgery, and had already arranged to begin natural hormone replacement therapy immediately following. Establishing the proper dosage of NHRT has admittedly been more challenging than I had anticipated, however, I feel that I am now close to being even better than I ever was before my surgery. There are always risks and trade-offs in chosing to alter yourself surgically. While I can not even *imagine* the HELL that women have endured (having gone through this type of surgery without conset, nor effective hormone replacement therapy) I feel that this book completely negates the *possible* healing options that these surgeries *can* provide. Let us not lose sight of the misery that has lead us to face the choice of whether or not to have irreversable surgery. I was really miserable! And what about those women who have no choice. Who must have this surgery to save their lives? I feel that this book throws them to the (emotionl) wolves ... so to speak. Surgical decisions should never be taken lightly, and I applaud the author's intent to inform women (in advance). I really do. I can not however recommend this book because the information here is presented in such a slanted, biased fahion. She draws wild conclusions and presents them as fact. She does not differentiate between a statistical correlation and absolute cause and effect. I am genuinely concerned that this "doomed" view will cause even more suffering in women who are already struggling with their own healing. Make no mistake ... this *is* a serious decision, and one that has caused a lot of suffering. I am simply here to say that because it was such for the author, (with proper support) it need not necessarily be so for you. Inform yourslef with facts ... not fear.
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