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Rating:  Summary: A must read for the informed. Review: Dr. Day tells you how the US Government has deceived the US public by it's politically correct handling of the HIV and AIDS crisis. The end result: the needless death of many homosexual and heterosexual people. Prepare to be enraged, to cry and to be challenged.
Rating:  Summary: TOTAL LIES, HYSTERIA, FABRICATION, AND PEUDOSCIENCE Review: First of all, if you want the REAL scoop on AIDS and HIV, read "Inventing the AIDS Virus" by Dr. Peter Duesberg of UC Berkeley. Or try "What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong?" by Christine Maggiore. Now, let me proceed with my review... I would have given this book MINUS five stars, but the popup only allowed me a low rating of one star. This absurdly moronic book, written by a woman who is apparently little more than a fearmonger with a bufont hairdo, is so full of misinformation that it makes the "mainstream" view of AIDS look valid. As you will duly realize by reading the aforementioned books by Duesberg or Maggiore or the infomation you will find at virusmyth.net, HIV does NOT cause AIDS, has never been proven to cause AIDS, and has never even been proven to exist (since it has never been isolated). The so-called HIV sample that Gallo "discovered" was actually stolen from Dr. Luc Montagnier of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, and even Montagnier has serious doubts that HIV causes anything. But you've never heard any of this information, have you? That's because all dissident views on AIDS have been censored by the media and the goverment to one degree or another. There are hundreds of eminent scientists around the globe who have ALWAYS disagreed that HIV causes AIDS, but their voices have been shut out or shouted down or just ignored. Remember, people, that those who make a claim bear the burden of proof. And contrary to 20 years of propaganda, this burden of proof has NEVER been met by those who decided that HIV causes AIDS. Don't believe me? Think I'm crazy? Then try reading the Duesberg book and email me when you're done. This book is a 180-degree departure from the sound science that you will find in the Duesberg book and other AIDS dissident books. It is full of flat-out lies, a paranoid political agenda, and rampant fear-mongering just to make a buck. It's pretty much along the loony lines of David Icke's extraterrestrial lizards from space and other crap of that ilk. Of course our government occasionally lies to us, and of course they have their own political agenda that doesn't always hold our rights as its highest priority. So what? That's old news. What you need to know about AIDS is that it's probably caused by chronic drug use wearing down one's immune system, NOT a mysterious, supposedly-mutating monster virus. About 2% of the human genome consists of dormant, endogenous human retroviruses. That's life, and they don't do a damn thing. Anyone who actually knows anything about AIDS knows that increases in AIDS cases match perfectly the rise in drug abuse, perfectly accounting for the period of time it takes chronic users to develop immune-suppression. It is also important to note that there are more deaths by suicide every year than from AIDS in the U.S., and more deaths from car accidents every year than from AIDS. The projected "pandemic" never happened, and we spend billions of dollars a year looking for a cure to this disease that kills a TINY fraction of the people killed by heart disease and cancer. Check out Duesberg and Maggiore and virusmyth.net, and don't fall for this heap of psudoscientific lunacy. It's the last thing we need to be reading as we search for a cure to AIDS.
Rating:  Summary: Can The Government Be Trusted? Review: I can honestly say that I'm not sure about what Lorraine Day says in this book about the government not disclosing what might be important information concerning AIDS. Lorraine Day's video, "Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore" though, casts definite, unassailable, doubt about the true motivation of government funded health institutes and organizations. For example, the national institute which exists, supposedly whose purpose it is to find a cure for cancer, has in its charter, a mandate to disband once a cancer cure has been found--receives 40 million dollars a year from the government. Is a government funded institute really going to disclose the cure even if it found one? The cure for cancer is simple and cheap--that's why the government funded institutes and the largest drug companies don't want anyone to know about it. Dr. Lorraine Day (an orthopedic surgeon) found the cure for her metastasized breast cancer without surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. I'm hoping Amazon might carry more of her materials in the future. Many people would benefit.
Rating:  Summary: How To Heal Review: I disagree with the concept of using a bottled substance when we have the "real thing" available, ie "wheat grass" I have no argument with eating organically and lowering protein intake and drinking 10 glasses of water a day. I personally stopped all caffeine, sugar, honey, fructose, white flour, and dairy, I did still use organic butter and I don't drink alcohol. Exercise (as much as you can tolerate) spiritual connection on a daily basis, gratitude for at least one person and one thing every day, letting go of regrets, resentments is imperative as well as making amends for wrongs you have done. Get involved with helping others at any level. Pray or meditate using whatever you believe to be the source of all things and do this with a heartfelt connection, you can be mad or fearful as well as loving and grateful, just be true to yourself and what you are feeling. Learn a healing energy method such as chi gong, reike, etc. Some of these are available at a nominal cost. I pay $3 for each chi gong session I attend. Your fears will dissapate as you become active in your own healing and in helping others. I was told I had what looked like a serious cancer in my lung, the radiologist was positive it was Brochial Alveolar Cancer. I did all the things I have listed above and the second CT scan three months later showed no signs of the suspected area. The bonus' are that I have great energy and my immune system is strong. I believe this information should be free and so I have not really given a review as much as I have told you what worked for me.
Rating:  Summary: Welcome to Scamerica Review: If you're one of the minority of people who believe the U.S. government would never lie, deceive, steal, conceal or murder to protect it's power or agenda, then you don't know much about history. You should also avoid this book because it will just get you all bent out of shape and angry. On the other hand, if you're more open-minded, undecided or suspicious about the actions of the federal government, then this book is for you. Dr. Day is an intelligent, professional woman who throws light onto the reasons the U.S. government has acted the way it has about this deadly disease. Read the book, think about it, then decide for yourself whether or not we are living up to the spirit of freedom and democracy this great country deserves.
Rating:  Summary: Scared away from her profession Review: Just another Dr. scared away from her profession because of aids. Now she harps her barley grass in a bottle on her websites and lies about those she cured and her own diagnosis. You'd think she would have thousands of testimonials, but dead people can't talk. She is counting on the medically uneducated as her key for success.
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