When Bri. Maya Tiwari was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer at the age of 23, her doctor recommend that she die painlessly with "heavy doses of morphine." Instead, she decided to design a rigorous self-healing practice that led her to become cancer-free and one of the only female experts on traditional Ayurvedic medicine in the world. Using her personal story as the anchor, Tiwari shares her extensive knowledge of the Vedas, especially as it pertains to feminine health and well-being. Readers who are familiar with Deepak Chopra's books on Ayurvedic medicine may feel bogged down by Tiwari's extensive explanations of spiritual teachings, with much emphasis on the Divine Mother and the feminine energy called shakti. Take a slow breath and be patient. These ancient stories are important since they speak to the origins and fundamental philosophy behind the Vedic approach to female health. They are also the keys to understanding the three-part practice of breath work, diet, and chanting that Tiwari explains throughout. Be prepared for a health book with spiritual integrity that shuns easy formulas and instead looks toward the lasting rewards of a committed practice. --Gail Hudson