Rating:  Summary: WHAT'S ACTUALLY SURPRISING IS...... Review: ...that most of this common sense content had to be mentioned, much less put in print. Classy, yet sassy, Ms. McElroy clearly lays out the techniques, do's and dont's when the goal is a "trophy man." What's most important is that she stresses to us to not lower our standards, tell the men what our expectations are upfront and to carry yourself like the lady you are (or should be at this time). It gives me hope for the future and gives me pointers on how to achieve that dream. Finally, a sister is letting other sisters know that we can aspire to what we truly want and deserve. If you dare to have standards and want to attract a man that is a true one in every sense of the word, then this book is for you. If you still enjoy wasting time w/ the bottom feeders/momma's boys/scrubs/thugs/bums, then leave this book alone: better yet, pass it on to your smarter, enlightened friends. Thanks Ms. McElroy, for such a gift!!!
Rating:  Summary: Muslimah Enjoyed and Encourages This book Review: As an orthodox Muslim, African American woman, and wife, I enjoyed this book. I found many of the teachings to be morally sound, moderate, realistic, and very truthful. "Modesty" "chasteness" "self-respect", and "spirituallity" as apart of the search for a spouse, and keeping a spouse. This book is great for women who were not groomed to be traditional wives and mothers, or who just lack the basic understanding. I did not find this a throw back to 40's or the 50's, and even if it were so, this wouldn't damage African American families becuase that time frame produced some of the greatest human beings on this planet unlike latter generations who have brought us to our current dieaster. She never discouraged education, work, or wealth for women, infact, she points out that is an asset to a marriage and family. Many of her interviewees were educated, and stable. If your serious, and don't have a clue, this book is a great start.
Rating:  Summary: Just what the good Doctor ordered! Review: For the many single, divorced and frustrated marriageable women looking for a responsible mate, this book is a lodestone. Not only is it for Black women but definately crosses racial lines for all American women, regarless of color.Dr. McElroy not only tells you how, but more importantly gives you practical methods for finding that only previously dreamed of accountable lifemate. As a practicing psychotherapist and marriage and family counsellor for over 30 years I not only can unequivocally recommend this book but must add it is a "must" read for all resposible women desiring that special soulmate.
Rating:  Summary: " A MUST READ BOOK!" Review: I had the opportunity to attend a book signing this past weekend at which the author attended. Prior to the start of the event I started to read the book and I was hardly able to stop reading when the author began to speak. Just as the book is informative and entertaining, so is the author. She is insightful and delightful.I will recommend this book to all of my single friends.
Rating:  Summary: This book is just what I've been looking for. Review: McElroy's advice is definitely sound and was well received. I think most Trophy Women will find that they're already aware of and practice at least half of the items mentioned in the book. I thought a lot of it was common sense, but of course not everyone has the same upbringing, so some things aren't obvious to everyone. There were definitely some areas that I thought were extremely helpful though (e.g. how much to divulge about past relationships and where to meet "Trophy Men").
Rating:  Summary: Loved It!! Review: Personally, I am not in the market for a husband, but I won't close a door to the possibilities, and this book is a very helpful guide to aid one in that direction. It has 17 secrets in here. My favorites being 2.Make your days as a Single Woman the best days of your life(AMEN!!)some of us are waiting for a man to make those beautiful days for us. Do it for yourself.3. Nurture your spiritual center.Keep God in the loop and pray for that brother. 7.Look like a wife if you want to attract a husband.(you don't see Lil Kim with no husband,don't be dressing like her).She even mentions some of the Fraternal,Professional Organizations and Clubs gathering calendar. I rate it a five because the advice is timely, and it won't hurt and mostly it makes sense. Enjoy the hunt!
Rating:  Summary: White Women Have the Trophy Men -- That's the Problem! Review: That's the whole point of the author writing this book. There are tons of classy, educated black women who would like to marry comparable black men -- but are derided as "golddiggers" and constantly force-fed a "be realistic and lower your expectations" diet -- mostly from black men and magazines like Essence that persist in highlighting "Single Sistas Who Love Themselves" (well duh!) or lesbians who don't care about getting a man period. Of course, basic relationship advice works for people of all colors (plenty of black women bought "The Rules") but the author knew exactly what she was doing by targeting BAP-type black women who would prefer to marry (and not play house with) a black man who doesn't dribble a ball or rap for a living.
Rating:  Summary: Can you Say "Women's Right" Review: This book attempts to push women, 50 years backward in their quest for equal rights. You gold digger should instead, purchase a self-help book on "education, establishing wealth, and fame" for you're damn self. Instead of trying to leach off a Man. Women don't need to find a Trophy Man, they can become Trophy for themselves, and only require love and Trust form them Partners. Anytime you judge a potential partner partner, based on there wealth, or material processions (not on their character) you are prostituting. Which's makes you a HO. Brothas Beware
Rating:  Summary: Trophy Man Review: This book is the How-To I have been looking for my whole life. I am not a black woman, but I found this book right on. It is well written and insightfull. I sent copies to all my single friends and I strongly recommend it to any intelligent woman who is wondering if there is any hope.
Rating:  Summary: A Common Sense Guide for Finding Mr. Right Review: Trophy Man is an interesting read where the author has interviewed women from all walks of life who have married "well" in an attempt to uncover what their "secrets" are. The book is a compilation of the views and advice that the women have for others who are having difficulties snagging a "trophy man." The book gives general, common sense advice for meeting and keeping a man. McElroy's major theme throughout the book is to know yourself and what your needs and wants are before searching for a mate. The book also has etiquette tips for dating, meeting possible in-laws, etc. In addition a list of several prominent African American events are given where professionals are able to meet and socialize. I was impressed with the way the author shows that a "trophy man" is not just a man who has money and prestige, but a man who has a loving heart. The book is an excellent resource for all single women who are in search of a good man. Reviewed by Latoya Carter-Qawiyy The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers