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Rating:  Summary: Would you deal with diabetes this way? Review: As a trained physician as well as an Avatar Master, I was impressed with the additional use of beliefs and belief systems which are incorporated into the more usual visualization exercises. The use of them (beliefs) in such a way seems to open up new vistas---from being a victim of one's beliefs to the empowering position of being the author or creator of ones beliefs. Hopefully those who have other conditions than asthma will make use of the exercises to transcend some of their limiting beliefs and in the process heal themselves. In my estimation there is much valuable information between the covers of this book...and the exercises are playful and enjoyable--which could create a problem if you have a belief that life must be serious...
Rating:  Summary: Become All You Can Be Through The Power Of Your Mind Review: My teenaged daughter has asthma and carries her inhaler wherever she goes. I see the limitations that this illness places on her. I do not ascribe to the medical view that illness has only a physical origin. I consider that the body cannot be separated from the internal workings of a person, i.e. thoughts, emotions, beliefs and outlook. I purchased this book based on the author of the forward, Dr. Gerald Epstein, whose books, Healing Visualizations and Healing Into Immortality, I regard as essential tools for daily life. I read Asthma Free in one sitting. I found it to be fascinating, informative, original and in some ways, redemptive. The inherent message is that all of us have the power to choose the course of our lives, including the physical ills that cause us to suffer. The authors compile scientific research with original interpretation and creative exercises. In fact, the name and meaning of the program - the F.U.N. Program - actually presents a method to conquer any difficulty found in life. The three steps - to focus, to undo and to act - form the three essential movements of all mindbody healing work. First, one must recognize the issue. To do this requires a moment of stepping away from the emotional story or the physical symptom. You cannot see the painting if you stand pressed against it. Second, you need to reverse the situation to experience how it would be for you would live life without turmoil; even if you only imagine for a instant, this allows you to glimpse life in an entirely new way. Third, you must act. You must bring this new perspective into your everyday life and not confine it to intellectual awareness. These three directions, learned in principle during the authors' study with Dr. Epstein, offer a way to freedom from asthma. I feel quite fortunate to discover an organized system for health based on the perspective that I have always held. Now, I just have to convince my daughter that she can heal herself from asthma. Teenagers are not known for their ready acceptance of parental suggestions. But, I know that soon she too will tire of this illness and will then be prepared to accept responsibility to heal herself. I will then give her this invaluable book.
Rating:  Summary: Asthma and science free Review: The book Asthma Free in 21 Days is well written and extremely readable. The author adopts a conversational style that doesn't hobble the reader while presenting valuable material. On the whole the book is a mixed bag at best. Interesting and thoughtful information on asthma is mixed with New Age Spirituality and rejection of western science.On the postive side the books suggests the patient should be viewed as a whole. The author urges the western fixation on symptoms be replaced with a focus on the patient as a whole. The author would have the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the disease all be examined and treated. However, the author seeks to overthrow western medicine in favor of "traditional medicine". The major argument is traditional medicine has been in use longer. The mortality rates of the 2 approaches are never discussed. Under the author's approach, her book should have been hand copied by scribes rather than printed as scribes have a much longer track record. The rejection of western medicine is largely an introduction to New Age spirituality. I would hope the author would have honestly labelled her book. Her stealth approach leads to questions of intention. On the whole, I would not recommend the book.
Rating:  Summary: Well Worth Reading -- And Trying Review: The healing technique used in this book is largely based on behavioral modification. For that reason, it has been misunderstood as a non-medical, non-scientific treatment. To the degree that asthma is related to behavior--any kind of behavior, including fear response, eating, and environment--this book can help an asthma sufferer. Asthmatic "behavior" in this book is modified mostly through imaging--replacing the thoughts and feelings that accompany the onset of asthma with thoughts and feelings that are contrary to the typical experience. It is a powerful tool, and to the degree that someone's asthma is amplified or even catalyzed by behaviors, this book can be helpful to someone to that degree. This book is NOT a new age book, nor is it any kind of introduction to new age spirituality. Scientific method is abundant throughout it; nonetheless the book remains fun. Finally, I found any "new-age" label the book receives to be completely ironic. that the book begins with a question posed by a doctor to one of the co-authors that is identical to the question another famous healer, Jesus, posed a man who had been ill for 38 years: "Do you WANT to get better?" This simple question is the best possible point of origin for the curing of an asthmatic.
Rating:  Summary: Would you deal with diabetes this way? Review: This book fell far short of my expectations. It focused on a few things that may trigger asthma, but discussed them as if they were the disease process itself. Especially confusing is that this book offers an approach that disables the person with asthma (limiting his or her choice), but couches this disability in terms of acceptance, personal liberation and self-actualization. Most people with asthma (about 95%) can live perfectly normal, active lives that are rarely affected by the disease. Asthma does not have to be the centerpiece of their self-identification. Asthma is a controllable disease. Follow the approach of these authors, and the disease controls you. Their approach is not much different than telling a child not to run around - thereby limiting his or her social and physical development - instead of administering appropriate preventive medication. Asthma is a lifelong chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs with multiple phenotypes. The disease process is characterized by airway inflammation. Everyone has a unique set of asthma triggers. Some people's asthma may be triggered by attitudes, belief systems, and behavior, although the most common triggers are environmental exposure and upper respiratory infections. Recent research in peer-reviewed journals indicates that airway remodeling can result when the inflammation process is not controlled through anti-inflammatory therapy. In other words, a reversible airway disease becomes static, cellular composition is permanently altered, and pulmonary function is compromised. Take the F.U.N. approach at your own risk. Pulmonary function deteriorates as part of the aging process. Research consistently shows that people with asthma who control the inflammation process with daily anti-inflammatory medication and reduce exposure to allergens have stronger pulmonary function as they age. And people with asthma who do not use anti-inflammatory medications suffer marked deterioration of pulmonary function as they age. New evidence is starting to emerge that asthma not treated with anti-inflammatory medication also is linked to increased hyper-reactivity of the airways. In other words, their lungs become "twitchy" with smaller and smaller exposures triggering inflammation. Their lives become increasingly restricted. If publishers were liable for medical malpractice awards, readers would have to sign consent forms waiving their rights to redress before they could buy irresponsible feel-good books like this. In summary, asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs. Work in partnership with your doctor or nurse practitioner to find the appropriate medication to control the airway inflammation process. Once you have control of the pharmacotherapy, then try alternative or complementary medical approaches, and measure their efficacy by how much you can reduce your anti-inflammatory medication without increasing symptoms or need for urgent medical services, or restricting activity. Good luck.
Rating:  Summary: Why should I read this book? ...I don't have asthma! Review: WOW!! Talk about a "Tah Dah" experience, an "ephiphany", a life changing moment. I was attending a feild seminar as a graduate student in the School of Social Work fortunately Dr. Schafer was scheduled to present Spirituality in Social Work Practice. I was so impressed by Dr. Schafer's ideas, beliefs and her approach to life, I told myself, "I've got to get this book." I didn't know what I would discover, since I don't have asthma. I thought I would just read the book. However,the skills, ideas, tools presented between the covers of this easy to read, to the point book are appropriate for anyone seeking to make a change in their life. I discovered the mental imagery, other exercises, philosophy of FUN (to name just a few)are effective tools or methods for people whose abiltiy to take in vital life support is restricted by self doubt, expectations, fear. Anything that keeps us from living life abundantly can be addressed using the information and philosophy Dr. Kathryn Schafer shares. She knows from personal experience and her story is amazing and inspirational.
Rating:  Summary: Why should I read this book? ...I don't have asthma! Review: WOW!! Talk about a "Tah Dah" experience, an "ephiphany", a life changing moment. I was attending a feild seminar as a graduate student in the School of Social Work fortunately Dr. Schafer was scheduled to present Spirituality in Social Work Practice. I was so impressed by Dr. Schafer's ideas, beliefs and her approach to life, I told myself, "I've got to get this book." I didn't know what I would discover, since I don't have asthma. I thought I would just read the book. However,the skills, ideas, tools presented between the covers of this easy to read, to the point book are appropriate for anyone seeking to make a change in their life. I discovered the mental imagery, other exercises, philosophy of FUN (to name just a few)are effective tools or methods for people whose abiltiy to take in vital life support is restricted by self doubt, expectations, fear. Anything that keeps us from living life abundantly can be addressed using the information and philosophy Dr. Kathryn Schafer shares. She knows from personal experience and her story is amazing and inspirational.
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