In 1994, Congress unanimously passed DSHEA, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, and the sale of supplements exploded into a multibillion-dollar business. Today the market is filled with supplements for everything from promoting weight loss to enhancing one's sex life. So how do you make sense of the multitude of pills, capsules, and potions? A good place to start is the Nutritional Supplements Buyers Guide by Daniel Gastelu, M.S., a pioneer in the dietary supplement industry and author of Dynamic Nutrition for Maximum Performance. In the buying guide's nearly 400 pages, Gastelu will help you design a supplement program to suit your health needs. Plus, you'll learn which supplements are safe and effective for everyone in the family and the best supplements to beat a variety of conditions, including fatigue, PMS, headaches, stress, and depression. The book is divided into three sections. Part 1 takes you behind the scenes of the dietary supplement industry and explains in detail how supplements are regulated (or, rather, aren't) and labeled. Part 2 will help you design an individual supplement program based on your age, sex, and health goals. Part 3 is an extensive A- to Z-guide that provides an overview, a list of benefits, suggested dosages, and concerns for the most effective dietary supplements and ingredients on the market. The appendix includes a dietary supplement diary and the author's Natural Thin Diet, which is basically a low-calorie, low-fat plan based on the Food Guide Pyramid that emphasizes the consumption of whole foods. --Ellen Albertson