Using the many tricks up her sleeve, nutritionist Evelyn Tribole can get just about anyone to eat healthy. Hate the thought of tofu? Try her Chocolate Marble Cheesecake, with tofu replacing some of the cream cheese. Her daughter did, and now she's a convert. Don't want to add fiber because it sounds so bland? Try her Dark Fudge Brownies, with puréed black beans giving each brownie as much fiber as a slice of whole wheat bread. With more than 100 recipes that sneak fiber, calcium, and other nutrients into the diet, Stealth Health can turn even the most devoted junk food junkie into a health nut. For "vegetable haters" there's Chicken Chile Verde, which features finely chopped spinach masquerading as green chilis. For "fruit skimpers," try the Purple Cow sMOOthie with mixed berries and nonfat frozen yogurt. And if you're a "milk miser," drink up your calcium in the delicious form of Home Express Coffee Latte. (Tribole came up with these and other labels to describe nutritional problem areas, and you can take her diagnostic quiz to find out which one fits you.) Each of the book's eight chapters features recipes, nutritional information, and charts showing five ways to "sneak" healthy foods into meals. And if you still need more convincing, Tribole weaves in the scientific evidence for the role of nutritious foods in fighting everything from cancer to osteoporosis to heart disease. Tribole, who has celebrity clients and has appeared on Good Morning America, says the way to get finicky children to eat healthy is to whip up one of her recipes without telling them the ingredients. "This approach works well with adults, too," she writes. "The basis of Stealth Health cooking is tasting is believing."