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Rating:  Summary: A poisoned perfume Review: Call a teaching "ancient" and "Eastern" and Westerners automatically assume it is positive and beneficial. It is true that the East has carried many secret traditions and it is true that there is a secret knowledge related to sexuality, but it is equally true that there are secret traditions of black magic and negative sexual practices. Taoist Alchemy (the subject of this book) is sprouted from the same root as Western Alchemy, and on both branches there have been White and Black schools. Unfortunately, innocent people do not realize there is a dinstinction between the two, and many have been seduced into theories and doctrines that speak of Love and Harmony and Health and even Immortality, but which are essential Black teachings (Black meaning "negative" or "Left-hand" schools). Know this: Taoist Alchemy is a tree of many branches, and there are many variants of the teachings, all of which use the same terms and concepts and sound very esoteric and impressive. All promise the Awakening of the Consciousness. But the Consciousness can be awakened postively, in the Light, or negatively, in the Darkness; and few Black schools call themselves Black. How do you tell the difference? Black schools recommend the students enjoy the orgasm. Grey Alchemists recommend the occasional spilling of the sexual energy. White Alchemists demand the complete renunciation of the orgasm. Of course, White Alchemy (Tantra) will not sell as many books, or attract many students, because this modern humanity is so identified with satisifying their desires. "For the way is wide and easy that leads to destruction." Sexual Energy is the most potent form of energy that exists; White Taoists conserve to rise to heaven. Black Taoists spill it to sink into the abyss. And the Grey ones are lukewarm, and invariably make no real progress. What's worse: the Black Taoists teach their students to conserve the energy for certain periods of time so that the instructor can use the student as a battery. This is called Vampirism. For more information, read "The Mystery of the Golden Blossom" or "The Perfect Matrimony" by Samael Aun Weor.
Rating:  Summary: A poisoned perfume Review: Call a teaching "ancient" and "Eastern" and Westerners automatically assume it is positive and beneficial. It is true that the East has carried many secret traditions and it is true that there is a secret knowledge related to sexuality, but it is equally true that there are secret traditions of black magic and negative sexual practices. Taoist Alchemy (the subject of this book) is sprouted from the same root as Western Alchemy, and on both branches there have been White and Black schools. Unfortunately, innocent people do not realize there is a dinstinction between the two, and many have been seduced into theories and doctrines that speak of Love and Harmony and Health and even Immortality, but which are essential Black teachings (Black meaning "negative" or "Left-hand" schools). Know this: Taoist Alchemy is a tree of many branches, and there are many variants of the teachings, all of which use the same terms and concepts and sound very esoteric and impressive. All promise the Awakening of the Consciousness. But the Consciousness can be awakened postively, in the Light, or negatively, in the Darkness; and few Black schools call themselves Black. How do you tell the difference? Black schools recommend the students enjoy the orgasm. Grey Alchemists recommend the occasional spilling of the sexual energy. White Alchemists demand the complete renunciation of the orgasm. Of course, White Alchemy (Tantra) will not sell as many books, or attract many students, because this modern humanity is so identified with satisifying their desires. "For the way is wide and easy that leads to destruction." Sexual Energy is the most potent form of energy that exists; White Taoists conserve to rise to heaven. Black Taoists spill it to sink into the abyss. And the Grey ones are lukewarm, and invariably make no real progress. What's worse: the Black Taoists teach their students to conserve the energy for certain periods of time so that the instructor can use the student as a battery. This is called Vampirism. For more information, read "The Mystery of the Golden Blossom" or "The Perfect Matrimony" by Samael Aun Weor.
Rating:  Summary: Review of J. Mcneils Latest Book Review: Having had an interest in Taoist philosophy and longevity techniques for several years, I found this book to be ideal. Mcneil's understanding of the subject can be seen because whilst other books tend to make this subject overly complex and longwinded, leaving the layman with a lot of homework to do to get round the circumlative language, this book is 'esoteric jargon free'. Theories which I have spent years studying and trying to understand were explained and turned out to not be so complex after all. The sign of a true master of any discipline is in his/her capacity to explain the subject in a down to earth manner to the average person, this book achieve this aim.A few more techniques may have been useful in the book, however, this is the first Taoist book I have read that has managed to also remain human. I have never given five stars to a book before but this one manages it. Excellent.
Rating:  Summary: response to 2 stars from California Review: Like most material that comes to us in life, ones personal Self is important, in my belief, to maintain, and not turn to someone elses experience in words or written material for complete and utter guidance. If one reads this book looking for complete assurance of infrormation and guidance in their sexual life, then you may be dissapointed. If you are looking for material that uses complex and redundant information, that will give the illusion the author possesses the expertise, this may not be the book for you. I personally feel that here is a man who has been taught deeply through his own personal experience with his teachers, has been schooled in this subject in a way that most of us today do not learn,as an apprentice in life, as a process that he actually went through himself , not by sitting in a classroom and being 'educated' from data in a book being spoken by a professor. To me, this personal learning experience of life from teacher to student is priceless. This book was written from such an exchange and is true. The writing may be basic, but what is essential to you? Is it the words you read or the what comes through, 'between the lines'? What is Sifu McNeil really trying to communicate? He is reminding us that sexual relationships are about two people equally, the giving and recieveing needs to be balanced between lovers, it is not about only pleasing the man or only pleasing the woman, but the beauty that will flow between both if there is respect, communication and listening. I appreciate the simple and honest way this book is written, it is straight forward and may be brash for some people, for he is not hiding behind big words. Perhaps if you feel that you have paid too much for not enough 'pages' of 'information' you might try these exercices daily for several months, and then see if you got your moneys worth.
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