Feng shui is an ancient Asian art that revolves around object placement in the home, garden, and workplace. In fact, feng shui specialists claim that the flow of chi (or energy) in the environment can directly affect our health, relationships, career, and even our checkbooks. Even toilet placement can affect the happiness of a marriage or the luck of young children. "In feng shui, chi is viewed as the ever-present force that circulates and moves in the environment," writes author Lillian Too. "...and wherever chi settles it brings a special kind of energy that attracts good fortune." Written as a lively, comprehensive guide to feng shui, this 360-page book is full of practical suggestions, stunning line drawings, lavish photographs, and just about everything you'd ever want to know about this age-old Chinese art form. The eight-part encyclopedia covers topics as diverse as "Using Mirrors to Deflect Bad Energy," "Overcoming Bad Feng Shui When Traveling," and "Good Feng Shui Trees." It also includes a thorough feng shui dictionary. Even if this all sounds like mumbo-jumbo superstition, it still makes a fascinating coffee-table book. (Just be sure to place it next to a succulent potted jade plant to ensure prosperity!) --Gail Hudson