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Rating: Summary: The Joy of Uncircumcising Review: Dr. Bigelow is able to succinctly reveal why circumcision is a hoax perpetuated on the American people. He also tells why the foreskin is an important, functional part of male anatomy. What sets this book apart, however, are the personal comments throughout it that really show how men in this country have been victimized by the medical profession and society. It's time to save our sons from the same abuse that the majority of American Men have endured. Our sons deserve to grow up intact just as much as our daughters do. There is no medical reason for circumcision. America is the only industrialized nation that still routinely circumcises, yet just about every aliment attributed to having a foreskin is lower or no higher in all of the industrialized countries that don't circumcise. For example, America has one of the highest HIV rates in the industrialized world. Circumcision has done nothing to stem the tide of HIV infection in this country. In fact, some studies show that circumcised men are at greater risk of contracting HIV. And, since the circumcised penis becomes keratinized and rough, it's probable that they are at greater risk for infecting others.Dr. Bigelow's book is wonderful both in its factual documentation of circumcision and in its personalization of the horror of circumcision. It's a must read for every man that has been circumcised, to realize what he's lost, and for every man that has not been circumcised, to realize how lucky he is. It is also a must read for women. It will help them to understand the hurt that most men in this country have suffered at the hands of the medical establishment and society. It will also help them to realize how lucky they are if they are fortunate enough to have an uncircumcised lover. Just a thought; the crime rate in this country increased almost lock-step with the circumcision rate. Now the circumcision rate is going down and so is the crime rate. I wonder if it's just a coincidence, or if crime is some how related to the violence most males experience just after birth.
Rating: Summary: A wonderfully known & written book on a sensitive subject. Review: How someone could post a hateful, upsetting, cruel and mean spirited response on here is sad. This book is recommended by many doctors and professionals. Its has been well known for years and the author is highly educated in this area and has helped many many people that were mutilated and disfigured. People want to restore surgical or non-surgical because they want to have normal functional sex organs and many do not want to be in pain and scared for the rest of there life. (...) ____________________Quoted Below_____________________________ It's hard to believe that an intelligent person would devote himself to stretching out what's left of men's foreskins with tape and fishing weights. This book is a cult classic -- bizarre, to say the least. ____________________End Quote________________________________
Rating: Summary: A wonderfully known & written book on a sensitive subject. Review: How someone could post a hateful, upsetting, cruel and mean spirited response on here is sad. This book is recommended by many doctors and professionals. Its has been well known for years and the author is highly educated in this area and has helped many many people that were mutilated and disfigured. People want to restore surgical or non-surgical because they want to have normal functional sex organs and many do not want to be in pain and scared for the rest of there life. (...) ____________________Quoted Below_____________________________ It's hard to believe that an intelligent person would devote himself to stretching out what's left of men's foreskins with tape and fishing weights. This book is a cult classic -- bizarre, to say the least. ____________________End Quote________________________________
Rating: Summary: The Joy of Uncircumcising Review: Must read practical advice for every man and woman in a circumcising culture. Fascinating and informative reading-- I read it in two days. It changed my life forever. Expectant mothers, wives, girlfriends, grandmothers-- all American women should read this book too. American women don't understand men because they don't comprehend circumcision. Reading this book will change that. Reading chapter two, "The Natural Penis"-- will make most Americans change their minds about what they prefer. That's a great chapter. It ends on page 18 with six illustrated drawings and a detailed description of the pleasure dynamics with male/female intercourse with an uncircumcised penis. A side note letter on the same page details the way the foreskin can be used for easy vaginal entry. Many side-line letters are included in this book to enhance the content with personal experiences and emotional stories. All of those were very interesting. I couldn't put this book down, and now I recommend it to everyone I know. Don't circumcise any more male babies. Read this book instead.
Rating: Summary: Cultish and fringe Review: The shocking story of male circumcision, a must-read for every man, expectant couple, pregnant woman, and anyone contemplating circumcising their boy, either as an infant or at an older age. Discusses alternatives to full circumcision for medical conditions (phimosis, tight foreskin) and details the loss of sensation and other important functions of the foreskin. Opened my eyes to the reality of regrowing my own prepuce. I have regrown about 1/2 inch and regained some lost sensation using the do-it-yourself techniques in this excellent book.
Rating: Summary: Anyone having a son should read this book Review: This book has helped thousands of men who feel they were mutilated by circumcision as infants take control and do something to regain what was taken from them. This book covers the history of circumcision, why it became so common in some countries, and why it is still so common today. It discusses the functions of the foreskin(more than just a flap of skin) and what is lost through circumcision, as well as the social implications of allowing this surgery and mutilitation to be carried out on our male children. I'm so glad I saw this book before I had my son, as well as reading other information. Like many Americans, my husband and I just figured that's what you do....and we were both glad when we found out circumcision is not nessicary, benificial, and that there is nothing wrong with being intact.
Rating: Summary: Anyone having a son should read this book Review: This book has helped thousands of men who feel they were mutilated by circumcision as infants take control and do something to regain what was taken from them. This book covers the history of circumcision, why it became so common in some countries, and why it is still so common today. It discusses the functions of the foreskin(more than just a flap of skin) and what is lost through circumcision, as well as the social implications of allowing this surgery and mutilitation to be carried out on our male children. I'm so glad I saw this book before I had my son, as well as reading other information. Like many Americans, my husband and I just figured that's what you do....and we were both glad when we found out circumcision is not nessicary, benificial, and that there is nothing wrong with being intact.
Rating: Summary: Inspiring and compassionate but dated Review: When I was a little boy, I thought that I would grow up to have a "weenie case" just like my father, who was intact. But this never happened. When I was an infant, my parents had authorized some doctor to amputate my foreskin--an operation my father would never undergo himself. Decades later, when I first learned about foreskin restoration, I thought it was ludicrous. Then I read Jim Bigelow's book. As I learned about what was forever taken from me, and as I made sense of the effect my loss had on my sexual relationships over the years, my attitude changed to bitterness and outrage, and then to a determination to make that little boy's hope come true.
The Joy of Uncircumcising discusses the state-of-the-art in surgical and self-applied non-surgical restoration methods that were known at the time of its publication; it does not mention the most popular method of non-surgical restoration: T-tape, and its variants. A newcomer to foreskin restoration is urged to conduct his own research (e.g., through web search engines), to discuss the matter with his physician (assuming one is fortunate enough to locate a physician who will not discount, from the cost-benefit analysis of involuntary neonatal circumcision, the increasingly widespread desire to become whole, and the time and commitment it takes to enjoy the improved cosmesis and sexual function--significantly, for both partners--of a restored foreskin) and to join at least one of the more popular restoration email discussion lists.
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