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Rating:  Summary: Great Idea, Less than perfect execution Review: There has been a quiet revolution in our understanding of an optimal diet. This book is an important step in the direction of changing the world from the old idea to the new idea.Old, Flawed Pyramid: Out with the old FDA idea of good diet ---- For decades the U.S. Government has pushed the idea that a low fat, high carbohydrate diet is ideal. Recent evidence suggests that high carbohydrate, in particular sugar and easy to digest processed carbohydrates like potatoes and rice, are bad for people. Carbohydrates cause increases in blood glucose and consequent insulin rises. These appear to cause both poor health and make people feel sleepy and low energy. New, Healthier Pyramid: Out with potatoes, in with olive oil ---------------------- The new view is that people should cut back on carbohydrates. What do we eat instead? One easy step is to always choose whole grains over processed. For example, brown rice over white. That slows down the glucose rise in blood and decreases the negative effects. Second, eating some fat is actually good for us! Eat Fat, but eat the right fats. ------------------ Contrary to the old view that all fats are bad, research now differentiates between different fats. As the good fat/bad fat counter writes (p 5), fat should be divided into four categories: Trans fat. "deadly" These are prevalent in highly processed foods like potato chips. Saturated fat. "Bad". Found in high amounts in butter, lard, and coconut oil. Red meats and cheese also have relatively high levels of saturated fat. Monounsaturated fat. "Excellent". Found in olive oil. Polyunsaturated fat. "Not only good, but essential". Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids improve blood lipid profile and increase health. Found in certain fish species. ---- So the book is great in getting us to think about fat in a more nuanced manner. In fact, along with spices, good fats are amoung the few "free lunches" in dieting. That is items that taste great to most humans and improve health. I do not, however, find this book very helpful in adjusting my diet. Unfortunately, this is the main goal of the book. It is a counter of fats. I don't find the tables at the back of the book to be laid out in a manner where I can get and use the information I need. The book suggest that a healthful diet might based on a new food pyramid based on a mediterranean diet. This pyramid is on page 92. While I find this to be better than the FDA pyramid, it still seems to have too much carbohydrate (although mainly the better carbohydrates). What I would find useful is a more detailed list of good and bad types of foods. Which fish are good and bad? Which meats are the worst. A one page pyramid with some more details would be great. I don't see that in this book although you could build your own from the long tables at the end. In summary, the change to fewer carbohydrates and more good fats is a hidden revolution in good eating. This book will help people improve their diet to get more pleasure from eating and have fewer health problems. Terry Burnham Cambridge, Mass
Rating:  Summary: Mighty Little Book Review: This is a small book, easy to read and chock full of important data on fats. I marked mine as I read so that I would be able to find the information that was pertinent to me. It is very well versed on all fats, especially trans fats. I have read very little about trans fats, but now, I am making a definite choice to stay away from this "bad fat". We are in the dark about trans fats because food manufactureres do not have to list these fats on their food labels the same as the saturated fats. This little book has inspired me to really look closer at what I am eating, or what is in the foods that I eat. I pulled all of the boxed foods out of my pantry and read the labels. I was amazed that 95% of these food products have trans fat. I filled up a large trash bag with these foods and have set it by the dumpster. I will, from now on, read every label and make a concerted effort to stay away from processed foods.I am now opting to make as much of my food from scratch in order to eliminate the health hazard that comes from eating fast foods and processed, boxed foods that are loaded with dynamite (trans fats). Americans are known to be a society of over weight people and it doesn't matter that we are eating low fat foods. We are still, unknowingly loading our selves down with foods that are full of bad fats. Let's get healthy and get back to taking the time and the energy to fix ourselves and our families good, decent meals that are healthy and health building. Do something great for your kids. Fix them something healthy at home and stay away from the fast food places.
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