This is a smart book. It knows that your solution for losing weight is not exactly like someone else's. It guides you through the process of tailoring your own 14-week weight-loss program, including food plans and exercise, taking into account your own lifestyle and preferences. Whether you want a program that counts calories, fat grams, or food exchanges, this workbook leads you to develop a sound program that will work for you. It recognizes that emotional issues are as instrumental as food choices, so the book addresses cravings, overeating triggers, weight-loss readiness, exercise motivation, realistic vs. unrealistic goals, lapses, and negative thinking. A sample week's menu plan with recipes is included, but the bulk of the book is about understanding your habits and making the changes you want to make. Reading this book will give you the tools to lose weight, but actually filling out the 30-plus worksheets will put those tools to work. In National Institutes of Health research studies, participants lost weight and reduced their fasting blood sugar (glucose) levels by using this workbook. The more worksheets they completed, the more weight they lost. So don't just read the book--fill out the worksheets. Although written specifically for people with (or at risk for) diabetes, this workbook will help anyone who wants to lose weight. --Joan Price