Rating:  Summary: NOTHING HAS CHANGED UNDER DEMOCRACY.. Review: Under Democracy, have benefited and exploited from the evil science of Hitler & Yamamoto - we used their research archives. We in the US have experimented on people in the name of science: 1) sterilized people of color ( american indians / blacks ); experiments with STD infected peoples of color, 2) exposed people to nuclear radiation & biological agents ( military service men ). 3) We continue to do so - if you consider a fetus a living being ( T/Stem-cell research ) We murder fetuses in the most gruesome way - partial birth abortion, We practice / promote population control - or genetic cleansing - if you consider the fact the majority of abortions are by poor people of color. We make by-products from fetal tissue - similar to the old adage of the "baby-skin lamp shade" that the Holocaust historians love to crow about. It was the great Democracy that made the first Atom bomb & dropped ( two of them ) on Japan - invented by Jewish scientists ( at least that is what they are claiming now ..- that Hiesenberg was not close to producing the bomb ). The ICBMs we have today are direct decendants from Hitlers V2 rocketry - brought to the US by Jewish scientists. The only difference between now and then - is that the victims are new, and the former victims are now participating in what this book raises as wickedly unethical behavior.
Rating:  Summary: Must read for those concerned with bioethics! Review: When I read The Origins of Nazi Genocide, which came out in 1995, the author referred to this original book concerning the physicians and scientists who had exploited the 'situation' in Germany to their own ends. I had also come across references to this book in many, many professional papers...yet, made the stupid decision that I didn't need to read it. I finally decided I had to read this when my advisor in science education recommended it because he was using it in teaching bioethics to science teachers.Though Friedlander's book is excellent, and was my introduction to The Medical Holocaust (especially as concerned the disabled) Lifton's book goes much further and deals with the physician/scientists within the concentration camps as well as in the psychiatric institutions which became involved in the killing machinery of the Nazis. Lifton's book explores the rationalizations made by these men to take advantage of a situation to experiment on those who could not give informed consent. Though Lifton tends to make a few speculations concerning motives from his interviews with physicians who were not prosecuted or were absolved of their involvement in these camps...his speculations are on target (mostly) and he backs up his statements with the words of these doctors from letters and interviews with those people who had the most to do with them: the prisoner physicians forced to work in these environments not only to save their own lives, but the lives of so many others. Of course, more information is in this book concerning the atrocities. Sometimes, I had to put the book down and leave it for a while because the information is so horrendous. It is so beyond belief that so many physicians could rationalize the experimentation, using a statement I've grown to recognize in legal documents and even in newspapers in the U.S. ('for the good of society'). I just cringe now when I see this or sentences like this. Science should never replace the rights of the individuals. And scientists are never objective...they have the same prejudices and biases that society has and it permeates their work...to the point of biasing the information they find. My only complaint about Lifton's book is occasional repetition or dwelling on certain topics/agendas. Sometimes, it seemed as if I had just reread the same pages, but Lifton was trying to make a point in most of these cases, or make a case for what he was saying... The need to teach ethics in all fields of endeavors, including medicine and research science is all the more important today. If we don't, the work of Lifton and FRiedlander to remind the world of the horrors of The MEdical Holocaust will have been in vain. The slippery slope is growing with advanced technology, genomics, cloning, and stem cell use, without the accompanying legal protections. The Nuremberg Code, etched into the history of mankind in 1947, seems to have been forgotten. To remind your students of the need for morals and ethics within all fields, this book is a necessary addition for required reading. I will certainly make it required for those I work with.... Karen Sadler, Science Education, University of Pittsburgh
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT!!!! Review: Written by a Jewish psychologist, this book should be required reading for anyone interested in Nazi Germany. Lifton explains the psychology behind the Nazi directives - how Hitler was able to convince a nation that it was Ok to exterminate millions of people with the stamp of approval by medical doctors. Of course, these doctors have their own stories - some performed horrible experiments on their concentration camp test subjects, some were Jewish doctors trying to minimize the pain of these experiments. The pages are filled with facts, personal stories, psychological commentary, and an insightful overview of the implementation of the Final Solution. This book clearly shows how this tragedy occurred and how truly close we are to having it occur again. It is not an easy read because it will make you think and make you feel...and hopefully, make you change.