Rating:  Summary: Sane, sound and scriptural: Alternative Medicine evaluation Review: This ambitious project by Doctors O'Mathuna and Larimore exceeded my expectations. Their clearly stated purposes are: to point out benefits of alternative medicine; to explain the potential risks of alternative medicine; to anticipate the reader's questions; provide objective answers. Starting with overviews and definitions of alternative and conventional medicine, they acknowledge the limitations of both types of medicine and explore some follies perpetrated over the centuries in the names of both orthodoxy and alternatives. They then move on to discuss Christian principles of health. Their definition of holistic health does not narrowly view it as the pursuit of physical health solely, but as part of the means to a successful life that includes physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects. They also offer well-researched biblical explanations for illness and suffering. Lastly, they offer advice on how to pursue good health. This last section is somewhat lacking in its own academic rigor as far as documenting the efficacy of their recommendations. However, I found all of their listed suggestions to be very reasonable. It is hard to argue with advocates of preventative health care visits, exercise and balanced diets. The authors' spiritual analysis of each therapy, measuring each against a bible-based standard, sets this book apart from others. Such information is important because of the current trend to equate some health behaviors with spiritual maturity, or to presume that "anything that works must be good (or from God)." O'Mathuna and Larimore carefully look at each treatment or supplement to evaluate possible spiritual implications, using as much of the original source materials in each area as possible. They also present both the overt and covert spiritual worldviews of the therapies' practitioners. Some of these are incompatible with biblical truth, and Christians must steer clear of them. However, both authors also acknowledge that sometimes one's choice of health behaviors (e.g. dietary choices) comes down to a personal conviction and not a biblical command. Before diving into their evaluation of each specific therapy, they present how they objectively evaluate them to determine effectiveness and safety. Their concise primer on the scientific method and statistics is helpful for any reader unskilled in critically evaluating the medical literature. They briefly discuss their statistical methods, why and how the methods originated, and then freely acknowledge the limitations and weaknesses statistical methods have and their need for continued refinements. If you are looking for a sweeping condemnation of all alternative medicine, you will be disappointed (and shame on you anyway). They clearly state when there is good evidence for the effectiveness of alternative therapies, even if it ruffles the feathers of some conventionalists. Conversely, they are willing to sternly warn of the ineffectiveness, wastefulness, and potential dangers of therapies that do not meet their objective standards. They base their reviews on the best international literature available. This use of international literature is particularly important given that many of the best studies available, and in some cases the only studies done, were not performed in the United States or published in English-based journals. After a short explanation of how to interpret some of their smiley faced and check-marked tables, they launch into a structured analysis of alternative medical practices that includes acupuncture, biofeedback, magnet therapy, Tai Chi, yoga and 35 other modalities. The book's last major section succinctly evaluates 56 herbal remedies, vitamins and dietary supplements. The `medicinal herbs' reviewed include ones familiar and foreign to me, such as: aloe, ephedra, milk thistle, pennyroyal, vitamin C, and zinc. They neither trample on nor trumpet any given supplement. Rather, they apply consistent standards and report their results. O'Mathuna and Larimore's research helps patients and practitioners alike to avoid alternative therapies that are medically dangerous, drains to their pocketbooks, and in some cases, spiritually worrisome. On the other hand, for modalities or supplements of proven value, they inform the reader as to what specific condition(s) they treat and how to determine how much active element an herbal or vitamin product contains. This is an excellent, readable resource for health practitioners and patients alike. Alternative medicines and therapies are used by up to 40 percent of patients. Most patients and practitioners alike are woefully uneducated about the data that supports or disapproves the efficacy of these non-conventional approaches. Similarly, most Christians are unaware of the spiritual significance the practitioners of some of these therapies ascribe to them, with attendant dangers. In my opinion, neither the giver nor the receiver of health care can afford to be without this valuable reference.
Rating:  Summary: Essential addition to your library Review: This book is truly unique. With scientific excellence and compassion, O'Mathuna and Larimore give readers an outstanding resource on alternative medicine. The book works well whether you are a health care practitioner or a layperson considering using an alternative modality for your health. The book is also worth having if you are not a Christian, for although they write from this viewpoint, it contains scientifically sound advice for all faiths.The authors begin the book by reviewing what Alternative Medicine is. Then, they move to quickly diffuse the frequent conflict between "conventional" and "alternative" medicine by giving a brief history of how "conventional" medicine came to be conventional. After a few chapters on specifically Christian concerns regarding health care, pain, and suffering. They also provide a balanced review of what kind of problems to watch out for in Alternative Medicine (e.g., outright fraud, etc.). Then, they turn to perhaps one of the most clearly written exposition of evidence-based medicine for the layperson, entitled: "How science tests therapies and remedies." This helpful chapter is the springboard into the practical portion of the book (pages 133-477). Those hundreds of pages list alphabetically, the majority of alternative medicine modalities in existence today. Included are a text review and a summary section for each, describing what indications the modality is used for, and separately listing on a scale of -4 to +4 how helpful the evidence suggests the therapy is. Additionally, in the text, as they discuss the evidence, they rate how reliable the evidence is (i.e., what type of study), which is very helpful. To summarize, this is a well organized book for a wide-variety of audiences. I have found it a worthy reference in a conventional medical practice context. John B. Waits, MD
Rating:  Summary: Spiritually Sound Evidence Based Christian Medical Advice Review: What a concept, and what a wonderful reference book! It is well laid out, and chocked FULL of useful information. The authors do a wonderful job of thouroughly researching the scientific information available on alternative medical therapies, then presenting it in an easy to understand format. The most impressive part of each chapter is the thoughtful spiritual guidance given, based on Christian doctrine and values. This book is a must for every Christian home and medical office.
Rating:  Summary: Easy as 1-2-3 Review: With the seemingly unending stream of quick fix potions and diets, it is refreshing to find a no-fluff, no-sales pitch diagnostic of our options. Each item is discussed in user-friendly terms and is organized neatly for full digestion. The integration of spiritual guidance throughout the work serves to bring finality to this masterful work. Thank you for this valuable resource.