Rating:  Summary: Alternative Medicine: the Christian Handbook Review: Alternative Medicine: the Christian Handbook represents an invaluable contribution to Christian professionals, lay leaders, and individuals interested in one stop shopping for accurate information regarding a field characterized by misinformation. The authors have developed a well-organized presentation of factual material that comprehensively addresses alternative medicine from the Christian perspective. As gerontologist and as an advocate and expert in the area of successful aging, this book meets a genuine need for a reliable guide and resource on the subject. Furthermore, the text is easy to read, enjoyable, and should retain the interest of most readers on the subject. Its content should prove helpful to those interested in remaining healthy and intelligently informed about the evidence regarding alternative medicine. The authors appropriately incorporate Christian thinking about health, and they base their ideas on sound Biblical principles. Each chapter is organized to maintain the reader's interest, and to respond to the reader's likely questions. In particular, this text should be recommended reading for Christian seniors interested in aging successfully God's way.
Rating:  Summary: A Helpful Resource Review: As a family physician, I find a lot of my patients bombarded with misinformation concerning complementary and alternative therapies. Most of this misinformation is based on feelings and conjecture, with little attempt made to provide any scientific basis for a recommendation. Often, the only basis is "It's good for me, so it must be true!" This is a book I can recommend to my patients who are looking for a resource that is scientifically grounded and clear about its worldview (biblical). The first third of the book is a nice primer for the layperson who wants to objectively evaluate any traditional or alternative therapy. The final two-thirds of the book specifically discusses numerous alternative therapies, with helpful recommendations for further reading. After using and recommending this book for about 2 months, I have received positive feedback from patients, and I have found it personally helpful as well.
Rating:  Summary: Practical and Biblically based resource... Review: Could you use a practical resource that gives alternative medicinal practices an honest and unbiased review--then you should read ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE. If you are looking for a resource enhanced with Biblically based counsel concerning alternative approaches to medicine, then look no further, you will absolutely love this book. You do not have to have a Doctor's degree to understand this material. It is written in easy-to-understand language the average lay-person will appreciate. I highly recommend this medical reference manual.
Rating:  Summary: More than one way to consider alternative medicines. Review: I had to give this book 2 stars for the parts which explain what alternative therapies are and what the philosophies are behind each one. And I also do respect the point of view taken by the writers, being medical doctors, that they cannot approve of something that has not been thoroughly tested and proven to work in the same way Western medicine is tested before being approved. However, this is not the only way to view such remedies. Many of the remedies they examined have been used with success for thousands of years in Eastern medicine or primitive cultures that are not dominated by modern medicine. Natural remedies work very differently than modern medicines, so that you will not get the same types of results you would expect from scientific testing. Modern medicine does not understand things like balancing the chakras or equalizing the yin-yang in a person, which is much different than the pathology-based theories that modern doctors operate on. Spiritually speaking, I did not appreciate the point of view in this book. It seems to indicate that Christians should be spiritually paranoid, which I think is a mistake. There is wisdom to be gained in such ancient things that we need not fear, as long as we are not worshipping other gods or being led estray to follow other doctrines. Many Christians do turn to alternative remedies when modern medicine fails them, or they want something more natural to heal them. And the spiritual aspects of those methods don't bother them anymore than the spiritual aspects of modern medicine (everything has an underlying philosophy, even Western medicine). For my part, I have seen and experienced the positive effects of using natural remedies, and I found this book to be mostly negative in its anlysis rather than helpful, and I think it writes off many remedies which many people are finding quite helpful.
Rating:  Summary: More than one way to consider alternative medicines. Review: I had to give this book 2 stars for the parts which explain what alternative therapies are and what the philosophies are behind each one. And I also do respect the point of view taken by the writers, being medical doctors, that they cannot approve of something that has not been thoroughly tested and proven to work in the same way Western medicine is tested before being approved. However, this is not the only way to view such remedies. Many of the remedies they examined have been used with success for thousands of years in Eastern medicine or primitive cultures that are not dominated by modern medicine. Natural remedies work very differently than modern medicines, so that you will not get the same types of results you would expect from scientific testing. Modern medicine does not understand things like balancing the chakras or equalizing the yin-yang in a person, which is much different than the pathology-based theories that modern doctors operate on. Spiritually speaking, I did not appreciate the point of view in this book. It seems to indicate that Christians should be spiritually paranoid, which I think is a mistake. There is wisdom to be gained in such ancient things that we need not fear, as long as we are not worshipping other gods or being led estray to follow other doctrines. Many Christians do turn to alternative remedies when modern medicine fails them, or they want something more natural to heal them. And the spiritual aspects of those methods don't bother them anymore than the spiritual aspects of modern medicine (everything has an underlying philosophy, even Western medicine). For my part, I have seen and experienced the positive effects of using natural remedies, and I found this book to be mostly negative in its anlysis rather than helpful, and I think it writes off many remedies which many people are finding quite helpful.
Rating:  Summary: THE "must have" alternative medicine reference guide Review: I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the author's detailed and thoughtful exploration and evidence-based approach to an area that had been very confusing for me. I also appreciate the information about the spiritual implications of the more common alternative medicine practices. Quite honestly, in order to attempt to keep up with the volumes of evidence-based information that seems to grow daily in conventional medicine, I have largely avoided becoming more informed in the arena of alternative medicine. However, rarely a week goes by that I am not asked by my patients about some herbal treatment, alternative therapy or new "miracle remedy". In the past my approach has been to explain that most of these therapies are relatively untested. After reviewing with them any obvious interactions that I am aware of, I would explain that if they seem to feel better, the choice was up to them. I could not recommend one way or the other. This has bothered me but without a reliable resource of plainly and concisely written EVIDENCE-BASED information I felt the task was simply too time consuming and overwhelming. After reading this well written handbook I am convinced that this is a book that will have a prominent place on my office bookshelf and will be used frequently. I have already used it to answer questions that patients, colleagues and friends have presented in recent weeks. I have and will recommend it to my colleagues and patients. I especially appreciate the concise, honest and open reviews of the history and theories behind conventional and alternative medicine therapies. As a Christian physician I also appreciate the reviews of danger areas in alternative medicine therapies that might otherwise seem innocent to the uninformed observer. I am thankful to Drs. Mathuna and Larimore for their clear, concise, scientific, Biblical and easy to use reference guide. I highly recommend it to both medical practitioners and patients.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Review: I know Dr. O'Mathuna personally and he is a wonderful person. He taught one of my classes in my BSN program. This book is just a small piece of his knowledge. It is wonderfully written. If anyone ever has the opportunity to meet him or hear him speak, it is worth the time. The book is a great summary of his vast knowledge.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderul Review: I know Dr. O'Mathuna personally as he taught one of my classes in my BSN program. He is very well articulated and this book is a wonderful summary of his vast knowledge. If you ever have the opportunity to hear him speak or meet him, it is worth the time. This book is highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderul Review: I know Dr. O'Mathuna personally as he taught one of my classes in my BSN program. He is very well articulated and this book is a wonderful summary of his vast knowledge. If you ever have the opportunity to hear him speak or meet him, it is worth the time. This book is highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Very Disappointed Review: I was excited to receive this book based on the positive reviews it has earned on this forum. However, when I received it, I was disappointed and even disturbed by the authors' viewpoint. I found them to be more sympathetic toward new age modes of exercise and healing than they were to fellow Christians who are encouraging others to eat better for better health. I have seen, read, and heard testimonies of many people who have overcome major health challenges by changing their diet. This book takes the stale outdated medical viewpoint that diet and raw foods doesn't make that much of a difference. Definitely would not recommend this book to anyone. If you're looking for a natural way for healing, watch Dr. Lorraine Day's videos, or read a book about raw foods and juicing.