As the old hair-coloring commercials used to say, you're not getting older, you're getting better. In this sophisticated little picture book, Véronique Vienne, bestselling author of (The Art of Doing Nothing and The Art of Imperfection) and a feature writer for magazines such as Martha Stewart Living and Redbook, contends that growing up doesn't simply mean you're not getting younger anymore; it means you're finally at the point in life where the real fun begins. After all, Julia Child didn't write her first bestselling cookbook until she was 49, Harry Truman wasn't elected to national office until he was 50, and Paul Cezanne didn't have a major exhibit of his paintings until he was 65. The "second part of your life is second to none," she writes, and the best is yet to come. In 10 essays complemented by 25 duotone photographs, Vienne advises us to begin anew by throwing away old things ("outgrowing is part of growing up"), letting go of what's become obsolete, and reinventing adulthood ("become the kind of grown-up who makes young people wish they were pushing 40, 50 or even 60"). In short, get comfortable in your skin, with your intelligence, with your soul. The message is: growing up has little do with age--and everything to do with making your life easier, happier, and more fun. No doubt, this savvy little gift book will get lucky recipients on the right track. --Nancy Monson