Rating:  Summary: A wonderful starting point Review: As someone who is totally new to the idea of twin souls, I found this to be a great starting point. Very well written and easy to understand, how could anyone go wrong with this book. A must have for the spirtualist library.
Rating:  Summary: Never Knew This Was Possible Until- Review: I agree with almost all mentioned aspects of reviews contained on this page. Additionally, that the book appears to be outdated to today's evolution. Nor can any one experience of such nature be put into mere words alone or molded to one set way of occurrence. I do respectfully commend the courage behind the words in this book and respect the writer's own thoughts and experience. Most of the facts and perspectives were one of the best I have found in written materials regarding this topic. I think it's a better book to at least "paint a picture" to most people not familiar with the topic or thought or experience. However, I would greatly embrace future reading materials on this topic that are both updated and expanded portraying profound perspectives and the allowance to one's own experience and open mind... way. To date, most materials don't do the experience adequate justice - they do not caputure it's truth. Yet, I still take from them something. So, all are part of the whole and all contribute something to my own truth. But perhaps, I will read it for a third time.As a modern independent woman in today's world, I can say I was raised with more trad'l values... However, also with the freedom to embrace the individuality of me to evolve in becoming my own -a balance of both and the ultimate power of simply who I am... Labeled by nothing, yet simply me!!! I can also say, I found the book pointed more towards femininity and also a balance of masculinity and femininity to both parts. The scope of those issues from a spiritual standpoint is exponential with an unspoken or unwritten definition. It surpasses our normal conscious understanding. So, the book would also mean that the defined woman without balance of both couldn't experience such an occurence. - Same with a man not comfortable with or having balanced out his feminine traits. I, however, didn't walk away from reading this one (twice now) to conclude only a "barefoot, in the kitchen" woman could only ever be so lucky to deserve such things! But maybe that is because I am sure in the woman (or "spirit") of who I am and my path in life, world, faith... Truth. More over, anyone truly encountering this experience is a highly evolved being possessing distinct awareness on a Universal level - of also being both... One. So, it could not be trapped in a black and white, one-dimensional realm. - It's both... It's all. If one must deduce a demoralized, smaller version of women, then what about the man to attain such an experience as well? - Ah... the real answer here is that you have to evolve to be who you are and remain true to that. And also that, respectively, no one story could be the same in this particular attainment. God speaks to all, allows for all truths - that ultimate truth of us! Lest I mind you, people come about their truths in different ways. Consequently, it pretty much comes down to your own path and enlightenment and balance of both and your ultimate desire of capacity for love and life... Your truth. No man or woman should have to give up their identity or choice of self, light, life or personal power to fit a stereotype! That only falsifies the very ideal or existence of such possibility of experience. Therefore, I conclude, I did not take away that you couldn't attain the fruition of said experience by succumbing to silencing your voice or the spirit of you - man or woman. This experience is about ultimate balance and maturity of unconditional love. A tempered, yet divinely beautiful gift of fruits beyond fruits. That is, after all, mutual existing positive power in and of itself... it's existence. And true love is found from the knowing within - period. Yes, as with every experience, I walked away from reading this one, having absorbed the parts useful to me... to evolve with my own experience and thoughts. All the while, still holding true to the way I choose to live, my experience, and truth of me. Further, what compliments that truth is... balance.
Rating:  Summary: What a Wonderful Book! Review: I am very new to this idea of Twin Souls and found this book to be very helpful. This book is almost like taking a course! The book is easy to understand and puts every aspect into order. I was not confused or discouraged. I learned more than I thought possible. If wanting a good book on the understanding of Twin Souls, then this is the book to have.
Rating:  Summary: warning - lurking sexism Review: I found this able to depict the twinsoul experience in greater detail than most. Still doesn't dive into all depths of the true experience which is indescribable, but I'm sure unique to each situation. Extraordinarily telling most or part of the experience, it does provide a reassuring touch. In current times this process has been sped up the most it has and only will become more apparent as persons born in the past decades of years continue to evolve their growth and awaken/enahance to consciousness. Due to the transformation of global life, more than at any other time we are now seeing true twinsoul reunions ready & strong/capable of all obtainable & absorption of deeper truths. This is for various/great reasons, including leadership to open, healing, connecting the gaps and growth. I am not saying more in mass numbers as I am more real complete matches of those deeper levels revealed and connected upon to experience here. Twinsouls coming together now are the continual ultimate harmonic reunion and knowledge unveiled. The experience is too sacred/private and beyond what most people could understand unless it is experienced. Too hard to write into words alone. It can leave too much room for misinterpretation. It's easy for people to ridicule something they do not understand. It isn't people living in fantasyland in the sense of making something what they want it to be but yet it actually is experiencing a very real fantasy trandsceded in your life in ways of profound truths. (impeccable strengths among them) However a great thing, this book's able to also reach people that aren't at this level of spiritual development/experience yet and help with their openness to embrace the level they are at, thus aiding in the process of opening to life and growth. All things equal/connected. //The Twinsoul reunion & experience is a great beautiful gift.// The authors did a terrific job in putting this one together & it's an incredible book... if you're truly ready for the topic or self-growth. WML.
Rating:  Summary: It's No Accident You Have Found Each Other Review: Not only is it no accident that you are seeking out information on twin souls or twin flames at this time, it is no accident that you find each other. This is a time when many twin souls are reuniting. Authors Joudry and Pressman describe the Divine Plan of the Soul's masculine and feminine aspects, seemingly separate, yet eternally linked, as each journeys through individual growth to at last reunite into conscious soul unfoldment together. This book clearly explains the process, provides you with the steps of preparation, the keys to recognizing your twin, recounts stories of several twin soul encounters, and inspires your own growth. It is written in a poetic prose that is filled with the awe and the rapture appropiate to the momentousness of two twins coming together in consciousness and unconditional love. I loved this book and have used it as my "bible," having found it after I had met my twin, but didn't know how to articulate the experience. TWIN SOULS gave me the words and much more understanding of the events occurring in my life. I found it so reassuring that dozens of things that had happened to me were similarly described right there in the book as examples of what may occur between twins as they come together. I am immensely grateful for the guidance this book has given to me.
Rating:  Summary: Twin Souls : Finding Your True Spiritual Partner Review: Only one who is truly looking for their twin soul or who has found their twin soul will truly understand the authors indepth book. Mere words just cannot describe how I felt while reading this book. Finally I understood what my twin soul and I were experiencing! While reading this book it all became clear and our relationship makes sense along with so many other things that concern our lives. The sameness that we both experience in thought finally made sense while reading the book. It is taking me a long time to read it because I savor every word and sentence... Only someone who has experienced meeting their twin soul will truly understand like these authors have. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for making it clear to me. I can highly recommend this book to anyone who has either met or is looking to meet their soul mate. This book's descriptions about how twin souls feel or always right on the botton. It is eerie how well this book was written. It is truly worth every penny. My thank you again to the authors for putting my thoughts into words.
Rating:  Summary: A very interesting book!!! Review: The book was well written and provided useful information in how one prepares for the union of twin souls. It also provided the nature of twin soul relationship and what "signs" would be present" when you meet your twin soul as well as the conflicts/obstacles that might arise during the union. In the end of the book are examples of couples whom the author believes as twin souls.
I would say that this is a book that tackles a very interesting subject (especially for the romantic at heart). I am still not sure if it's real. Only time will tell. I only know that the very idea that someone out there maybe your "twin soul" can provide great peace and contentment for those who are already in a great & loving relationship, hope for those who waits and believes, and comfort for those in who are in a "less ideal" relationship. Hopefully, I found mine along with the book. My husband gave it to me.
Rating:  Summary: Never Knew This Was Possible Until- Review: There needs to be a more updated approach to writing about the subject of this book. I did think the layout and explanation of the subject matter was put in a way most people could understand. I felt there was more that was intentionally not written and if you're going to tackle a subject of this degree why not go all out and say what you know or have experienced? I've gone through this over the past five months of my life and you can't understand unless you've experienced it. It defies explanation until I read this book. I give it 3 out of 5.I thought I was going crazy and knew I wasn't! My family and friends think I'm living in a coocoo's nest!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Twin Soul Book Review: This book came to me at a time when I was mulling the difference between soulmates and twin souls. The book has helped re-affirmed many things for me. From what I have understood, soulmates are people one feels an affinity to. It could be your parents, children, friends, siblings, spouses or may even be a relative. It could be a soulmate in several areas or only be in one area (such as a soulmate in music, or sports etc). It's very easy to relate to soulmates. There is a certain ease in relaying things and these people can easily understand you because their personalities are very much like yours. However, they cannot automatically perceive your feelings and yearnings because aside from GOD only your a twin soul has a full understanding of who you are and your emotions because you are 'the other half of the same person.' A twin soul is a twin in everything, in happiness and sadness. It is almost like a "FORCED MARRIAGE" because you really have no say in who your twin soul is. However, it is not a bad thing. A twin soul is also a soulmate in all areas. This person knows you inside and out. And when the right time comes for the union, it will happen without much effort and with much "magic". For people who found their twin souls the feeling is phenomenal. It's Indescribable. Time stops. You can look at this person and drown in this person's eyes. The mere thought of the person seem to make you smile and everything happier. The mere mention of the person's name makes you want to kiss the person when around and yearns for the person when away. This person, your soul would recognize, is your true destiny. You will be blown away by the knowledge that there really can be nobody else you can love more, in all the world. And if you try to look deeply enough, you will see your very own soul. However, this is also a matter of readiness between the two, the willingness to accept the gift and to fight for it no matter what. I am speaking also from experience. Many years ago, someone who I believe now is a twin revealed himself in my dream. The dream was a recurring one. There, this person was filled with sadness and praying to GOD to call me in his life. Every night I would see this person in my dream call me and say the same prayers. For years, I ignored these dreams. But it was like "a call" that had a certain pull on me. Everything after that was like "MAGIC". Reading this book is like reading everything that I had experienced except the book cannot really share the "fullness" of the reality of it. Because one has to experience it to know that.
Rating:  Summary: A great book! Review: This is a great book, and I would recommend it to people who are ready for the experience, or for those who want to prepare for the meeting with their twin souls. Personally, I find that it is easier to deal with soulmates than twin souls. Dealing with twin souls can sometimes pull into surface many things that each individual wouldn't want to deal with. Many have mentioned their wonderful experiences with their twin souls which were covered in most of this book. But my experience with my twin soul was far from it. I have met my twin soul many years ago and it scared the heck out of me. It was the knowing, not the feeling, that the person is the twin. There are some people, like me, who can just tell this things. We just don't brag about it because people will say we're crazy! Then, there are those, like my twin soul, who second guess a lot. But I was extremely blessed because this kind of experience is very rare. Especially, considering the fact that there are several of soulmates and only one twin soul. The chances of meeting a soulmate vs. a twin soul are better. You have to be on an extremely high spiritual level to unite with a twin soul. This is the only way, I find, the twin will gravitate towards you. This is how we found each other. Second, you have to know yourself very well because if your twin soul is your other half, there is no way you will recognize your twin if you don't know yourself. This is a gift which I have been fortunately blessed with. I recognized him rightaway. It is also true that there are people who run. I almost did. But I did not. As I have mentioned, my meeting with my twin soul was not the happily ever after that one might come to expect. The reason for this was because my twin soul and I were just not ready for each other. When we met, it was so surreal. I could not believe how much I love him. I didn't even know why I did. It was like the more I know him, the more I love him. It was the kind of love that grew everyday and I could not seem to stop. All these things did not make any sense at all. It scared me. I also know he was feeling the same thing as well. My problem was everything that he ever said and done indicated to me mixed messages. I felt that everything that came out of his mouth, no matter how unintentional, effectively pushed me away without him knowing. After some time, I was convinced that a future between us was not to be. He was hesitant to let go and yet too insecure to hold on. That scared me even more. With the kind of love I have for him, I was not willing to risk it all for someone who is not sure of himself. It would be a kind of loss I will not recover from. So I took back what's left of myself and left the ball in his court. I then come to realize that he needed the time to really know himself well. It was the main reason why he was very insecure. The only way for that was for me to pull away. In the end, everything worked out as expected. He did know himself better now. Although as to finding himself, I am not too sure. What he does now is up to him. The only thing that bothers me are occassions of his depression. I sometimes feel that. There are times that I wonder if I had been unfair. But the love between twin souls are always true, and true love always wants the best for the beloved. I did my best and what I thought was best for him. I am now happily married to a soulmate who is helping me to be an even better person. Our babies (we're expecting twins) are going to be born any day now. My husband and I are so excited to welcome them. Although it is true that I would choose my twin soul always over anyone else at any time, I have learned that there are many experiences that I still need to have to be truly ready for a twin soul union. Everyone must at any level of spiritual development do their best to be happy and at peace within themselves. This is my advice for everyone who met their twin at the time before they are ready. I am giving this advice because rightafter deciding to separate from my twin soul, I used to feel lost. Life at that time seem to have lost it's meaning. At the time, I could not fully understand why that kind of "disaster" has occurred. But this is what has to happen to unite me to a future that is best for me. Then later union with my twin soul.
Again, I like this book because it did cover all aspects of twinsoulship. I just thought to share this area since it is less thought of.