Before Simple Abundance was a bestselling book, it was a highly successful workshop taught by author Sarah Ban Breathnach. Returning to the workshop format, Ban Breathnach has written this workbook-style companion guide. Devised as a month-by-month course, this 12-chapter book offers reflective lessons on topics such as "Choice As a Spiritual Gift," "The Love of Play," and "Sacred Connections." At the end of each chapter Ban Breathnach lists "Soul Assignments," which include penetrating questions alongside lighthearted assignments: going on "creativity excursions" or learning to "color outside the lines" of life. Ban Breathnach possesses a contagious playfulness that permeates the book's workshop structure. Critics call her frivolous, but fans call her inspirational. Even her resources promise a good time, including her amusing appendix on "Cinematherapy," which lists suitable movies for every chapter. (For example, chapter 3, "Romancing the Soul," could be enhanced by watching Love in the Afternoon or A Man and a Woman.) "Consider this workbook a personal tutorial," she writes. "Just you and me.... But please let's think girls' night out instead of study group as we sift and sort. Gratefully, I've finally learned to choose fun over earnestness any day of the week, and I'm not going back. How about you?" Not a chance, Sarah. Not a chance. --Gail Hudson