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Rating:  Summary: A must-read for every woman Review: Dr. Arnot has taken the terrifying subject of breast cancer and produced a book which is full of hope and specific information for how this dreaded disease may be prevented or reversed. The book begins with a highly informative and readable explanation of what is known to date about breast cancer and its causes.I like this book, and recommend it highly, for several reasons: 1) Dr. Arnot has made the physiological processes surrounding breast cancer accessible to the reader by using analogies and simple, non-technical (as much as possible) language. 2) The message of hope is the underlying principle of the book. The reader learns that breast cancer develops as a result of a large number of factors working together, and that there are many steps along the way before an actual cancer develops. 3) The book gives specific instructions for dietary and other lifestyle changes which can interrupt the process at various steps along the way. In other words, there is not just one tiny window of opportunity, but many, many things we can do to stack the odds in our favor that we won't get the disease, or to decrease it if we already have it. 4) The dietary and lifestyle changes recommended by Dr. Arnot are simple and make good sense. Most have other benefits, in addition to preventing breast cancer. For example, he recommends lowering the intake of fats, and eliminating certain types of fats. He also recommends a regular exercise program. It is well-known that reducing dietary fat intake, and following an exercise regimen also reduces the odds of developing cardiovascular disease. Read this book as soon as possible. Get an extra copy for your mom, your sister, your daughter, your best friend.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent. Take command of your own HEALTH. Review: Dr. Robert Arnot is affectionately known to millions of American tv viewers as "Dr. Bob" because of his accessability given the medium. Do not use this familiarity as an excuse to belittle or undermine his scientific and/or medical integrity.This book is a concisely written, highly readable GEM. Arnot's recommendations are easy to implement, and will definitely result in improved nutritional status for women who currently "enjoy" our Standard American Diet (SAD). (Which is notoriously nutrient, phytochemical, and fiber poor, while being replete with saturated and damaged fats, as well as with nutrient depleting and insulin-stimulating simple sugars.)If you are truly interested in the maintenance of health and prevention of cancer (as well as heart disease), not merely with "early detection" or "improved drug treatment protocol" buy this book - read, study and learn.Honor your body and its femaleness. Send love to your breasts. Follow Arnot's well-researched, well-documented recommendations: Enjoy a high-fiber, low GI, phytochemical and soy rich diet that is rounded out with healthful fats.THRIVE, and LIVE to tell your daughters, sons and granddaughters about it all.
Rating:  Summary: Better now, than later... Review: First, every woman I care about, my friends, sisters, mom, etc., will be getting a copy of this book as their next gift from me! Dr. Arnot gives example after example of medical research PLUS lifestyles of women all over the world showing better health than most Americans, revealing what scientists believe attribute to it! Unless every word and Doctor, or school referenced are all liars, this book is a LIFESAVE. Scientist have come a long way. They don't just say "don't eat this, but eat that" and you'll be fine. That's too simple. They know much more than that now and we need to take advantage of that. If they say breakfast is important, always eat SOMETHING, than that's what we should do! If you want a fiction book, or an easy fix, or if you want to ramble about how research in mice has little to do with humans, than keep fooling yourself. I'll take all the help a reputable doctor or scientist or medical college wants to give to prolong my life AND give me GOOD HEALTH at the same time. Many of us ae having our children late in life. My youngest was born when I was 38. I've got to live a long time to be there for her. My mother had me at 18! She's 70 now and I love having her around. I trust there is nothing in Dr. Bob's book that will hurt me -- but that will only help me. Should I still go to the doctor? OF COURSE!!! I have been getting yearly mamograms for 15 years, and only this year did I have a a small spot. I'm to get another exam in May 2002. I'm worried. They think it's nothing and say MOST OF THEM ARE BENIGN. What if i'm one of those woman not so lucky? I am not sure about Soy Isoflavones (the dosage) although Dr. Bob talks about it. Thanks, and KEEP READING!! ...
Rating:  Summary: Better now, than later... Review: First, every woman I care about, my friends, sisters, mom, etc., will be getting a copy of this book as their next gift from me! Dr. Arnot gives example after example of medical research PLUS lifestyles of women all over the world showing better health than most Americans, revealing what scientists believe attribute to it! Unless every word and Doctor, or school referenced are all liars, this book is a LIFESAVE. Scientist have come a long way. They don't just say "don't eat this, but eat that" and you'll be fine. That's too simple. They know much more than that now and we need to take advantage of that. If they say breakfast is important, always eat SOMETHING, than that's what we should do! If you want a fiction book, or an easy fix, or if you want to ramble about how research in mice has little to do with humans, than keep fooling yourself. I'll take all the help a reputable doctor or scientist or medical college wants to give to prolong my life AND give me GOOD HEALTH at the same time. Many of us ae having our children late in life. My youngest was born when I was 38. I've got to live a long time to be there for her. My mother had me at 18! She's 70 now and I love having her around. I trust there is nothing in Dr. Bob's book that will hurt me -- but that will only help me. Should I still go to the doctor? OF COURSE!!! I have been getting yearly mamograms for 15 years, and only this year did I have a a small spot. I'm to get another exam in May 2002. I'm worried. They think it's nothing and say MOST OF THEM ARE BENIGN. What if i'm one of those woman not so lucky? I am not sure about Soy Isoflavones (the dosage) although Dr. Bob talks about it. Thanks, and KEEP READING!! ...
Rating:  Summary: Not till I find out more about Lillian Thompson! Review: I was all set to get this book, really...Till it came to my attention that I alreasy HAVE a book that cites Lillian Thompson's research at The Univerity of Toronto with flax seeds on breast cancer in mice (or rats, whichever-- except that its NOT whichever, it's bloody mice! and they don't always get the same results in both!) and it says that she is going one step further and, in a pilot study, is giving flaxseeds to women recently diagnosed with the disease. Now there is a review right here written in December, 1998, about the hardcover edition of this book that says that Dr. Arnot failed to make clear that the results Lillian Thompson obtained were for mice. The book I bought was published in hardcover in 1998 and in paperback in 1999, and I just got it in 2000. So I though maybe since then Lillian Thompson had published something in which she had given flaxseeds to human subjects diagnosed with breast cancer. Since the government has granted free poblic access to Medline, I looked up her reasearh on it. She hasn't done recent research on any human subjects unless you count one experiment done a few years ago in which she gave various doses of of raw flaxseeds and processed (as in cooked: in bread and muffins) flaxseeds to healthy human subjects to see if what (no I don't know what--but it was what it was supposed to be) was excreted would be excreted in a dose dependant manner and if it would be affected by processing ( raw vs. processed): it was excreted in a dose dependant manner and this was regardless of whether the flaxseeds were raw or processed in muffins and bread. But on Medline I could find no experiments of hers on human subjects with breast cancer going back as far as 1993. It's not that her experiments on mice aren't encouraging , but one wonders what happened to the human subjects that were recently diagnosed with breast cancer who were going to get the flax seeds. It may not even be that she hasn't done that and published it too--it's just that as of now, if she has, I can't find it on Medline and I can find this other stuff of hers. I don't intend to stop using flaxseeds, but I'm also not getting this book yet. Also to be consdered, possibly, that I do not know about: another reveiewer said that some of the scientists whose work was cited in the book have disassociated themselves from it. One might want to know why. I do think that diet and some cancers are related and that it is worth one's while to find out what one can and try to reduce one's risk. However, I ,too, live on a budget, I have other needs too, and i'm not ready for this book yet.
Rating:  Summary: Not till I find out more about Lillian Thompson! Review: Though Arnot's book is simply (perhaps simplistically) written, it nevertheless points out exciting areas of research. Most of the dietary recommendations are just good sense for a generally healthy diet. As for supplementation with high doses of certain substances, one should of course study such things further before making radical changes. As a TV doctor, wouldn't you expect he'd write in a TV manner, ie. sensationalistically? I found the book useful as a source of ideas for further research, not a Bible. As for the vaunted American Council on Science and Health's critique, mentioned in the majority of negative reviews here: Take a look at their site, and you'll easily see that they're a bunch of apologists for the most conservative and capitalistic viewpoints possible, lackeys for the food and chemical industries. Check out their pieces on irradiation, why soda pop isn't a bad food, the bad rap that DDT got, etc ad nauseum. If that's the kind of people who you put your faith in, you have nothing to say to those who put their faith in a TV doctor. Think for yourself, read critically, maintain a healthy skepticism, and research thoroughly before making radical changes. But don't throw the baby with the bathwater. This book sheds light on some intriguing possibilities - use it as a starting point.
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